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大自然的色彩 名言?英文双语对照


大自然的色彩 名言?英文双语对照

1) 走进大自然,就像是走进了一个梦黄多彩的世界。她多姿多彩、色彩斑斓。它是那样的美妙,那样的和谐,那样的壮丽,又是那样的可爱。我渴望走进自然,因为我爱它;爱它的春夏秋冬,爱它美的景物,美的情感,美的语言。来吧让我带你走进自然。

  2) 自然界的夜,它看似美妙,恬静,却又有无数大自然的生灵在窃窃私语;大自然的夜,又仿佛是一台大机器,它看似安静、生动,却又有无数自然界工作者在舞动,欢歌。

  3) 子在川上曰:“逝者如斯乎”面对着奔涌的江流,江水拍击着堤岸,感受着大自然中时光的流逝,犹如这东逝的水一般,昙花的一现,告诉我们,越是美丽的事物,它的美才是最值得珍惜的,错过了,无需感伤,杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;花儿谢了,也有再开的时候,这便是自然的轮回。

  4) 这就是我们的自然,它有着无边无际的辽阔胸怀,有着取之不尽的宝藏。快来吧,让我们走进自然,去呼吸自然的气息,去感受它的宽广、它的博大、它的深奥吧!

  5) 在大自然的怀抱中,我们可以栉风沐雨,临山观水;可以聆听鸟鸣欢歌,松涛海浪;可以感受来自田园的清新、馨香的自然之风;在大自然的怀抱中我们不需要隐匿什么,也不需要雕饰什么,一切都是那样的自如、随意;在大自然的怀抱中,我们可以暂时摆脱一切烦恼,让思想进入一种脱俗而不羁的境界。在新的时空中重新确定自我,还原自我,能将我们的身心在新的起点上复苏,让人格得到升华!

  6) 遥望远处,只见群山与明净的天空相交辉映,如诗如画,望着这苍翠的山,嗅着这沁人的风,拥有着迷人的景,感受着大自然的丰韵,真让人心旷神怡。

  7) 我爱自然,因为春天的生机盎然,因为夏天的绿意勃发,因为秋天的安宁沉静,因为冬天的万物萌生。

  8) 投身大自然,你可以登上高高的山冈,找一片空地躺下,对着蓝天,吸吮着它的深邃,它的一尘不染的芳馥。闭上双眼,嘴里潇洒地衔着一片被季节遗弃的枫叶,任微笑的阳光拂过,拂过那没有一丝皴皱的心田。清风吹拂,摇曳大自然的风铃;黄莺歌咏,鸣啭着大自然的心音。在这“鸟鸣山更幽”的诗境中,你是唯一的主人。

  9) 大自然是一切生命的摇篮。蓝天白云、青山绿水、茂林修竹、巨石深洞、幽谷鸟鸣、山容水态……一切是那样的平凡,然而一切又是那样的真实朴素,毫不精雕细琢总让人心里涌起一股的情感。

  10) 大自然的美需要我们投入它宽广的怀抱,全身心地领悟。领悟它内在的那独特的美,领悟人生,领悟哲理。那样我们会拥有一颗善良的心,美丽的心,纯洁的心。那样我们会很幸福地聆听大自然的声。

  11) 亲近大自然,你可以在叶落的季节,踽踽独步于白桦林间寻找落叶的残迹,品味落叶的余泽。萧萧的秋风会使你觉得这竟也是生命的绝美。顺手拾起一片落叶,就像拾起一份悄然隐匿的纯真。审视着它,就像在品味生活,体味人生的价值。走进白桦林,就像走进一个编织着的梦,塔响落叶,那种轻柔的感觉似乎将你与世隔绝,与自然融为一体,让你感受来自大自然的深沉的气息


1) walks into nature, resembling was to walk into a dream to fizzle out colorful world. She is much appearance is colorful, glow. It is in that way wonderful, in that way harmonious, in that way gallant, it is in that way lovely. I long to walk into nature, because I love its; to love its Chun Xiaqiu winter, love its beautiful scenery, beautiful affection, beautiful language. Come let me take you to walk into nature.

The night of 2) nature, it looks be like wonderful, peaceful, the people that has countless nature again however is in steal the night that steals murmurous; nature, asing if again is an old machine, it looks be like quiet, vivid, however again countless nature worker is in wave, joyous song.

3) child in plain go up: "The person that die if this " facing flushed Jiang Liu, river water rap is worn embankment, of the days in experiencing nature elapse, be just as this east the water that die is ordinary, of broad-leaved epiphyllum show, tell us, the more beautiful thing, its beautiful talent is worth to cherish most, missed, need not sad, willow is withered, have again green when; flower withered, when also having reopen, this is natural metempsychosis.

4) the nature that this is us, it is having boundless extensive mind, having extraction never-failing treasure. Come quickly, let us walk into nature, go breathing natural breath, broad, its gain that goes experiencing it is big, its abstruse!

5) is in the bosom of nature, we are OK travel or work despite of wind and rain, ; of water of the view that face hill is OK joyous song of listen respectfully twitter, ; of ocean wave of the soughing of the wind in the pines can experience the wind; that comes from the rural pure and fresh, nature that fragrance in the bosom of nature we do not need what to hide, also do not need vulture what to act the role of, everything is in that way freely, optional; in the bosom in nature, we can cast off all trouble temporarily, let a thought enter a kind free from vulgarity and the state of unruly. In new spatio-temporal in decide ego afresh, reductive ego, can anabiosis our body and mind on new start, let character get raising of things to a higher level!

Far of 6) look into the distance, see group of hill and bright and clean sky intersect only reflect, if the poem is picturesque, looking at this verdant hill, smell is worn the wind of this ooze person, having attractive view, experiencing the Feng Yun of nature, true relaxed and happy letting a person.

7) my love is natural, because of spring exuberant, because of the green meaning break out of summer, because of the autumn quiet and calm, because the everythings on earth in the winter is produced.

8) devotes into nature, you can ascend high hillock, look for a clearing to lay down, to blue sky, absorb is worn its abstruse, the fragrant fragrant of its spotless. Close double key point, cheesy ground is holding in the mouth by the maple leaf of seasonal abandon, the sunshine stroke of Ren Wei laugh passes, stroke crosses the heart that knits without a chapped then. Cool breeze is swayed, sway the singing of wind-bell; oriole of nature, cry twitter is worn the heart sounds of nature. In this " twitter hill is more deep and remote " in poetic condition, you are exclusive host.

9) nature is the cradle of all life. Twitter of deep hole of green water of blue sky white cloud, green hill, Mao Linxiu bamboo, megalith, glen, hill contains water condition... everything is in that way ordinary, however everything is in that way true simple, none fine carve of carve of essence of life always lets affection upsurges in popular feeling.

The beauty of 10) nature needs us to throw its broad bosom, systemic a person's mind is comprehended. Comprehend its immanent that distinctive beauty, comprehend life, comprehend philosophic theory. In that way the heart that we can have a goodness, beautiful heart, pure heart. In that way we will be very happy the sound of nature of ground listen respectfully.

11) is close to nature, what you can fall in the leaf is seasonal, alone alone pace Yu Baihua forest the sign that seeks deciduous leaf, savour the Yu Ze of deciduous leaf. What neighing autumn wind can make you feel this also is life unexpectedly is absolutely beautiful. Conveniently is picked up remove a deciduous leaf, resemble picking up those who remove to hide sadly is pure. Examining it, resemble be in savor the life, the value of appreciate life. Walk into Bai Hua forest, resemble walking into a weaving dream, tower noisy fallen leaves, the sort of gentle feeling appears you insular, it is an organic whole with natural be in harmony, let you experience the deep breath that comes from nature

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