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A survey on the parent-child relationship in the network era has revealed that around 70 percent of Chinese primary and middle school students own smartphones, the China Youth Daily reported. 据《中国青年报》报道,一项关于网络时代亲子关系的调查显示,约70%的中国中小学生拥有智能手机。 The survey, covering primary and middle school students from China, the United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK), has found that 87.2 percent of ROK students have smartphones, followed by 68.1 percent of Chinese students. The percentages for American and Japanese students are 61.4 and 42.1 percent, respectively. 这项覆盖了来自中国、美国、日本和韩国的中小学生的调查发现,87.2%的韩国学生拥有智能手机,紧随其后的是中国学生(68.1%),美国和日本学生的这一比例分别为61.4%和42.1%。 Meanwhile, 88.4 percent of surveyed students have surfed the Internet, among which ROK students top the list, followed by American, Japanese and Chinese students. 与此同时,在参与调查的学生当中,88.4%可以上网,其中韩国学生高居榜首,其次是美国、日本和中国学生。

Nearly 80 percent of Chinese students have access to the Internet, the least among the four countries, according to the survey, adding that most of the surveyed began to surf the Internet in primary school. 调查显示,近80%的中国学生可以上网,这是四个国家中最少的,大多数参与调查的中国学生从小学就开始上网。 The survey also shows that 71.8 percent of Chinese students surf the Internet for less than an hour during school days, the least among the four countries. 调查还显示,71.8%的中国学生在校期间上网时间不到一小时,这是四个国家中最少的。 The survey stresses the importance of students' use of computers, mobile phones and the Internet in moderation while advising parents to pay close attention to their children. 该调查强调了学生适度使用电脑、手机和互联网的重要性,同时建议家长密切关注自己的孩子。

上一篇:敢坐吗? 泰坦尼克2号将于2022年下水启航(英语双语阅读)
下一篇:调查显示 我国超8成劳动者处于过劳状态(英语双语阅读)