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吃年夜饭了,我连忙“疯”回家。今天的小菜就不一样。你看:鸡、鸭、鱼、肉、海鲜……真是应有尽有。吃饭时妈妈把一个红包递给了我(我知道这叫“压岁钱”),并说:“新年快乐!”我接过红包,高兴地说:“妈妈、新年快乐!”妈妈又把另一个红包给了我弟弟。这时弟弟天真地说:“要是每天都像过年一样,那该多好啊!” “哈哈哈!” 我们大声地笑了起来。虽然我也笑了,可是我也有弟弟那天真的想法。我相信,大家也会有这种想法:想吃得更好,穿得更好,压岁钱多多地拿!





打赌输了  这件事是发生在四年级的时候了,一直让我印象深刻。

   那是一个下午,我和几个朋友放学留下来值日。不知谁出的馊主意——玩打赌的游戏,我们也不知怎么的,就答应了。贝贝一声令下:“谁再说话谁就是猪!”我们几个立刻就闭上了嘴巴。教室里只有我们打扫的声音。 这是我在想:“哼!我才不会输掉这次打赌呢!”于是就回想起几天前与她们打赌也输了,结果就落得了“猪”这个美丽的名称。说什么的,至少也让她们当当“猪”吧! 时间一分一秒过去了,我好几次忍不住要说话,可是一想起这次打赌,我怎么也不能再输了!硬是把话吞回嘴里。眼看教室就要打扫干净了。忽然,门口外传出好像是陆老师的说话声:你们可以帮帮我把这些作业本搬到我公室吗? 我转过身,呀!真的是我最喜爱的陆老师也!刚想连忙答应,可是……怎么?如果我答应,那我就要出声,也就是说我是“猪”!老师正愣愣的看着我,我的心就像是紧张的拉满了弓弦一样,无意中碰倒了老师的目光。这可是我最喜爱的老师,他曾经对我们付出很多。老师失落的说:“那…算了吧!呵呵!” 偷偷得,我看了老师一眼,陆老师眼里神色暗淡。是失落?是失望?还是…… “老师我帮你吧!”我忽然决定了做“猪”。 此刻我明白,那游戏的失败与胜利是多么的无聊,多么的白痴。










  小狗特别爱吃饼干,我借此机会,把小狗当鱼钓,我先拿出一根细长的竹子,接着用一根线系在竹子的另一头,再用一块牛奶拉花饼干晃过来晃过去,弄得小狗眼花缭乱,我突然停止摇晃,把饼干吊在小狗面前,小狗立即缓过神来,向饼干扑去, 我又把饼干移到小狗身后,让它扑了个空。就这样持续了好几分钟。小狗假装“败退”,我也随即放松了警惕,谁知小狗迅速转过身来咬饼干,幸亏我反应快,小狗只咬到线。我想拉回线,便使劲拉,可我越使劲,小狗拉得越紧.我心里想:看来不能强攻,只能智取,我停止了“进攻”,小狗以为我投降了,便美滋滋地准备享用饼干,我趁这个机会,用力一拉,饼干又回到了我手中.













成长就如童年时的棒棒糖,滋味无穷,酸酸甜甜,让我们细细品味,享受成长的乐趣——题记 人每一分每一秒都在成长,它平凡许多人都将它忽略了,但在我心中,它是特别享受的事,我常常沉浸于自已的成长中津津乐道. “一份耕耘,一份收获”,我一直把这句话做为我的座右铭,激励着我,没错,我的付出终于赢来了收获成功的喜悦,那天,我满心欢喜地回到家,迫不及待也拿回了手中的荣誉证书与妈妈分享,可妈妈只是微微一笑,恩,但你要记住,失败使人进步,骄傲使人退步,虽然心中有点小小的失望,但却让我有了下次要更加努力的决心,何尝不是一种成长中的乐趣呢?成长中我学会了再接再励.学海无涯,苦做舟。




因为它历史优久,风景如画。兴安有古老的灵渠,那是秦始皇为了开通南北交通而修建的水渠.灵渠里水又清又绿,像是被两岸的绿树绿草染过似的。灵渠两岸绿树成荫,夏天走进灵渠甚至连太阳光都照不到,人们夏天都喜欢在这里乘凉。灵渠两边假山和美丽的园林风景,吸引了许许多多爱画画的人来这里作画。兴安还有一个很大的游乐场,名叫乐满地。那里有很多好玩的东西,比如:鬼屋、蹦迪、海岛船、冲浪、过山车、空中巴士、蹦蹦床、还有两层楼那么高的滑滑梯和水上游艇...... 我每次来到了兴安就不想走了。那是因为那里太好玩了。



他们大套小,小套更小,因此取名叫套娃。       我的套娃大大小小共七个,最大的有10多厘米长,最小的只有蚕豆般大小。套娃的外形像一个不倒翁,上小下大。它的顶部是一个花丝巾。丝巾下面是一张漂亮的小脸。一双水灵灵的大眼睛嵌在脸上。一张红红的樱桃小嘴“长”在鼻子下面,嘴角微微翘起,洋溢着笑容。它的脖子下面镶着一条金色的花边,一看就觉得是个公主。套娃身上穿着大致一样,里面是一条碎花裙子,外面是一件紫色披风,非常好看!   我最喜欢第二个套娃,他肚子上的图案十分逼真,是一位舞蹈演员在跳舞,她抬着双臂,睫毛垂下,穿着华丽的舞裙,踮着脚尖。这时,一阵微风吹来,她的衣裙仿佛飘起来,她的头发也舞起来了,我看着这幅画,忘了自己,忘了一切,似乎飞到了一个属于自己的童话世界。  套娃是一件艺术品,但对于我来说,它却是美观的储蓄罐。我把钱放在它的肚子里,摇起来,还“当当”直响呢!   美丽的套娃把我带入美好的梦境,让我在想象的天空中飞翔。 


妈妈趣事 我的妈妈记性与我一样差,常常会忘记一些重要的事,用杨老师的话来说就是“记性被狗吃了”。



One, the composition that what Grain Full nature has to change?

Temperature rise of solar term of Grain Full season is fast, summerly weather section, careless long warbler flies, wheat also matured, grain of wheat of analogy of desire of Grain Full time is full, afterwards general bumper harvest

2, the composition that spend the New Year 400 words left and right sides?

Looking forward to, looking forward to, year footstep eventually close. From spend the New Year to still have half many month, how did each planning move that the home begins insecurity each spend the New Year.

Cracker sound alarmed whole village. Wow, spent the New Year! So fast, passed year, I already 14 years old, I feel I was brought up really. Take the advantage of spend the New Year should celebrate well!

Eat meal of the eve of the lunar New Year, I at once " mad " come home. Today's pickled vegetables is different. You look: Chicken, duck, fish, flesh, seafood... it is have everything that one expects to find really. The mom when having a meal handed me a red bag (I know this cries " money given to children as a lunar New Year gift " ) , say: "Happy New Year! " I had accepted red package, say gladly: "Mom, Happy New Year! " mom gave my little brother another red package again. At this moment little brother prattle: "Like if resemble everyday,spending the New Year, this are much then better! " " Hahaha! " our aloud laughed. Although I also laughed, but I also have the little brother's true that day idea. I believe, everybody also can have this kind of idea: Want to eat weller, wear weller, money given to children as a lunar New Year gift is taken greatly!

Eat a meal, I took out firework and children to be put together. We are put first " palm-leaf fan " , I handhold closely " palm-leaf fan " handle, light fuse quickly, waited for fuse to appear after Bai Yan, back-to-back spark is shot to all directions. Regrettablly you did not see, that one act is too wonderful really; "Spark " it is colourful, especially inside the pearl that still placing of all kinds; We still were put " astronaut " , after lighting fuse, "Astronaut " with respect to lighten scintilla, give out green light, and can bear down on persistently aerospace.

Year lively what everybody expects need not say. But in us happy " go mad " , of mom sincere words and earnest wishes tell me: "Year placing heavy responsibility rear. You were brought up one year old again, should want much portion to think to life. " be! Face a new year, I want much share responsibility. I am determined to want to learn well, repay parents, teacher to expect to ours with outstanding achievement.

Spend the New Year year after year, annual feel well, till this year gift true certified products gave year of taste.

3, composition " bet " 400 words left and right sides?

Betting to lose this job is when happening in 4 grade, make me impressive all the time.

That is afternoon, I and a few friends classes are over stay be on duty for the day. The lousy idea that who to realize to go out -- play betting game, we also do not know how, agreed. Shellfish Bei Yisheng makes fall: "Who talks again who is a pig! " we closed mouth a few times immediately. There is the voice that we clean only in the classroom. This is I am thinking: "Hum! I just won't play away bets this! " bet to also be defeated with them several days ago since after-thought then, the result was gotten " pig " this beautiful name. What say, also let them should be become at least " pig " ! Time one second went, I cannot help wanting to talk many times, but remember this to bet, how cannot I also be defeated again! Just swallow the word in answer back. Soon the classroom is about to be cleaned clean. Suddenly, the talking sound that seeming is land teacher comes out outside the doorway: Can you help me move these operation to my fair room originally? My face about, ah! It is me really most the land teacher that love also! Just wanted to agree at once, can you be... how? If I agree, then I am about phonate, that is to say I am " pig " ! The teacher is stupefied be stupefied look at me, my heart resembles be insecurity pulling full Gong Xian is same, touched the teacher's look inadvertently. This can be me most the teacher that love, he once was paid to us a lot of. Of teacher lose say: "That... calculated! Ah! " steal poach, I saw a teacher, the expression in land teacher eye is dim. Be lose? Be disappointed? Or...   " I help the teacher you! " I decided to do suddenly " pig " . At the moment I am clear, the failure of that game and victory are how dull, how idiocy.

4, does science fiction write a composition 400 words left and right sides?

Science is imagined

If I am a scientist, I can develop a battleplan of a new-style M3A radar jamming to defend the whole world, and when coming to our China to hold the Olympic Games again, will use " they " protect us, the battleplan that I also can develop with me goes assaulting come aggressive our enemy.

If I am a scientist, I can apply my wisdom, will develop a robot of a few love, distributing in the whole nation each cities. For instance: The love robot that I can send me goes by " Molake " the Taiwan that the typhoon assaults, go helping them rebuild home, seek a dear one. For instance: The love robot that I can send me goes what be assaulted by the earthquake plain of boreal plain, short of Wenshui River, Jiang Yan helps them rebuild home, let Sichuan return the calm previously and quiet.

If I am a scientist, I can develop an atom bomb with a powerful might, that 2012 planets that fly, drop it to scamper, at the same time I also can prepare spacecraft of a kind of aerospace, the rapiddest rate can achieve 1 second to plant fly light-year, go the galaxy outside the galaxy goes exploring the universe, of unlock mankind a few return those who do not have undone universe to confuse, help us realize a dream!

I believe to give effort and sweat only, these dreams can turn into reality!

5, lovely doggie, composition 400 words left and right sides?

I have a piquant and lovely puppy. The doggie is growing the hair of a suit whiteness, the doggie runs, rolling like posse snowball. A pair round argute eye Tibet is growing long nap in, listening with one's eyes open all around all doubtful sound. The doggie still is growing a pair of sharp claw, the tail becomes warped Laogao, appear very proud. The doggie is very feral, what should hear a little only or see what, can give out " alarm " , do good fight to prepare.

The doggie of my home not only piquant, and feeling of very rich music. A day, my at a loose end does not have a thing to work, put music. Who knows, after the doggie is heard, bone also was not gnawed, go to the recorder immediately, I guess the likelihood is a doggie discover what pass from the recorder to that music is! The doggie crouchs beside the recorder, hear music at the same time, shake the tail as musical rhythm at the same time come over to shake in the past, resemble a young musician be being worn in direct really band!

The doggie loves to eat cracker particularly, I take the opportunity, angle the doggie when the fish, I take out a long and thin bamboo first, another when be fastened in bamboo with a line then, biscuit of garland of a milk shakes reoccupy come over to shake the past, do the doggie is dazzlingly, I balk shake, a string of 1 biscuit before the doggie, doggie instantly delay crosses a god to come, attack to biscuit, I move biscuit behind the doggie again, let it attack empty. Lasted several minutes so. The doggie pretends " retreat in defeat " , I also immediately loosened vigilance, who knows a doggie quick face round will bite biscuit, my reaction is fortunately sharp, the doggie bites a line only. I want to pull loop-line, exert all his strength pull, but I exert all my strength more, the doggie is pulled more closely. Think in my heart: Look cannot take by storm, can take by strategy, I stopped " aggression " , the doggie thinks I surrendered, ground of very pleased with oneself prepares to enjoy biscuit, I take the advantage of this opportunity, pull forcibly, biscuit returned my hand again in.

This is the doggie with my piquant home, do you like?

6, does the preface write a composition 400 words control?

Mother love is altruistic

Mother love is altruistic, every mother gave his love and total energy we these delicate seedling. And this kind of love that having boundless power, can casual in the life reveal -- preface

Previously, I am an innocent child. The care to father mother turn a blind eye to. Go to school before going out, mom can arrange good clothing to me, jug fill full, next watch sb go away I leave; Classes are over return the home, mom always is Lao nag ground of be favored with asks: "Is lunch satiate? Lie-down have one's sleep out? (do I take small dining table midday) how to learn? ... " tired I a day am to regard as normally the wind other ear or impatient ground deal with on one.

But one day, I saw a story, got very deep touch, the name of the story cries: " mom, I looked for you for ages "

This is a when happen in Germany real story. An orphan heart of 9 years old is orphanner than be in the dean is big. Because had not seen a mother as a child, to express the love to the mother, he helps others with respect to effort, every help a person, with respect to the request he helps additionally 10 people. He thinks the way that delivers with this kind of love, sooner or later oneself mother also gets the help of others. He touched whole Germany to this deep love of the mother, people was lifted " 10 favours " the action, heart comparing became young famous person of Germany. However unfortunate is, heart comparing is assassinated however die. When he is dying, countless German women want the mother that heart of disguise oneself as compares to fulfil the wish that he sees him mom, finally, heart comparing is to be being pulled " mother " hand, be in " mother " this world leaves peacefully in bosom.

Small favor compares the mother that has seen him, but he is the mother that loving him so darkly, helping a mother work to be told to him is a kind of happiness. A child even that never has seen a mother cherishs so deep love to mom, what is more,the rather that we does these days day lean close to conceive the happy baby in in mom? Since then, rehear sees mom's nag, I am not irritated also, often still help mom do the business of my in one's power.

Cherish the happiness that we have now! What is mother love, mother love is mom the nag of bagatelle of a bit in living to us, with respect to

It is the strict requirement in learning growing process to us, she is gladder than you when bear the palm, she is more anxious than you when achievement drops, when having a meal, carry the flesh to you, regular meeting block is in the exclusive umbrella when raining on your head. Mom is so great and altruistic, it is so understanding, it is so catholic, no matter you made how old fault, the door that come home always is opened wide to you. When we have mother love, often do not know to cherish, good sense of mom does not arrive, feeling right we are good is should, however mom " dozen " and " scold " fatigue is written down in the heart, spiteful unceasingly, not clear dozen, additionally one kind scolding also is mother love represents a means.

Be kind to a mother, cherish mom's love, go appreciate, go experiencing, she can make each child aftertastes boundless.

7, does the joy that grow write a composition 400 words left and right sides?

Grow to be like the lollipop when childhood, flavor is boundless, acerbity acid is sweet, make us fine fine savour, enjoy the fun that grow -- each minutes of each second is in preface person grow, it is ordinary a lot of people it oversight, but in my heart, it is special enjoyment work, I often am enmeshed at from already the take delight in talking about in growing. "Cultivated, a results " , I all the time this word the maxim as me, incentive I, right, my pay win the gratification that will harvest a success eventually, that day, I am filled with joy the ground returns the home, too impatient to wait also recapture the honorary certificate in the hand and mom are shared, but mom just laughs slightly, favour, but you want to remember, failure makes the person progresses, pride makes a person degenerative, although there is bit of small disappointment in the heart, but the resolution that yielded me to next secondary make greater efforts however, is why a kind of fun in growing? In growing, I learned make persistent efforts. Learn the sea not to have limit, suffering makes a boat.

Ah, friend, do not want oversight of each minutes of each second grow, it is very enjoyment work, it is to learn to enjoy the fun that grow, you can discover so I harvested so much. Every time I finish exercise, go to a park together with respect to meeting and my associate, at the same time amuse oneself admires beautiful scenery at the same time. Look, the brook in the park flows silently drip, flickering crystalline water light, if blinking the eye with only bright ten million, watching the beautiful scene with all over the mountains and plains autumn. On the side of the brook, still a platoon is wearing the sapling of aureate dress, mirror in water with golden chrysanthemum, be like the picture of a vivid beauty. I and associate see so beautiful prospect, happen to coincide run to the brook by, you sprinkle water to me, I sprinkle water to you, to the top of one's bent play rise. Be in this moment, mom came, she bursts out laughing say: "See you, become soaked through. " then, mom takes a towel, after helping I and associate wipe water, say: "How people go rowing! " I and associate people if listening to mom, elated ground says: "Good! " then, we run rapidly to the side of the boat. Sit aboard, my listen respectfully is worn the singing with ringing and euphonic birdie, zephyr plays the sound of stroke gently, still have the voice of child mirth. Imperceptible in, I am intoxicated in these wonderful sound -- this is the fun that I grow.

8, installed composition does depict promote [do 400 words control] ?

Guilin has the travel with a lot of beautiful sceneries to nod, among them, I like to promote most how.

Because its history actor is long, the scenery is picturesque. Promote how to have old spirit canal, that is the canal that Qin Shi emperor builds to open liaison man of north and south. The Shui Youqing in spirit canal green, resembling is had been caught by greenery green grass of two sides like. Greenery of spirit canal two sides is shady, summer walks into spirit canal not to illuminate even sun's rays even, people summer likes to enjoy the cool here. Rockery of spirit canal both sides and beautiful gardens scenery, the person that drew lots and lots of pictures love a picture comes here to make a picture. Promote how to still have a very big pleasure ground, be called happy full ground. There are a lot of interesting things over there, for instance: Ghost house, skip enlighten, the bus in island boat, surf, switchback, sky, skip skip bed, still have a light boat of upper reaches of the slippery slide with two so tall buildings and water. . . . . . I am promoted every time how to think. Because,that is over there too amused.

9, the composition that writes thing 400 words left and right sides?

On ark of my the head of a bed, from arrive greatly small arranging 7 beautiful, lovely ligneous child, this covers child namely, they are me father sends me birthday.

They are big small, small smaller, because this names,make cover child. My baby is greatly little in all 7, the biggest have 10 many centimeters long, the smallest have the volume like horsebean only. The external form that covers child resembles a tumbler, go up small big. Its coping is towel of a filament. A piece of beautiful little face is below filar towel. Sharp big eye embeds a pair of fresh and juicy to go up in the face. The cherry small mouth of a piece of Gong Gong " long " below nose, corners of the mouth slightly cock, be permeated with smile. There is below its neck aureate lacy, looking to feel is a princess. The dress on the body that cover child is roughly same, a broken beautiful skirt is inside, a purple cloak is outside, very good-looking! I like the 2nd to cover child most, the pattern on his abdomen is very clear, it is a dancer is dancing, she is carrying double arm, eyelash is lop, wearing luxuriant dance skirt, stand on tiptoe is worn tiptoe. At this moment, a breeze is blown, her garment skirt ases if wave, her hair also dance rose, I look at this picture, forgot oneself, forgot everything, fly to to belong to oneself fairy tale world it seems that. Covering child is an artwork, but to me, it is beautiful deposit canister however. I am Qian Fang in its abdomen, shake rise, still " should become " ring continuously! Cover child bonnily to take me into good dream, let me fly in imaginary sky.  

10, does mom's fun write a composition 400 words left and right sides?

Mom fun is differred like my mom memory and me, constant regular meeting forgets a few important things, it is for the word that uses Mr. Yang " memory was eaten by the dog " .

Mom is the person with a time very strong sense, never wish to waste a bit time. Once we should go to grandmother home, the mom before going out makes my preexistence downstair buy bit of thing, say she comes down immediately. The husband's family outside just arriving does not have a few minutes, mom is big Jing first cried, ask me then: "Did when going out, I lock up good door? " I say: "How do I know, when you lock up the door, I am in downstair " , mom changed talking mood immediately: "Oh, yes, forgot, so can you go back have a look? " after hearing this word, I faint almost, to me from grandmother home the home needs the time of a hour about, nevertheless for safe consider, I still run, result door lock is gotten well, connect an ant not to want to climb in. After the husband's family outside returning, had not waited for me to tell her " the door is the lock is good " when this one message, mom realizes greatly like say: "I think, to lock up the door, I looked for the key looked for, " after listening, I feel annoying comical, annoying because mom killed me to run in vain,be, comical because I have a such forgetful old Mom,be. My mom not only forgetful, careless still. Remember be in small when, I like to play chess very much, once father is not in the home, I am pestering mom and me to fall, but mom won't, be unable to dissuade me again, be forced to take a step in disorder, the result is going, oneself give oneself chess ate. I had seen play chess go in disorder, nevertheless oneself have the person of own chess, I still had seen my mom only at present.

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