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1 威尼斯 位于意大利最著名的城市水城威尼斯,是全世界最浪漫的旅行目的地之一。圣马可广场位于城市中心,周围还有著名的大教堂。威尼斯是一个美丽的水上城市,它建筑在最不可能建造城市的地方-水上,威尼斯的风情总离不开“水”,蜿蜒的水巷,流动的清波,她就好像一个漂浮在碧波上浪漫的梦,诗情画意久久挥之不去。这个城市,有一度曾握有全欧最强大的人力、物力和权势。威尼斯的历史相传开始于公元453年;当时威尼斯地方的农民和渔民为逃避酷嗜刀兵的游牧民族,转而避往亚德里亚海中的这个小岛。威尼斯外形像海豚,城市面积不到7.8平方公里,却由118个小岛组成,177条运河蛛网一样密布其间,这些小岛和运河由大约401座各式各样的桥梁缀接相连。整个城市只靠一条长堤与意大利大陆半岛连接

2阿姆斯特丹运河 阿姆斯特丹的运河总长度超过100公里,拥有大约90座岛屿和1,500座桥梁,使得该市被称为"北方的威尼斯"。阿姆斯特丹是座水城,十分美丽、漂亮。河网交错,河道纵横。有大小165条人工开凿或修整的运河道。河道上泊有两千多家"船屋",虽然是船屋但设施齐全。乘玻璃船游览阿姆斯特丹才能真正体会水城的独特韵味。游船穿行在著名的河道间,河道两旁是典型的荷兰传统民居建筑。特点是房子正面和窗户都是细长的,这是因为当时征收房产税是按门面的面积征收,精明的荷兰人为了节省税都尽量减少正面的面积。由于门面狭小所以装饰的心思都放在了屋顶的山墙上。仔细观察会发现各家的山墙都不同。由于门窄,大型家具物品需从窗户进去,为此房上设有突出的吊钩。阿姆斯特丹著名的运河有皇帝运河、王子运河和绅士运河等。音乐节8月中旬

3. 马尔代夫 马尔代夫南部的赤道海峡和一度半海峡为海上交通要道。被誉为“上帝抛洒人间的项链”,“印度洋上人间最后的乐园”的马尔代夫由1200余个小珊瑚岛屿组成,其中202个岛屿有人居住。马尔代夫南部的赤道海峡和一度半海峡为海上交通要道。 马尔代夫基于环境因素,境内无法建设铁路,但仍设有易卜拉欣纳西尔国际机场。该国虽然国土偏小,建国也不久,但有很多节日,同时该国也是个伊斯兰教国家。马尔代夫共和国位于南亚,是印度洋上一个岛国,由1200余个小珊瑚岛屿组成,其中202个岛屿有人居住。马尔代夫是亚洲第二个小国,也是世界最大的珊瑚岛国。南部的赤道海峡和一度半海峡为海上交通要道。马尔代夫亦被誉为"上帝抛洒人间的项链","印度洋上人间最后的乐园"。(据说由于海平面的上升,马尔代夫可能在五十年后可能就会消失在世界上哦,所以想要去的抓紧哦!)

4 .迪拜 迪拜是全球性国际金融中心之一,成为了东、西方各资本市场之间的桥梁,同时也成为了重要的物流、贸易、交通运输、旅游和购物中心。拥有世界上第一家七星级酒店(帆船酒店)、世界最高的摩天大楼(哈利法塔)、全球最大的购物中心、世界最大的室内滑雪场等,以活跃的房地产、赛事、会谈等近乎世界纪录的特色吸引了全世界的目光。2020年世界博览会将在此举办。去玩可以看见大富豪哟!

5.新加坡 新加坡是亚洲的发达国家,被誉为“亚洲四小龙”之一,其经济模式被称作为“国家资本主义”。根据2014年的全球金融中心指数(GFCI)排名报告,新加坡是继纽约、伦敦之后的第三大国际金融中心,也是亚洲重要的服务和航运中心之一。新加坡是东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)成员国之一,也是世界贸易组织(WTO)、英联邦(The Commonwealth)以及亚洲太平洋经济合作组织(APEC) 成员经济体之一。新加坡也是东亚第四最富裕地区,仅次于香港、日本和韩国。新加坡在城市保洁方面成绩斐然,故有"花园城市"之美称。

6.巴厘岛 巴厘岛上大部分为山地,全岛山脉纵横,地势东高西低。岛上的最高峰是阿贡火山海拔3142米。巴厘岛是印度尼西亚唯一信奉印度教的地区。80%的人信奉印度教。主要通行的语言是印尼语和英语。沙努尔、努沙-杜尔和库达等处的海滩,是岛上景色最美的海滨浴场,这里沙细滩阔、海水湛蓝清澈。每年来此游览的各国游客络绎不绝。由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。因此,它还享有多种别称,如"神明之岛"、"恶魔之岛"、"罗曼斯岛"、"绮丽之岛"、"天堂之岛"、"魔幻之岛"、"花之岛"等。2015年由美国著名旅游杂志《旅游+休闲》一项调查结果把印尼巴厘岛评为世界上最佳的岛屿之一。但这里的印度教同印度本土上的印度教不大相同,是印度教的教义和巴厘岛风俗习惯的结合,称为巴厘印度教。居民主要供奉三大天神(梵天、毗湿奴、湿婆神)和佛教的释迦牟尼,还祭拜太阳神、水神、火神…

7.普吉岛 普吉岛(泰语:)属于泰王国普吉府管辖,面积543平方千米,是泰国最大的岛,也是泰国最小的府,2014年,岛民共计超过60万人。普吉岛位于泰国西南方,安达曼海东南部海面之上,是一座南北较长(最长处48.7千米)、东西稍窄(最宽处21.3千米)的狭长状岛屿,北以巴帕海峡与泰国本土的攀牙府相邻,而东侧则是隔着攀牙湾与对岸的甲米府呼应,西岸及南岸则都濒临安达曼海。普吉岛由于面临安达曼海,气候备受海洋季风影响,上半年炎热,下半年多雨。普吉岛以其迷人的热带风光和丰富的旅游资源被称为"安达曼海上的一颗明珠",而且自然资源十分丰富,有"珍宝岛"、"金银岛"的美称。主要矿产是锡,还盛产橡胶、海产和各种水果。岛上工商业、旅游业都较发达。首府普吉镇地处岛东南部,是一个大港口和商业中心。

8 .夏威夷 夏威夷州(Hawaii State)美国唯一的群岛州,由太平洋中部的132个岛屿组成。首府位于瓦胡岛上的檀香山。最早的居民是波利尼西亚人,1778年后欧、亚移民陆续移来。1795年建夏威夷王国。1898年被美国吞并。1900年归属美国。1959年成为美国的第五十个州。今居民以欧、美白人和日本人居多,其次是混血种人、菲律宾人和华人。夏威夷州是美国唯一的群岛州,由太平洋中部的132个岛屿组成。陆地面积为1.67万平方千米。夏威夷属于海岛型气候,终年有季风调节,每年温度约在摄氏26度至31度。位居太平洋的"十字路口",是亚、美和大洋洲间海、空运输枢纽,具有重要的战略地位。其中火奴鲁鲁是太平洋航线的中继线和重要港口。瓦胡岛是工农业生产集中区,火奴鲁鲁位于该岛东南岸,是全州最大的政治、经济、文化中心。设有夏威夷大学等。于地底火山脉之海面上共延伸了1523英里之长。花香四溢的新鲜空气让您活力四射。温暖平静的海水将使您恢复精力。岛上令人叹为观止的自然美景让您精神倍增!

9.普罗旺斯 普罗旺斯是世界闻名的薰衣草故乡,并出产优质葡萄酒。普罗旺斯还是欧洲的"骑士之城",是中世纪重要文学体裁骑士抒情诗的发源地。 普罗旺斯境内有艾克斯(Aix-en-Provencea)、马赛等名城,还有阿尔勒(Arles)、葛德、阿维尼翁(又译亚维农)(Avignon)、尼姆(Nimes)等市镇组成。此地区物产丰饶、阳光明媚、风景优美,从古希腊、古罗马时代起就吸引着无数游人,至今依然是旅游胜地。


1 Venice is located in Venice of Italy's famousest urban water city, it is one of the journey's ends with the most romantic whole world. Square of holy Ma Ke is located in urban center, there still is famous cathedral all round. Venice is the city on a beautiful water, it builds the place that making a city possibly least of all - on water, venetian amorous feelings always cannot leave " water " , winding water alley, going from place to place Qing Bo, she is like a dream that floats in the romance on blue waves, of brandish of for a long time of poetics picture meaning do not go. This city, have ever grasped for a time have complete Ou Zuijiang's great labor power, material resources and power and influence. Historical according to legend of Venice begins 453 years at the Christian era the farmer of Venetian place and fisherman are; at that time those who elude resort to force of cruel be addicted to is nomadic, turn and avoid toward Yadeliya this isle in the sea. Venetian appearance resembles dolphin, urban area is less than 7.8 square kilometer, comprise by 118 isles however, 177 canals cobweb is euqally densely covered meantime, these isles and canal are received by about 401 sundry bridge compose be linked together. Whole town relies on a senior bank and join of Italian mainland peninsula only

The canal overall length of Amsterdam of 2 Amsterdams canal spends more than 100 kilometers, have about 90 islands and 1, 500 bridge, make this city is called the Venetian " of " north. The Amsterdam is a water city, very beautiful, beautiful. Crisscross of a network of waterways, wadi freely. Have volume the carry wadi of 165 artificial cut or nap. The berth on wadi has " of house of boat of more than 2000 " , although be boat house but establishment is all ready. Visit Amsterdam ability to experience the individual lasting appeal of water city truly by vitreous boat. Yacht crosses between famous wadi, civilian house builds the Holand tradition that wadi both sides is a model. The characteristic is house front and window be slightness, because impose house property tax at that time,this is it is to press the area of appearance to collect, astute Dutch reduces openly area as far as possible to save tax. Because appearance is narrow,so illuminative idea is put on the frontispiece of housetop. Careful observation can discover each frontispiece is different. Because the door is narrow, large furniture goods needs to go in from the window, to outstanding hook is set on this room. The canal with famous Amsterdam has imperial canal, princely canal and gent canal to wait. Musical division in August the middle ten days of a month

3.The equatorial channel of Maldives Maldives south and for a time half channel is maritime traffic thoroughfare. Be known as " the necklace that god sheds the world " , "The Eden with the final world on the indian ocean " Maldives is comprised by islands of more than 1200 small coral, among them 202 islands are inhabited. The equatorial channel of Maldives south and for a time half channel is maritime traffic thoroughfare. Maldives is based on environmental element, churchyard cannot build railroad, but still set Yibolaxin Naxier International Airport. This country although land slants small, found a state also before long, but have a lot of red-letter days, at the same time this country also is an Islamic country. Maldives republic is located in South Asia, it is an insularity, by more than 1200 small coral islands is comprised, among them 202 islands are inhabited. Maldives is the 2nd small country of Asian, also be the world's biggest coral island country. Equatorial channel of the south and for a time half channel is maritime traffic thoroughfare. Maldives also is known as " god to shed necklace " of the world, "The Eden " with the final world on the indian ocean. (Allegedly the rise as a result of sea level, maldives may be likely after 50 years can disappear on the world, want to go so clutch! Want to go so clutch!!

4. Dibaidibai is one of centers of global international banking, became east, the west the bridge between each capital market, the thing with also was become important at the same time flows, commerce, traffic is carried, travel and shopping centers. Own hotel of class of the first 7 stars (caique hotel) , the world's highest skyscraper (Halifada) , the shopping center with the largest whole world, world's biggest indoor ski field, with drawing the look of the whole world active estate, match, talk close to the characteristic of world record. World exposition will do in this action 2020. Go playing can see millionaire oh!

5. Singapore Singapore is Asian developed country, be known as " 4 small dragon of Asian " one of, its economy mode is called to be " state capitalism " . According to the index of global banking center 2014 (GFCI) ranks a report, singapore is the center of banking of the 3rd big international after afterwards new York, London, also be the Asia's important service and one of shipping centers. Singapore is alliance of southeast Asia country (one of ASEAN) member countries, also be World Trade Organization (WTO) , the British Commonwealth (The Commonwealth) and collaboration of economy of Asian Pacific Ocean are organized (one of system of APEC) member economy. Singapore also is East Asia the 4th the richest area, be next to Hong Kong, Japan and Korea. Singapore protects brilliant of clean respect achievement in the city, reason has the good name of " of " garden city.

6. cling to li island cling to the much on li island is country, freely of complete island mountain chain, relief east Gao Xi is low. The highest peak on the island is altitude of A tribute volcano 3142 meters. Cling to li island is Indonesia the area of Hinduism of exclusive believe in. The Hinduism of person believe in of 80% . The language that basically passes through is Indonesian language and English. Shanuer, exert is sanded - Dewar and library are amounted to wait for the beach of place, it is the bathing place with the most beautiful scenery on the island, azure blue of broadness of here sand fine beach, seawater is clear. Come every year in an endless stream of tourist of this excursive each country. As a result of cling to li island 10 thousand kinds of amorous feelings, scenery terribly is beautiful. Accordingly, it still enjoys a variety of another namer, luo Man of the insular " of devil of the insular " that is like " deities, " , " this the insular " that the insular " of unreal of demon of the insular " of heaven of the insular " with insular " , beautiful " , " , " , " spends. 2015 by magazine of American famous travel " travel + recreational " a findings Indonesian cling to li island is judged for one of islands of the first-rate on the world. But the Hinduism that the Hinduism here is the same as Indian mainland to go up is not quite identical, the doctrine that is Hinduism and cling to the union that li island custom is used to, call cling to li Hinduism. House democracy wants consecrate 3 great god (spirit of wet slave of Buddhist day, adjoin, wet woman) the Sakyamuni with buddhism, return hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to god of Baal, water, fire god...

Island of auspicious of general of island of 7. general auspicious (Thai:) Belong to government office of auspicious of peaceful kingdom general administer, area 543 square kilometre, it is the island with the biggest Thailand, also be the government office with the smallest Thailand, 2014, insular add up to more than 600 thousand person. Pu Jidao is located in Thailand southwest square, over offing of ministry of southeast of An Daman sea, it is a north and south longer (most good qualities 48.7 kilometre) , the thing is a bit narrow (the widest place 21.3 kilometre) islands of long and narrow shape, north with cling to handkerchief channel and the adjacent of photograph of the government office that climb a tooth with native land Thailand, and east side is to lying between the bay that climb a tooth and thither armour rice government office echo, bank and south bank are close to installing Da Manhai on the west. Because Pu Jidao is faced with An Daman sea, climate suffers marine monsoon effect fully, burning hot first half of the year, second half of the year is rainy. Pu Jidao is mixed with its attractive intertropical scene substantial travel natural resources is called " of " An Daman's maritime a bright phearl, and rich is very rich, have the good name of " of island of bullion of " of " Zhenbao Island, " . Main mineral products is stannum, still teem with balata, marine with all sorts of fruits. Commerce of insular go to work, tourism relatively develop. Town of metropolis general auspicious is located in insular southeast ministry, it is a big haven and mart.

8. Hawaiian Hawaiian city (Hawaii State) United States' only archipelago state, by Pacific Ocean 132 mid islands are comprised. Metropolis is located in the Honolulu on made of baked clay Hu Dao. The earliest dweller is Polynesia person, the Europe after 1778, inferior emigrant in succession immigrate. Built Hawaiian kingdom 1795. 1898 by American annex. Attributive 1900 United States. What became the United States 1959 is fiftieth a city. Today the dweller is in the majority with Europe, beautiful white man and Japanese, it is to mix blood to plant next person, Philippine with the Chinese. Hawaiian city is the United States' only archipelago state, by Pacific Ocean 132 mid islands are comprised. Terrestrial area is kilometre of sixteen thousand seven hundred square. Hawaiian belong to island climate, all the year round has monsoon adjustment, annual temperature is in about centigrade 26 degrees reach 31 degrees. Rank " of Pacific " crossroad, be inferior, the sea between the United States and the Oceania, vacant carriage key position, have important strategic place. Lu Lu of slave of its medium baking temperature is the trunk line of Pacific Ocean course and principal port. Made of baked clay Hu Dao is area of concentration of production of industry and agriculture, honolulu is located in bank of this island southeast, it is center of the politics with whole the biggest city, economy, culture. Set Hawaiian university to wait. Go up at the offing of volcanic arteries and veins end the ground in all outspread 1523 miles long. The flower is sweet the fresh air of 4 excessive lets your vigor 4 shoot. The seawater of warm calm will make you regain energy. The person makes on the island the natural beautiful scenery of acclaim as the peak of perfection lets your spirit times add!

9. Puluowangsipuluowangsi is world-famous lavender birthplace, produce excellent vintage. Puluowangsi still is the city " of " knight of Europe, it is mediaeval important literature the birthplace of stylistic knight lyric. Churchyard has Puluowangsi Ike this (the famous city such as Aix-en-Provencea) , Marseilles, still have Aerle (Arles) , Ge De, A Weini's old man (interpret inferior dimension farming) (Avignon) , Buddhist nun Mu (the small towns composition such as Nimes) . Here area products is cornucopian, in relief bright fawn on, scenery is beautiful, attracting countless tourist since times of Gu Xila, ancient Rome, still be travel resort up to now.

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