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  • 立春,也称为“Start of Spring”,是中国二十四节气中的第一个节气,标志着春季的开始。这个节气通常在每年的2月4日或5日开始,持续到2月18日或19日。立春的到来意味着冬天的结束,万物开始复苏,自然界呈现出生机勃勃的景象。在这一天,人们会庆祝春天的到来,进行各种传统活动,如放风筝、立鸡蛋、佩戴燕子形状的饰品等,以祈求好运和丰收。  


      - Start of Spring (立春) - Solar term (节气) - Spring Equinox (春分) - Spring rolls (春卷) - Spring pancakes (春饼) - Flying a kite (放风筝) - Erecting the egg (立鸡蛋) - Wearing fabric swallows (佩燕子) - Biting the spring (咬春) - Spring ploughing (春耕) - Auspicious (吉祥的) - Revival of nature (自然界的复苏) - Warmer weather (温暖的天气) - Longer daylight (更长的白昼)  


      The Arrival of Spring: A Celebration of Renewal   As the winter chill gradually fades, we welcome the Start of Spring, the first solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar. This auspicious day, which typically falls on February 4th or 5th, heralds the end of the cold season and the awakening of nature. The days grow longer, and the warmth of the sun begins to thaw the earth, signaling the beginning of a new cycle of growth and renewal.   In celebration of this vibrant season, people engage in various traditional activities. Flying kites is a popular pastime, as it symbolizes the lifting of spirits and the hope for a prosperous year ahead. The practice of erecting an egg, believed to bring good luck, is also observed, with many attempting to balance an egg upright on this special day.   Another delightful custom is wearing fabric swallows, a tradition that dates back to the Tang Dynasty. These swallows, made from colorful silk, are worn as a symbol of prosperity and happiness. The act of biting the spring, which involves eating spring rolls or a few mouthfuls of carrots, is believed to help ward off illness and bring health and vitality.   As the days become warmer, people also prepare for spring ploughing, an essential activity for farmers to ensure a bountiful harvest. The Start of Spring is a time of hope and anticipation, a moment to embrace the rejuvenation of the earth and the promise of a fruitful year.   春天的到来:更新的庆典   随着冬日的寒意逐渐消退,我们迎来了立春,这是中国农历中的第一个节气。这个吉祥的日子通常在2月4日或5日,标志着寒冷季节的结束和自然界的觉醒。白昼变长,阳光的温暖开始融化大地,预示着新一轮生长和更新的开始。   为了庆祝这个充满活力的季节,人们参与各种传统活动。放风筝是一种流行的娱乐方式,它象征着精神的提升和对繁荣一年的希望。立鸡蛋的习俗也被观察到,人们相信这能带来好运。另一个有趣的习俗是佩戴燕子形状的饰品,这一传统可以追溯到唐代。这些由彩色丝绸制成的燕子被佩戴着,象征着繁荣和幸福。咬春的活动,即吃春卷或几口胡萝卜,被认为可以帮助驱病延年益寿。   随着天气变暖,人们也开始准备春耕,这对农民来说是确保丰收的重要活动。立春是一个充满希望和期待的时刻,是拥抱大地复苏和丰收年承诺的时刻。