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  • 中国的十二生肖,也称为生肖 或者属相, 是一个12年的周期,其中每年由一种动物及其相关特征表示。这一系统起源于中国古代动物学,2000多年来一直是中国文化的重要组成部分。十二生肖被认为会影响人们的性格、事业、兼容性、婚姻和财富。


    Chinese zodiac: 生肖
    Sheng Xiao: 生肖
    Shu Xiang: 属相
    12-year cycle: 12年周期
    Zodiac animal: 生肖动物
    Personality: 性格
    Career: 职业
    Compatibility: 兼容性
    Fortune: 财富
    Yin and Yang: 阴阳
    God of Age: 太岁神
    Red items: 红色物品
    Zodiac hour: 生肖时辰


    The Chinese zodiac is a fascinating aspect of Chinese culture that has captivated people for centuries. It is a system that assigns an animal to each year in a 12-year cycle, with each animal believed to have specific traits that can influence a person's life.

    The cycle includes the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. These animals are not chosen randomly; they hold symbolic meanings and are deeply rooted in Chinese folklore and mythology. For instance, the Dragon is a symbol of power and good fortune, while the Rat is known for its intelligence and adaptability.

    Each year in the zodiac cycle is thought to bring different challenges and opportunities. When one's zodiac year arrives, it is believed that they may face difficulties due to offending the God of Age. To counteract this, it is traditional to wear red, a color believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

    The Chinese zodiac also extends to the hours of the day, with each animal representing a two-hour period. This further emphasizes the belief that one's birth hour can significantly impact their destiny.

    In conclusion, the Chinese zodiac is more than just a calendar system; it is a cultural treasure that reflects the rich history and beliefs of the Chinese people. It continues to be a source of fascination and guidance for many, offering insights into personal traits and life paths.





