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4、豪放派词人:苏轼、辛弃疾,并称“苏辛”; 婉约派词人:李清照(女词人)












儒家:孔子 孟子






18、唐宗:唐太宗李世民 宋祖:宋太祖赵匡胤 秦皇:秦始皇嬴政 汉武:汉武帝刘彻






































































① 三顾频频天下计,两朝开济老臣心。——诸葛亮

② 出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。——诸葛亮

③ 出师一表真名世,千载谁堪伯仲间。——诸葛亮

④ 已知天下三分鼎,犹竭人谋就出师。——诸葛亮

⑤ 刚正不阿,留得正气冲霄汉;幽愁发愤,著成信史照尘寰。——司马迁

⑥ 酌酒花间磨针石上,倚剑天外挂弓扶桑。——李白

⑦ 千古诗才,蓬莱文章建安骨;一身傲骨,青莲居士谪仙人。——李白

⑧ 翁去八百年,醉乡犹在;山行六七里,亭影不孤。——欧阳修

⑨ 铁板铜琶继东坡高唱大江东去,美芹悲黍冀南宋莫随鸿雁南飞。——辛弃疾

⑩ 世上苍痍,诗中圣哲;人间疾苦,笔底波澜。——杜甫




















(一) 称字:幼时命名由父亲长辈命名,成年(男20,女15)取字沈德鸿字雁冰,鲁迅字豫才。

(二) 称号:一般只用于自称,以显示某种志趣或抒发某种情感,年龄不限,如李白号青莲居士,白居易号香山居士,李清照号易安居士。

(三) 称谥号:古代王侯将相、高级官吏、著名文士等死后被追加的称号,如范仲淹称文正,欧阳修称文忠。

(四) 称籍贯:以人的出身地命名,如孟浩然称孟襄阳,柳宗元又称柳河东。

(五) 称官名:以人的官名来命名,如杜甫称杜工部。

(六) 称官地:以人做官的地方来命名。如岑参:岑嘉州 柳宗元称柳柳州



1、 自称:愚、敝、卑、臣、仆

2、 帝王自称:孤、寡、朕

3、 古代官吏自称:下官、末官、小吏

4、 读书人自称:小生、晚生、晚学、不才、不肖

5、 古人称自己一方的亲属朋友用家或舍:如家父、家母、家兄、舍弟、舍妹、舍侄

6、 其他自谦词:






1、 对帝王:万岁、圣上、天子、圣驾、陛下、大王

2、 对将军:麾下

3、 对于对方或对方亲属的敬称用令、尊、贤








4、 称年老的人为丈,丈人。唐以后称岳父为丈人,又称泰山。妻母为丈母,又称泰水。

5、 称谓前加“先”表已死,用于敬称地位高的人或年长的人。





6、 君对臣敬称:卿、爱卿。



1、 百姓的称谓:布衣、黎民、庶民、苍生、氓。

2、 伯(孟)仲叔季:兄弟行辈中长幼排行的次序。


3、 不同的朋友关系之间的称谓:








One, common term borrowing era:

1, one's native place: Home town

2, one's pupils or disciples: Student

3, the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state, Xuan Yuan: Country

4, south coronal: Convict

5, schoolfellow: Classmate

6, beacon: War

7, women: Woman

8, traditional stringed and woodwind instrument: Music

9, a man: Man

10, lovely wowan, goddess in the moon: Moon

11, brothers: Brother

12, historical records: Annals

13, married couple: Husband and wife

14, Bai Ding, commoners: Common people

15, with one's back bent, huang Fa: Old person

16, Sang Ma: Agronomic

17, guide and support, early childhood: Child

18, 3 feet: Law

19, below genu: Parents

20, canopy: Luck

21, case, brief, annotation, swan goose, thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China: Epistolary

22, temple hall: Imperial court

2, author writing:

1, Tang Song 8 everybody: Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ou Yangxiu, Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, Wang Anshi, Ceng Gong

2, say " Han Liu " is Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, they are the advocate that Tang Chao ancient prose moves.

3, a father and son 3 words guest: Su Xun (Laosu) , Su Shi (big revive) , Su Zhe (Xiaosu) .

4, bold and unconstrained sends word person: Su Shi, laborious abandons disease, say " Su Xin " person of statement of group of; graceful and restrained: Li Qing is illuminated (female word person)

5, Li Du: Li Bai, Du Fu. Small Li Du: Li Shang concealed, Du Mu.

6, Qu Yuan: Our country's earliest great poet, he was created " Chu Ci " body of this one free verse written in a vernacular, started style of romanticism of our country poetry.

7, Confucius name grave, word intermediate Buddhist nun, age Shilu compatriots, he is the author of Confucianist school, be called " aperture sage " , the Mencius is called " inferior emperor " , two people are called " Kong Meng " .

8, Su Shi praises Wang Wei " there is a picture in the poem, there is a verse in the picture. There is a verse in the picture..

9, Du Fu is the realistic poet with great Tang Dynasty, the reflective society with its extensive and deep poem is actual, be called " poetic history " , du Fu also accordingly by honour for " Shi Sheng " , have famous " 3 official " : " Tong involves official " , " stone fosse official " , " Xin Anli " ; " 3 not " : " newly-married is fastened " , " aging not " , " fasten without the home " .

10, general history of the first history presented in a series of biographies of our country is " history write down " (say again " too Shi Gongshu " ) , the author is minister change of Han Chao, lu Xun says " history write down " for " the peak of poetic perfection of historian, do not have charm " from coquettish " " , have: 12 discipline, 30 old and well-known family, 70 biographies, 10 watches, 8 books, in all 130.

11, " 4 history " : " history write down " , " Chinese book " , " book of the later Han dynasty " , " annals of the Three Kingdoms " .

12, a type of verse popular in the Yuan Dynasty 4 everybody: Close Han Qing, Zheng Guangzu, Bai Piao, Ma Zhiyuan.

13, " different of Liao Zhai annals " it is collect of short story of the first outstanding classical Chinese of our country, the author is Pu Songling of clear acting famous fictionist. "Liao Zhai " the bookstore name that is him, "Annals " it is narrate, "Different " it is strange thing.

14, calligraphy 4 everybody: Public right of Yan Zhenqing, willow, Ou Yangxun, Zhao Meng (F ǔ )

15, contention of a hundred schools of thought of period of the Warring States is main genre and delegate:

The Confucianist: Confucius Mencius

Legalists: Han Fei child

Taoist school: Village, row child

Mohist School: Mo Zi

16, the Southern Song Dynasty 4 everybody: Liu You, Yang Moli, Fan Cheng is big, blame Mao

17, frontier fortress poet: Gao Kuo, Cen Can, Wang Changling

18, Tang Zong: Song Zu of Tang Taizong Li Shimin: Song Taizu Zhao corrects offspringing Qin Huang: Zheng Hanwu of a surname of Qin Shi emperor: Thorough of Liu of Chinese fierce emperor

19, the Tao Yuan that the first pastoral poet of our country is the Eastern Jin dynasty bright (Tao Qian) , he " do not be 5 bottles of rice bow " .

20, the 4 big miser in world literature work: Ge Lang stage, Xialuoke, spill smooth rare gold, Abagong.

21, the model of Chinese miser: Yan Jiansheng.

3, of Chinese literature most:

The earliest poetry total volume is " The Book of Songs " ;

The earliest patriotic poet is Qu Yuan;

The Tao Yuan that the earliest pastoral poet is the Eastern Jin dynasty bright;

The earliest also is the Gao Kuo that the most crackajack frontier fortress poet is Cheng Tang and Cen Can;

The person of statement of group of bold and unconstrained with the most prominent ancient time is the Su Shi; of Northen Song Dynasty

The Li Qing that the female word person with the most prominent ancient time is the Southern Song Dynasty illuminates;

The laborious that the patriotic word person with the famousest ancient time is the Southern Song Dynasty abandons disease;

The romanticism poet with the greatest ancient time is the Li Bai; of Tang Dynasty

The realistic poet with the greatest ancient time is the Du Fu; of Tang Dynasty

Ancient time writes the Liu You; that the patriotic poet with most poem is the Southern Song Dynasty

The full length and mythological novel with the famousest ancient time is bright generation Wu Chengen " on the west travel notes " ;

The novel of full length history with the famousest ancient time is bright first of Luo Guanzhong " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " ;

The novel that ancient time writes a farmer the earliest to uprise is yuan of end bright first of Shi Naian " Shui Hu is passed " ;

The realistic novel with the greatest ancient time is clear acting Cao Xueqin " red Lou Meng " ;

The full length and acid novel with the most crackajack ancient time is clear Daiwu Jing Zi " Confucianism forest outside history " ;

The part of classical Chinese short story with the most excellent ancient time is clear acting Pu Songling " different of annals talking about fast " ;

The quotation system essay with the earliest ancient time is " the analects of confucius " ;

The annalistic style history that the details of begin to remember things with the earliest ancient time has is " Zun Chuan " ;

The general history of history presented in a series of biographies with the earliest ancient time is " history write down " ;

Ancient time is the most crackajack inscriptive be Yu Xi of Tang Dynasty Liu " humble room inscription " ;

Contemporary the greatest writer is Lu Xun;

Contemporary the most crackajack novel is Mao Dun " midnight " ;

Contemporary the most influential short story collect is Lu Xun " cry out " .

4, literacy general knowledge:

1, first Tang Sijie: Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Lu takes king of guest of adjacent, a white horse with a black mane.

2, the Three Kingdoms: The Kingdom of Wei, Sichuan, .

3, " 4 big classic famous book " : " red Lou Meng " , " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " , " Shui Hu " , " on the west travel notes " .

4, " 4 big folklore " : " cowboy Girl Weaver " , " Liang Shanbai and Zhu Ying stage " , " Meng Jiang daughter " , " white snake is passed " .

5, 4 big short stories of world great master: · of mulberry of Qihefu, Mo Bo, mark spits lukewarm, Ou Henderson.

6, the top achievement of essay of prosaic delegate Northen Song Dynasty, its poem and Huang Tingjian say " Su Huang " .

7, of Ma Zhiyuan medicinal powder music masterpiece " Qiu Sai of · of day clean sand " , be known as " Qiu Saizhi ancestor " .

8, Cao Xueqin " open and read 10 carry, additions and deletions 5 " the greatest realistic work in writing our country classic novel " red Lou Meng " (say again " stone is written down " ) , after it comes out wide to circulate, love by people, a knowledge that still appeared to research this book technically -- " red learn " , "Red learn " the main task in already becoming world literature to consider now.

9, the founder that Lu Xun is Chinese modern literature, chen Yi is called " marshal poet " ;

Home Zang Ke is made because of the poem it is rural subject matter more, have " clay poet " weigh;

Field be heard more than 1 praise for " the drummer of the times " () of poet of beat of beat a drum.

10, year old cold 3 friend: Loose, bamboo, plum.

11, the 4 gentleman in the flower: Plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum.

12, bookman 4 friend: Musical instrument, chess, book, picture.

13, the four treasures of the study: Pen, Chinese ink, paper, inkstone.

14, 4 libraries whole book: Classics, history, child, collect.

15, " The Book of Songs " " 6 justice " point to: Wind, elegant, eulogy (classification) , ode, than, promote (expressional gimmick) .

16, novel of Tang poetry, Song Ci, a type of verse popular in the Yuan Dynasty, bright Qing Dynasty.

17, head of head of laurel, a huge legendary turtle, a list of names posted up, ask a vessel, seize chief: The first.

18, 3 key link 5 constant: "3 key link " : Father is child key link, Jun Weichen key link, husband is wife key link; " 5 constant " : Benevolence, justice, ceremony, wisdom, letter.

19, " the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) " " the five classics " be the Confucianist is main and classical:

20, 3 emperor: Emperor of the emperor of Japan, ground, person emperor or volt Xi, female Wa, god farming;

5 emperor: Ku of Xu of Huang Di, Zhuan, emperor, Tang Yao, Yu Shun.

21, hardware: Gold, silver-colored, copper, iron, stannum.

22, the five flavors: Acerbity, sweet, suffering, hot, salty.

23, the five elements: Gold, wood, water, fire, earth.

24, " always word 8 laws " it is to say " always " the word has: Dot, horizontal, perpendicular, cast aside, right-falling stroke, fold, hook, carry 8 kinds of strokes.

25, archaic school has the name such as Xiang, foreword, the Imperial College, highest institution of higher learning is the Imperial College when bright Qing Dynasty.

26, all sorts of people: "3 teach " : ; of confusianism, Buddhist, Taoism " 9 flow " : The Confucianist, Taoist school, the yin-yang School, Legalists, a person of academic or artistic distinction, Mohist School, Political Strategists, the Eclectics, farmhouse.

27, archaic imperial examinations takes an exam (from clear) of Dai Zhiming of the Sui Dynasty:

A Tong Sheng tries, also cry " child try " , examinee does not divide age size to weigh Tong Sheng, the member that be born is obtained after qualification (scholar, appearance is public) qualification, such ability attend imperial examinations to take an exam.

B countryside tries, two generation are in bright Qing Dynasty 3 every years to save exam that provincial capital holds each, you Xiucai attends, the first be called solution (Ji è ) member.

C can try, two generation are in bright Qing Dynasty 3 every years exam that the capital holds, a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties of each province and inspect of the Imperial College are unripe all but take an examination,

D final imperial examination, it is the examination that imperial examinations makes top level, the emperor goes up in Dian Ting, the Gong Shiqin that admits to can trying asks from plan, in order to decide armour. Admit minute of armour: One armour 3, grant " pass an imperial examination of a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations " title, number One Scholar of the first name (vessel yuan) , eye of a list of names posted up of the 2nd name, explore of the 3rd name is beautiful, close say " 3 armour vessel " ; a certain number of 2 armour names, grant " one's previous experience of a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations " 3 armour of title; a certain number of names,

Formal imperial examinations takes an exam, time is annual, place government office (city) county, examinee Confucian scholar, Tong Sheng, get skilful writer of scholarly honour and official rank

Countryside tries, time 3 years (autumn) , the ground nods provincial capital, examinee scholar, get a scholarly honour and official rank (a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties) it is solution the first times yuan

Can try, time 3 years (spring) , place the Ministry of Rites in feudal China (capital) , examinee a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the Ming and Qing dynasties, get a scholarly honour and official rank (tribute person) it is the first times meeting yuan

Final imperial examination, the of the same age after time can try in April, the ground nods palace, examinee tribute person, get a scholarly honour and official rank (a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations) spend before 3 times for eye of Number One Scholar, a list of names posted up, explore

The exam classifies formal imperial examinations: Countryside tries, can try, final imperial examination 3 class.

Ascend 3 armour repeatedly () of 3 yuan of pass an imperial examination: Solution yuan -- meeting yuan -- imperial examinations of ancient time of Number One Scholar takes an exam.

5, line and person:

① the world of the 3 frequency that consider frequency plan, two face open heart of aid old official. -- Zhu Geliang

② dispatchs troops not nimble body predecease, long make heroic tear full front of a garment. -- Zhu Geliang

③ dispatchs troops world of one watch true name, 1000 who to carry between can almost the same. -- Zhu Geliang

④ foregone the world 3 minutes of vessels, still exhaust person is sought dispatch troops. -- Zhu Geliang

⑤ upright not A, stay so that healthy atmosphere makes a determined effort to deep and remote anxious of; thing sky, write true history to reflect dirt extensive region. -- minister change

⑥ drinks needle stone is ground to go up between hops, lean on a sword universal hang Gong Fusang. -- Li Bai

Poesy of ⑦ through the ages, article of a fabled abode of immortals builds lofty and unyielding character of a suit of the; that install bone, celestial being of blame of green lotus lay Buddhist. -- Li Bai

⑧ old man goes 800 years, drunk country still goes in; hill 67 lis, booth shadow not Gu. -- Ou Yangxiu

Afterwards of Pa of copper of ⑨ iron plate east slope sings loudly great river east go, the Song Mo austral look forward to of millet of beautiful Qin Bei flies south Sui Hongyan. -- laborious abandons disease

⑩ world God wounds, sufferings of world of; of Shi Zhongsheng sagacious, pen bottom billows. -- Du Fu

You Liuzheng enrages very tall ground, always remnant a loyal heart illuminates Gu Jin. -- Wen Tianxiang

Thoughtful hold high white Qing Zhong, wind of Bei of the eternally on Gu Luo Jiang. -- Qu Yuan

Hill of all sides lake puts in eye ground 's charge, 10 thousand care are happy in mind. -- Fan Zhongyan

Great river 100 generation, numerous billow Qi Ben cleans out eternally Yuan Qian of word of heroic Chinese; carries, show of contest of beautiful women or fragrant flowers blooms one branch daughter is beautiful. -- Li Qing is illuminated

Interpret is written have not become a book, jing hears meteorite, does Chinese He Ren get a loud cry? The gentleman has died, painful recollect the past rain, the literary world feels from now on hesitation. -- Lu Xun

Mao Zedong weighs Zhu Ziqing: "Do not be the 5 people that fight rice and bow. "Do not be the 5 people that fight rice and bow..

Lenin assist Gorky: "The most crackajack delegate of proletarian art. "The most crackajack delegate of proletarian art..

Of ballet reincarnate: Wulannuowa.

Guan Hanqing is called: "Oriental Shakespeare " .

6, storytelling of a word:

① " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " : Article is very not deep, character not very common.

② " red Lou Meng " : Word word looks all is blood, work hard 10 years not common. (Cao Xueqin language)

③ " dream brook conversation by writing " : Chinese science and technology history the coordinate that go up. (Ying Liyaose)

④ a fierce struggle between two evenly-matched opponents: " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms "

The mirror of ⑤ monarch: " endowment control a warning "

⑥ meaningfuls say decline: " plan of the Warring States "

The war with immortal ⑦ is artistic: " grandchildren strategics "

The coronach with ⑧ acting old times: " camel auspicious child "

7, the person's appellation:

(One) weigh a word: Young when name name by father elder member of family, grown (male 20, female 15) takes wild goose of word of grand of word Shenyang heart to put on the ice, lu Xun word pleaseds just.

(2) title: Use at professing only commonly, with showing some kind of inclination or voice some is planted affection, the age is not restricted, be like lay Buddhist of lotus of blueness of Li Bai date, reside lay Buddhist of easy date sweet hill in vain, li Qing installs lay Buddhist easily according to date.

(3) date weighing Shi: Archaic emir is photograph, will senior government official, famous the article person name that after dying, is added, if Fan Zhongyan weighs Wen Zheng, ou Yangxiu weighs Wen Zhong.

(4) weigh native place: Name with ground of one's previous experience, if Meng Hao weighs Meng Xiangyang like that, liu Zongyuan weighs Liu He again east.

(5) name weighing an official: Will name with government-owned name of the person, if Du Fu calls Du Gong the ministry.

(6) ground weighing an official: Will name with the place of person be an official. Be like Cen Can: Liu Zongyuan of Cen Jia city calls Liu Liu the city

(7) archaic monarch is right the Feng Cijue date of aristocratic hero () : Fair, Hou, uncle, child, male (5 wait)

8, modest says:

1, profess: I, our, low, official, fall forward

2, the monarch professes: Gu, few, I

3, archaic government official professes: Issue official, end official, beadle

4, the scholar professes: Small learn unripely, late unripely, late, not ability, unworthy

5, the relative friend that the ancients calls him one party uses the home or abandon: Elder brother of mother of the father that be like the home, home, home, abandon younger brother, abandon younger sister, abandon brother's son

6, other self-abasement word:

Honour better professes: Going up

Junior professes: Falling

The old person professes: Gaga, an old fellow like me

Woman self-abasement: Concubine

9, respect say:

1, to the monarch: Banzai, His or Her Majesty, the emperor, emperor is driven, Majesty, king

2, to the general: General

3, to the other side or relative of the other side respect say to use your, honour, virtuous

Your: Your father (father of the other side) your mother (mother of the other side) your elder brother (elder brother of the other side) your son (son of the other side) your daughter (daughter of the other side)

Honour: With the person that will say to be concerned with the other side and content.

Honour go up (parents of the other side) honour fair, honour gentleman, honour government office (father of the other side)

Honour hall (mother of the other side) honour close (the kin of the other side) honour life (of the other side bade) honour meaning (the meaning of the other side)

Virtuous: Weigh of the same generation or junior.

Virtuous home (point to the other side) virtuous man (son of the other side) virtuous younger brother (little brother of the other side)

Benevolence: Say to the factitious my dear brother at oneself grows in compeer friend. The person that says the position is high is benevolence fair.

4, weigh aged factitious measure, wife's father. Tang Yi hind call farther-in-law wife's father, weigh a father-in-law again. Wife mother is wife's mother, call peaceful water again.

5, add before appellation " first " the watch is dead already, call a position tall person or elderly person with Yu Jing.

Weigh gone father: Take an examination of first, first father.

Weigh gone mother: First deceased mother, mother first.

Exanimate has the person of ability heart: Wise man.

Gone monarch: First the Supreme Being.

6, Jun Duichen respects say: Dear, love dear.

7, the person with exalted to character and morals, prominent wisdom is used " emperor " the watch is respected say, "Confucius " for " sage " , "Mencius " for " inferior emperor " " Du Fu " for " Shi Sheng " , later " emperor " multi-purpose at the monarch, be like " His or Her Majesty " , " emperor is driven " .

10, special appellation:

1, the appellation of common people: Commoners, the common people, common people, common people, the common people.

2, uncle (the first month) Zhong Shuji: Brother grows the order of young seniority in travel generation.

Uncle (the first month) it is the old, intermediate is the second, father's younger brother is old 3, season is old 4.

3, the appellation between disparate friend impact:

Of poor and lowly hand in: Cheap and the position is low when the friend of associate with.

Golden Lan Zhi hands in: Friendly feelings agrees, be like brotherly friend in person.

Of neck of cut one's throat hand in: With life and death, the friend that share hardship.

Forget year hand in: Generation share is different, the age differs older friend.

Of a bamboo stick used as a toy horse hand in: The opposite sex friend that is brought up together as a child.

Of the commoners hand in: Interact with the photograph of civilian identity

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