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导致肾虚的原因? 导致流产的原因?英文双语对照


导致肾虚的原因? 导致流产的原因?英文双语对照










































One, the cause that causes kidney empty?

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks kidney empty, cent is kidney deficiency of yin with irritability and kidney deficiency of yang this two kinds big, the cause that creates kidney void has a lot of kinds, belong to what then congenital gift inadequacy causes very likely, belong to possibly also will maintain carelessly the day after tomorrow then deficit is excessive cause, e.g. , sexual life masturbates too too frequent. If belong to,be kidney empty, had better be the courtyard of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine that goes to place so, try decoction has the Chinese traditional medicine of filling kidney of a few method of treating yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood cure.

2, the cause that causes miscarriage?

Cause abortive cause, the main reason that causes miscarriage is, not quite nice element is in embryonic itself probably occupy 70% , of other is a reason of maternal oneself, the contact that is like deformation of senile, uterus, infection, harmful material history wait. Immune element, fight phosphatide to be asked for integratedly, close antibody appeared problem, also may cause miscarriage.

3, cause a cause that shrink?

1] market goods supply exceeds demand, what bring about directly next is commodity price drop, firm stock keep long in stock is caused shrink.

[2] the finance policy that the government implements crimple, this moment market is met farther because of the fall of market total demand go weak, product keep long in stock is caused shrink.

[3] the subsidise that invests sexual defray and consumption, affected the demand end of the market at this o'clock, agree with the element in front, also be to be able to be caused shrink.

[4] the technology progresses and loosen control, after passing the competition with sufficient market, many commodity prices will be farther as the research and development of new technology drop, for example the mobile phone basically gives generation currently, old can cheapen hundreds yuan.

[5] the capital outflow that exchange rate brings about, this bit more apparent is the country that a few foreign exchange reserve of foreign use up light, because they are in-house economy is stagnant, outside capital dare be not flowed into, the commodity of oneself can devalue continuously in the world, cause shrink.

[6] of Central Bank policy constrictive, add for example breath, counter-purchasing etc.

[7] just experienced inflationary foamy subsidise, or the stock market just the period of time that calamity is over, because spent a money in great quantities, so the market lacks increment capital.

4, a few kinds of causes that cause a cold?

Bring about cold reason to have a lot of kinds, the cold belongs to the upper respiratory tract to contract common disease, drop with immune force commonly or catch cold catch cold of climate change body is relative, the cold has virus sex or bacterial infection, need has been treated in time, the cold will be snorty, sneeze, n&v snuffle, nose is airproof, calorific, have a headache wait for a symptom, need coachs in the doctor patulin of profess to convinced is treated.

5, the cause that causes long aphid?

1, weather brings about aphid to happen greatly

The air temperature of on the high side, slant little precipitation, inferior relative humidity is very advantageous to the happening of aphid, breed, among them 50-85% of the the ℃ of 24-28 of the most comfortable temperature of aphid happening, most comfortable relative humidity.

Normally, aphid is generation of 3-5 day breed commonly, an aphid can breed 50-70, difficulty of prevention and cure is great.

2, seasonal element

The main activity time of aphid is the middle ten days of a month came in April in September the last ten-day of a month, the imaginal some volant of aphid. Can travel along with the person sometimes, some travels along with wind, want potted plant to suit aphid to grew to leave very quickly with respect to breed only.

3, the amount of natural enemy decreases bring about aphid to happen greatly

In recent years, because agriculture produces a large number of sprayed agriculture chemical, bring about 7 stars to wave bug amount decreases, natural enemy amount decreases, cannot control aphid spread, it is the main factor that brings about aphid happening.

4, color

The ability of aphid identifying color and person key point are different, aphid has to maize light tropism, and lubricious to silver grey light has negative tropism.

6, the cause that causes poineering failure?

One, money is insufficient. Although we say to not have,also can do poineering work originally, white hand is OK also build up, but say bitterly, this is both the quality demand of itself of pair of the person that do poineering work is too high, the not likely in 10 person that do poineering work has to be able to not have this doing poineering work, build up from nothing successful, to the person that much does poineering work, still want to have enough fund, at least this capital wants to be able to assure the normal movement inside time one year, such, when producing a problem, just won't be short of money hits to unaware.

2, mistake of market fixed position. Every person that do poineering work wants to make those items that they had felt, but this kind of good find oneself, not likely accords with the market. If see a project only, survey mixes the early days that ignores pair of markets to decide definitely, so once do poineering work, can appear the problem with a variety of projects and afoul market, even because of this midway is defeated die.

3, did not use good person pulse. China is society of a favor, the importance of person arteries and veins is well-known, chinese type does poineering work is the business that the person that a need does poineering work develops person arteries and veins to acme more, the person that need does poineering work hurls outer part, it is OK to had been used pulse of any a kind of person that use concern, if be not done, do poineering work to appear easily very big short board.

4, the passion with abiding lack. To doing poineering work person for, passion is the mental power with pursuit indispensable success, but, the person that do poineering work cannot have brief intense emotion only, no matter of your choice is what industry, those who do is what business, want the passion that method lets him keep abiding. Place of cloud of horse of no less than says: "Brief passion is cheap, only abiding passion just is costly, and passion cannot be harmed. And passion cannot be harmed..

7, does feline head cause tired cause?

Fell ill

Feline head whole body stands feebly flabby may be to fall ill to bring about the body above all frail, if feline Mi besides the station flabby still having the appearance with snorty sneeze may be catch a cold what the cold brings about is frail and faint, can undertake to feline Mi heat preservation eats an interesting mew amine to have drive cold relieve internal heat or fever to it next first.

Next, if feline head returns companion to follow feebly besides the whole body,wear angular, palpitant breath is accelerated wait for a phenomenon, the likelihood is anaemic the feline Mi that bring about is frail and faint, the food that needs nutrition to abound above all to feline Mi anaemia undertakes feeding feeding, think mew to enrich the blood next cream mix undertake feeding feeding in feline Mi food, protect liver to enrich the blood Mi letting a cat casts off faint phenomenon at an early date

8, does stream of people cause infecund cause?

Hind of stream of people brings about infecund reason to have: The film inside the uterus after operation of 1 stream of people is excessive injury, uterine antrum adhesion, cervix adhesion. The period that causes after 2 operations is not moved, oviposit is unusual. The organ of pelvic cavity reproduction that causes after 3 operations is affected, bring about oviduct to jam be illogical. The infecund disease that causes after the operation, need examines the specific reason that cause, having treatment to disease next.

9, the cause that cold war causes a divorce?

Communicate little. Below a lot of circumstances, both sides of husband and wife is to want to had spent the time at the outset, always written guarantee homocentric, accompany forever, hoary head arrives old.

But because communicate little, misunderstanding is much, each emphasize the reason of each one, the footing that did not stand in the other side thinks the problem sees a problem, oneself can be gotten very, battling youthful vital energy very, from be afraid of who from who, divorce boldly, regret finally, when be late already. Must convey more so invite conversation of the other side more, ability justice does not treat unjustly good person fairly.

10, the cause that how causes amniotic fluid to slant?

Bring about amniotic fluid to slant much reason is more, probable the level that is blood sugar is high, food is undeserved, water deformation of much fetal perhaps growth bring about, it is normal that the sieve that should check a reason to perhaps see pregnancy discharge abnormal further so checks a result, the attention does not have the habit that stay up late, calculate next expected date of childbirth, durative grow in quantity, the risk with embryonic then undesirable development is big.
