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婷婷 tíngtíng













黄婷婷,1992年9月8日出生于中国江苏南京,歌手、演员,毕业于常州工学院。SNH48成员,隶属于上海丝芭文化传媒集团有限公司。 2013年8月18日加入SNH48二期生;






高婷婷 40周岁




外文名:Gao Tingting

别 名:高玺颜

国 籍:中国

民 族:汉族



星 座:巨蟹座

血 型:B型

身 高:169 cm

体 重:50 kg

职 业:演员


爱 好:唱歌、舞蹈、骑马、射击

性 别:女

2000年,参演郑基成、冯柏源执导的电视剧《都市情缘》(又名《金钱本色》),饰汪玲 。

2002年,参演金舸执导的电影《直接伤害》,饰刘丹 。

2003年,参演胡玫执导的电视剧《汉武大帝》,饰汉武帝的宠妃李夫人李妍 [2] 。

2007年,参演孙波执导的电视剧《警中英雄》,饰公安局大案队副队长冷赫男 。

2009年,参演王滨执导的电视剧《同龄人》,饰刘建英 。

2010年,参演谢洪执导的电视剧《国际大营救》,饰纳美 。





1“婷婷”的英文名字根据谐音算法,有Tamke(塔姆克)、Tennessee(田纳西)、Tania(覃妮娅)等等,女生可以用 Tenny 作为英文名字,男士可以用 Tin 作为英文名字,总共收录“婷婷”定制的有气质主流的英文名



穆婷婷(Monica Mu),1984年12月23日出生于重庆,中国内地女演员。毕业于北京电影学院表演系,硕士研究生学位。



演员 - 演员王婷婷




Graceful graceful sings ancient poetry, who is graceful graceful?

" graceful graceful calls prose written in classic literary style " sing ancient poetry into the song, bright able to read aloud fluently, accord with artistic conception, person of all corners of the country " god back a poem implement " .

Go up at present elementary school was included in many 100 song of the line necessary ancient poetry 75, already 6000 much person-time listen to accumulative total, it is the illuminative first selection of traditional culture. Elder sister of graceful of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad graceful is the inaugurator that children poem teachs, " graceful graceful calls prose written in classic literary style " and " graceful graceful poem teachs " the person that create,

Graceful graceful pronunciation?

Ng of í of Ngt of í of graceful graceful T

Describe good look

One Wei Tingting's village tentativelies

Graceful, chinese, double sound two or more characters with the same vowel formation is continuous word, a kind of rhetorical gimmick, basically be to come the beauty of picture the female sex and charm. Commonly used will make schoolgirl name. Out Chen Shidao " Huang Mei " of the poem: "Gradually tip of the branch is green, graceful graceful spends a servent. Graceful graceful spends a servent..

Jin Tingting original name?

Original name calls Jin Tingting.

Jin Tingting, female, always politics actor of opera of opera troupe youth, committee member of Beijing green couplet.

In June 2001, be graduated from attached middle school of Wuhan music college, of the same age takes an examination of Chinese music institute.

June 2006, be graduated from department of song of reputation of Chinese music institute 5 years to make undergraduate course, of the same age learns courtyard Master graduate student with music of exceedingly good China of achievement pass an entrance examination, during school division is taught from Jin Tielin of educationist of famous vocal music, Wang Shikui.

In August 2006, always politics the opera troupe enrols enrollment especially.

Is Huang Tingting how old?

Huang Tingting's age

30 one full year of life

Huang Tingting, was born in Chinese Jiangsu Nanjing on September 8, 1992, singer, actor, be graduated from Changzhou engineering college. SNH48 member, be subordinate to belongs to limited company of group of medium of culture of Shanghai silk Ba. Joined SNH48 on August 18, 2013 2 period unripe;

Mu Tingting is a few years old?

Mu Tingting is actual the age is 32 nominal age.

Was born in Chongqing on December 23, 1984, be graduated from Beijing film institute to perform is, graduate student master's degree.

2005, because give the teleplay that performs Zhang Li to direct " bright and beautiful garment is defended " step movie and TV to encircle, acted because of going out 2007 " Chu Liuxiang legend " in chill and arrogant Liu Momei, and take popular line of vision. 2008, she goes out acted " cheer! Tennis is princely " in with Long Qi cherry is archetypal Lin Ying therefore.

Gao Tingting age?

One full year of life of Gao Tingting 40

Be born in on July 18, 1981

Gao Tingting, be born in Heilongjiang Harbin, chinese inland actress.

Chinese name: Gao Tingting

Foreign language name: Gao Tingting

Alias: Gao Xi colour

Citizenship: China

Nation: The Han nationality

Birthplace: Heilongjiang Harbin

Give unripe date: On July 18

Constellation: Cancer

Blood type: B

Height: 169 Cm

Weight: 50 Kg

Profession: Actor

Represent work: " alarm Sino-British hero " , " Han Wu great emperor " , " international is rescued greatly " , immediate harm, " money is ecru "

Hobby: Sing, dancing, equestrian, fire

Sexual distinction: Female

2000, ginseng perform Bai Yuan of Zheng Jicheng, Feng hold the teleplay that guide " city situation reason " (renown " money is ecru " ) , act the role of Wang Ling.

2002, join barge performing gold hold the film that guide " immediate harm " , act the role of Liu Dan.

2003, join Mei performing moustache hold the teleplay that guide " Han Wu great emperor " , the Li Yan of the Li Fu that bestow favor on the wife of a prince's person that acts the role of Chinese fierce emperor [2] .

2007, ginseng perform Sun Bo hold the teleplay that guide " alarm Sino-British hero " , act the role of cold He Nan of assistant team leader of group of big case of public security bureau.

2009, ginseng perform Wang Bin hold the teleplay that guide " with age person " , act the role of Liu Jianying.

2010, ginseng perform the teleplay that thanks Hong Zhi to guide " international is rescued greatly " , act the role of accept beauty.

Gan Tingting age?

35 years old. Gan Tingting, was born in city of lake of overgrown with weeds of the Anhui province on Feburary 5, 1986, chinese inland actress, be graduated from central Thespian institute. 2006, in harmony is jumped over in the main actor piece " inside the river, inside the river " , have the honor to win film festival of international of kite of gold of 2007 year Vietnam by right of this " optimal actress award " [1] .

2010, ginseng act " water waterside is passed " in one horn of Pan Jin Lian, have the honor to win grand ceremony of teleplay of 2011 Sohu autumn by right of this drama year of grand ceremony of theatrical work of award of optimal female new personality, 2011 states is optimal new personality actress [2] .

Abbreviate of graceful graceful English?

1 " graceful graceful " English name basis homophonic is algorithmic, have Tamke (Damuke) , Tennessee (Tian Na on the west) , Tania (Qin Ni Ya) etc, the schoolgirl can regard English as the name with Tenny, the man can regard English as the name with Tin, collect in all " graceful graceful " the custom-built English name that has temperamental main aspect

Mu Tingting height?

Height 166cm

Mu Tingting (Monica Mu) , was born in Chongqing on December 23, 1984, chinese inland actress. Be graduated from Beijing film institute to perform is, degree of Master graduate student.

2005, the ancient costume theatrical work that because go out,performs Zhang Li to direct " bright and beautiful garment is defended " step movie and TV to encircle. 2007, because go out,perform theatrical work of ancient costume knight-errant " Chu Liuxiang legend " in Liu Momei one horn and take popular line of vision. In March 2011, by right of teleplay " the peacock plume of 7 kinds of weapons " obtain actor cruel with Shi Xiaolong award of optimal screen sweethearts [1] . 2012, mu Tingting is in the 4th Xin Rui is obtained on artistic character prize-giving grand ceremony " award of character of art of year new fighting spirit " . 2013, drama of main actor ancient costume " every day be pregnant " [2] ; Of the same age, modern drama of god of main actor ancient costume " new aid fair Living Buddha " [3] . 2016, modern drama of god of main actor ancient costume " Chan of bang play gold "

Actor king graceful?

Actor - actor king graceful

Yao Wan

Yao Wan, was born on September 28, 2009, chinese mainland female Tong Xing. 2010, ginseng perform Gong Dou theatrical work " discriminate is passed " , the lukewarm appropriate princess of personate baby period. 2011, ginseng perform city affection theatrical work " naked marriage age " , personate Liu bright and beautiful heart. 2014, in teleplay " knife guest's familial woman " in personate childhood Ge Yunxia (anguine child) ; Of the same age, in teleplay " red broomcorn " in personate childhood fine jade official. 2016, in teleplay " female not powerful day nots allow " in personate bud bud (5 years old of) . 2017, in teleplay " ordinary years " in personate childhood Li Xia.

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