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加长汽车都有哪些? 汽车排气管加长?英文双语对照


加长汽车都有哪些? 汽车排气管加长?英文双语对照


林肯加长、 凯蒂莱克加长。宝马的X5也有加很长的 ,哈佛加长汽车 ,还有长城加长等。



它最"出名"的一款车是肯尼迪总统乘用的检阅车。林肯品牌著名的产品有:MKC、MKZ、"大陆"(Continental)、"马克八世(MarkⅧ)、"城市"(TownCar)和"领航员" (Navigator)等在中国使用的林肯轿车多为"城市"系列。

当人们想到美国的豪华车时,首先想到的多半是凯迪拉克车或林肯车。其实人们应 当想到的不只是什么车,还应想到豪华车的创始人是谁。

这个人就是 亨利·马代恩·利兰,他创造了 凯迪拉克和林肯两种车型,被誉为美国 汽车工业的“精密生产大师”。

利兰全家在19世纪50年代初迁离在 佛蒙特的农场,14岁的利兰因年幼未能参军,然而在他谋得工具制造工这一职业时,他已不算太年轻了。他在 马萨诸塞州一家军工厂工作,先后从师学艺,干过许多工种,学到了精密生产的手艺。























What does lengthen car have?

Lai of Lincoln lengthen, Kitty overcomes lengthen. The X5 of BMW also has add very long, hafojia grows a car, still Great Wall lengthen waits.

Brand of company of Ford of company of American famous car's subordinate luxurious car, found 1917, benefit of · of virgin and factitious Henry orchid. Its brand name is the name with Lincoln of · of American president Abraham names.

Since American president Fulan overcame Lin Luosifu 1939, the performance that as a result of Lincoln Che Jie gives, elegant modelling and unapproachable comfortable be chosen to be presidential special by the White House all the time.

It most a car of " famous " is Kennedy president inspects a car by what use. The product with Lincoln well-known trademark has: Mark of "(Continental) of mainland of MKC, MKZ, " , " 8 worlds (Mark Ⅷ ) , the Lincoln car that uses " city "(TownCar) and " navigator " (Navigator) in China is series of " city " more.

When people thinks of luxurious car of the United States, the most that thinks of above all is Kaidilake car or Lincoln car. What actually people ought to think of is what car not merely, who is the author that still should think of luxurious car.

This person is henry · Madaien Lilan, he created Kaidilake and Lincoln two kinds of models, be known as American auto industry " nicety produces a Great Master " .

Home Li Lanquan in 19 centuries the change at the beginning of 50 time leaves the farm in Fomengte, benefit orchid of 14 years old because year young fail to join the army, seek so that the tool makes work in him however when this one profession, he already did not calculate too young. He in city of Ma Sazhu a place of strategic importance factory of a war industry works, learn from division early or late art, had done a lot of type of work, acquired the craft of accurate production.

Car vent-pipe lengthen?

Influence engine exhaust is smooth. The higher rotate speed to engine and meet urgently quickly generation is affected certainly. If need to undertake lengthen, the proposal is used and the capable person with former same vent-pipe undertakes soldering character. The vent-pipe of some cars is common armor plate, some are stainless steel, returning what some models use is titanium alloy, you should undertake choosing character according to relevant material.

What does lengthen edition car resemble?

Resemble big biscuit, so some call minibus!

Picture of car of lengthen of the longest Lincoln?

Car of lengthen of the longest Lincoln is 20 meters long, can accommodate 30 passengers easily, have 4 4 televisions and videocorder, skylight, weight amounts to 7 tons, truckload cost 1.8 million U.S. dollor (but this goes up century the price of 90 time) truckload it is 2 composition, like be like today's trailer, have inside the car stage, 3 electrograph, the lofty jacket such as crock of satellitic phone, bath has, these equipment are in on century 90 time are absolutely lofty jacket equipment, it is at that time the longest Lincoln car on the world, surmount this length without any Lincoln cars up to now

The picture is as follows

Is car length OK lengthen?

Not possible, every car comes out even if grow such, yourself lengthen, it is to make change one's costume or dress. Want those who ask to extend.

Lever of car hand Buddhist templeput on the brakes how lengthen?

The lever of hand Buddhist templeput on the brakes that has at present assembly assembles a structure in, pull a line not to grant handle of hand Buddhist templeput on the brakes through apply the brake normally truckload join of photograph of assembly of apply the brake. Use rod of join of car hand Buddhist templeput on the brakes mostly,

Car of edition of 500 thousand lengthen?

BMW X5 be about to homebred, so to consumer, what care most is the price of course. The X5 of BMW of 1 million SUV that once stood high above the masses, also issueing explore introduction doorsill ceaselessly. The government that enters buccal edition at present coachs valence is 69.99-86.39 10 thousand yuan. After be based on a country to produce tariff of will nonexistent import, at the same time manufacturing cost also will drop further, so the price of homebred X5 can compare entrance edition to have for certain drop significantly.

So the foundation is current the price difference between each scale model comes to BMW look, roughly price difference is in 10-15 10 thousand yuan. According to the 38.98-47.98 of X3 of current and homebred BMW 10 thousand yuan of governments coach valence, so homebred the interval of BMW X5 price after will be in 50-60 10 thousand yuan, hit a lowest to be less than 500 thousand yuan doorsill price even, auspicious thing is undoubtedly for this consumer to covet BMW X5.

It is so difficult that car lengthen has?

 Car lengthen broaden is waited a moment, these changing one's costume or dress must notice, do not have violate the act that change one's costume or dress, car lengthen broaden should accord with his announcement, announcement of the card on the car, technical target sets this length width, did not exceed more than, break the law namely change one's costume or dress, actually the design of car is used very scientific, in designing production process, he is the length that checks it according to these, width.

Height is the does not change it easily technology index that has scientific basis, length, width is waited a moment, lest cause a loss

Is car seat OK lengthen?

Not possible, manufacturer makes car seat by the regulation, lengthen can be affected beautiful with safety

Car lengthen edition what meaning?

Chinese good outer part, and domestic member is more, foreign enterprise the market to cater to China, be aimed at the demand of Chinese market, specially makes car do greatly long, let the space inside the car greaten! What to see at the back of buttock of a lot of cars so " L " the meaning that is lengthen

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