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1. **财位(命理学上的财位):** 这是指根据个人八字或者风水理论认定的一个最适合发财的方位。每个人的八字不同,所以财位也会因人而异。如果你知道自己的八字,可以请教风水师或者命理师确定你的财位。

2. **福德门:** 传统风水中,福德门是指房屋的正门或者主要出入口,摆放床的方向朝向福德门,被认为可以引来好运气和财气。

3. **八字金库方位:** 根据个人八字的五行属性,金库方位也是一种风水上认定的可以提升财运的方位。

4. **风水富贵位:** 在房间中寻找风水上认为富贵的位置摆放床,有助于提升家中的财气。



According to geomantic doctrine, the position of the bed has certain effect to money carry. Generally speaking, it is below a few geomantic on think to conduce to the bed that promotes money use put the position:

1.** money (the money on life a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties) : ** this is a when show according to individual character 8 geomantic perhaps theory is maintained trend that suits to get rich most. The character 8 of everybody is different, so money also meet because of the person different. If you know your character 8, can consult geomantic division or the money that division of lot put in order decides you.

2.Door of ** blessing heart: ** tradition is geomantic in, fudemen is the front door that points to a building main perhaps passageway, put the door of heart of directional front blessing of the bed, be thought to be able to draw lucky gas and wealth vital energy.

3.Azimuth of exchequer of ** character 8: ** basis the attribute of the five elements of individual character 8, exchequer azimuth also is a kind geomantic go up the cognizance position that can promote money use.

4.** geomantic riches and honour: ** is searched in the room geomantic on think the position of riches and honour puts a bed, the money in conducing to promotion home is angry.

Those who need an attention is, geomantic doctrine exists because of the distinct possibility of district and culture difference, the area that so best him basis is in and individual case come those who choose appropriate bed to put the position. In the meantime, geomantic it is a kind of traditional idea only, scientific evidence does not support its effectiveness, put the position in what decide a bed so when, also should consider actual comfortable sex and those who decorate is beautiful degree.
