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Criticism: 批评

Critique: 评析

Evaluation: 评价

Assessment: 评估

Feedback: 反馈

Appraisal: 鉴定

Review: 复习或回顾


Criticism is an essential component of progress and development in various fields. It involves evaluating and analyzing different aspects of a subject to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Constructive criticism is particularly valuable as it not only highlights problems but also suggests improvements. This approach fosters growth and encourages individuals or organizations to enhance their practices or creations.

In literature and art, criticism helps to assess the quality and impact of works, guiding creators towards refining their skills. In the workplace, feedback from peers and supervisors can lead to better performance and more effective strategies. Even in personal relationships, honest and thoughtful criticism can strengthen bonds by addressing issues and improving communication.

However, criticism must be delivered thoughtfully. It should be aimed at the issue rather than the individual and should be balanced with positive feedback to avoid discouragement. Effective criticism requires empathy and an understanding of the recipient’s perspective, ensuring that it is received in the spirit intended.

In summary, criticism, when applied constructively, plays a crucial role in improvement and growth, making it an invaluable tool in all areas of life.






❶ 能占用你几分钟时间吗?Could you spare me a few minutes?

同类表达 I know you are busy, and I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time. 我知道你忙,我也不想占用你太多时间。

❷ 我不断地告诉他不要那样做,但是他把我的话当耳边风。I keep telling him not to do it, but it just goes in through his one ear and out the other.

同类表达 My advice was flung away on him. 我的劝告被他当成了耳边风。

All the criticism seems to have flowed over him. 所有的批评对他似乎都是耳边风。

❸ 你差点把整件事都搞砸了。You nearly blew the entire case.

同类表达 You ruined everything. 你把一切都毁了。

❹ 请全部重做。Please do it all over again.

同类表达 Please start over from the beginning.

Redo it all!

Please work it all over again.

❺ 别那么鲁莽。Don't be so rash.

同类表达 Think carefully before you act. 三思而后行。

❻ 你不应该那么大意。You shouldn't be so careless.

同类表达 Be more careful next time. 下次再仔细点。

❼ 别再犯这么愚蠢的错误了。Don't make such a stupid mistake again.

同类表达 Make sure it won't happen again. Now, get started on your work. 下不为例啊。现在赶紧去工作吧。

❽ 真让人失望!What a disappointment!

同类表达 You did very bad. It makes me disappointed. 你做得很差,让我很失望。

You really let me down. 你真的很让我失望。

❾ 那你也应该打个电话解释一下。Then you should call me to explain.

这样回答 I promise it won't happen again. 我保证下回不会了。

❿ 我不希望再看到你犯这样的错误。I don't expect to see you making such a mistake again.

同类表达 This is the fifth mistake you have made this month. 这是你这个月第五次犯错了。
