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一粒米 - 云朵






辛勤汗水 陪伴风雨

粒粒珍惜 香飘万里

一粒米 一个永远继续

一粒米 情牵着我和你

多彩中华 描绘多彩炫丽

灿烂中华 我们相约相聚



耕耘希望 收获欢喜

美好未来 锦绣大地

一粒米 一个永远继续

一粒米 情牵着我和你












2.Hario Syphon量匙:一平匙8~9g

3.Hario V60量匙:一平匙14~15g

4.咖啡豆(烘焙后):0.38~0.43 g/cm^3

5.咖啡粉:0.44~0.48 g/cm^3

























One, be afraid of drench libretto of Chen Li of a rain?

Outside looking at a window wave snow returns us once the world we play in the angle in snow string together string of footmark to imprint in me to wave heart or that the winter of snow you and I part company the form snowflake that says good-bye is looking at you to leave changes tear to blur my line of sight every time. The telephone that dials you how many times however silent imperceptible tear is looking at hang up again and again outside the window wave snow returns us once the world we play in the angle in snow string together string of footmark to imprint in me to wave heart or that the winter of snow you and I part company say good-bye is looking

2, a bead what song is a bead?

Rice - Yun Duo

Write words: Character sea

Compose: Meng Wenhao

Compose: Meng Wenhao

Rice is a miracle

Rice is a ties of friendship

Arduous sweat accompanies harships

Bead bead is cherished sweet wave 10 thousand lis

One rice continues forever

A rice affection is pulling I and you

Colorful China depicts colorful dazzle beautiful

Bright China we make an appointment to get together

A rice be pregnant with a legend

Rice places one portion period to make

Cultivated hope results jubilates

Earth of good future samite

Rice continues forever

A rice affection is pulling I and you

3, the method building bead that invents bead?

Plastic a kind of craft that building bead is plastic treatment, be in plastic in the course that builds bead, want to fumble according to the function of the machine and practice, master the plastic skill that build bead, ability improves the quality of plastic products and technology ceaselessly.

The plastic skill that build bead: Learn to hear voice.

Take the change of the speed of makings speed and temperature discretion, the noise that machine place gives out has very big different. This needs to fumble ceaselessly in practice, in wanting to endeavor to let a machine hold the sound position when movement is optimal.

The plastic skill that build bead: The society looks makings.

The material that reads to come out from nose is very important, because this is,search the first key of the reason. Have raw material, criterion temperature is too low, must add lukewarm; Have anxious stuff, criterion temperature is exorbitant, must drop in temperature etc.

The plastic skill that build bead: See grain surface glossiness and packing.

Model is changed undesirable, grain is loose: The surface is lacklustre because make a temperature and control of cooling water temperature,be undeserved.

Anyhow is so certain in the plastic process that build bead that anyhow listen to look to fumble more more more, ability discovers a problem and correct in time. The plastic skill that build bead gets the different function according to the machine and him to fumble mediumly actually, accumulate experience.

4, is bead of a coffee multiple?

: of 1. coffee beans? ?~7 for 1g

Does 2.Hario Syphon measure spoon: ? Huang Jiang?~9g

Does 3.Hario V60 measure spoon: ? Huang Jiang?4~15g

4. coffee beans (after bake) : 0.38~0.43 G/cm^3

5. coffee pink: 0.44~0.48 G/cm^3

6. grows axial 12mm after bake of beans of coffee of ″ of a 18/64, short axis 8mm, half ellipsoid of tall 5mm body, this says coffee extraction and watch area to concern, surfaces of afore-mentioned a coffee accumulate 1.4cm^2

5, beef bead and sirlon bead distinction?

Beef bead is four diamonds commonly, sirlon flesh is irregular lumpish beef, it is very much the same

Beef bead is the eye flesh that chooses an ox, go up head, outside the place of backbone, these place flesh are qualitative especially loose, juicily. Beef bead contains rich protein, amino acerbity composition is close to human body need more than pork, can increase airframe disease-resistant capacity, the person of the take good care of sb after to growing development reachs operation hind, disease is complementing the field other people such as organization of exsanguine, rehabilitate is fastened appropriate, cold winter eats beef, have warm stomach effect, for cold winter benefiting beautiful is tasted.

Sirlon namely bovine abdomen and the loose muscle that approach point of bovine costal region.

Sirlon does sirlon bead, sirlon is a kind of a general designation only, if according to place will divide, the flesh of a lot of places on bovine body can be called sirlon. Abroad imports, it is the bovine rib that becomes strip in order to cut is given priority to, it is to take from rib between go bone strip flesh, lean lean is more, adipose less, muscle is less also, suit braise in soy sauce or stew

6, is peppery bead bead of Chinese prickly ash?

Either. Peppery bead and bead of Chinese prickly ash are two kinds of different flavor. What peppery bead points to is black peppery or white moustache the fructification of any of several hot spice plants, taste is bitter and summary belt is acrid. And the fructification that what bead of Chinese prickly ash points to is Chinese prickly ash, flavour hemp is hot and summary belt is citric flavour. Although they are the spice that is used extensively at flavoring manage, but their fragrance and mouthfeel have apparent difference. Accordingly, when cooking, need chooses to use peppery bead or bead of Chinese prickly ash according to different dish and taste.

7, Henan finance and economics and distinction of Zhengzhou finance and economics?

Henan finance and economics is the abbreviation of university of politics and law of Henan finance and economics. Zhengzhou finance and economics is the abbreviation of institute of Zhengzhou finance and economics.

Henan finance and economics is the province belongs to full-time common colleges and universities, it is province of university of backbone of Henan province characteristic, Henan the doctor's degree awards key project approving construction unit, recommend graduate of outstanding and this year's undergraduate course to avoid try assiduously study a graduate student common colleges and universities, university of politics and law of selected whole nation " alliance establishing standard " .

Institute of Zhengzhou finance and economics is located in Henan to visit Zhengzhou town, it is the full-time run by the local people that holds water via approval of Ministry of Education school of ordinary undergraduate course, it is unit of member of directly under of federation of academia of division of Henan province society.

8, in south university of finance and economics of finance and economics how?

Very pretty good

Above all, in south the force of persons qualified to teach with big money is abundant. The school has the teacher of a batch of Gao Shuiping, among them a lot of teachers are had abroad study abroad or scientific research experience, can give lessons for what the student offers internationalization, Gao Shuiping and coach. The school introduces domestic and international outstanding talent actively still, raise the integral quality of the faculty and level ceaselessly.

Next, in south the course construction with big money has distinguishing feature alone. The school learns to wait for course domain to having in law, economics, management deep learning is accumulated and study positive result. The school pays attention to course across and confluence, propel innovation research actively, formed the discipline system that provides distinguishing feature alone.

9, a bead what fill a vacancy?

Pearl of a bead, rice of a bead.


On the beach, we see pearl of a bead is white and immaculate really, let me experience the ray of pearl, brought the view of beauty of a seaside to oneself.

Paddy is already mature, rice of a bead is white and immaculate really, this is the season of a bumper harvest, see white rice, seemed to see the joyance of a kind of bumper harvest.

10, how are leek bead and bead of green Chinese onion divisional?

Leek bead is black garden model, bead of green Chinese onion is the black bead that takes edge. Leek bead and bead of green Chinese onion are to grow kiosk first almost, kiosk above long bud blossoms seedy. Leek and green Chinese onion are the dish with nutrient very high value, special the joyous Zuo that gets authority. Also be the standing dish of a lot of families and the course that often take at the same time. A lot of people like to eat leek stuffing steamed stuffed bun and dumpling very much. Very delicious.

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