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泾县宣纸文化园的参观流程如下:1. 到达宣纸文化园:你可以选择公共交通工具或者自驾前往宣纸文化园,园区有停车场供自驾车辆停放。2. 购票入园:到达宣纸文化园后,前往售票处购买入园门票。门票价格会根据季节和活动而有所不同,你可以选择适合自己的门票。3. 参观展览:进入宣纸文化园后,首先可以参观展览馆,了解宣纸的历史渊源、制作过程等相关知识。在展览馆内,你会看到各种展示宣纸特点和用途的展品以及文化历史的介绍。4. 亲手制作宣纸:在宣纸文化园,你还有机会参与宣纸的制作过程。工作人员会向你介绍宣纸的制作方法,并提供相关工具和材料,你可以亲自动手制作一张宣纸,体验制作的乐趣。5. 赏析艺术作品:园区内有一些展示宣纸艺术作品的展览室,你可以欣赏到不同艺术家的宣纸作品,包括书法、绘画等,从中感受到宣纸的独特魅力和艺术价值。6. 购买纪念品:在宣纸文化园内,还设有纪念品店,你可以购买到各类宣纸制品和相关纪念品,作为留念或送礼之用。以上就是泾县宣纸文化园的参观流程,希望对你有所帮助。



宣纸文化园值得去,薄如蝉翼洁如雪,抖似细绸不闻声。均匀润墨分浓淡,纸寿千年熠熠馨。这是古人对纸中之王—宣纸的美誉。在宣纸博物馆学生们不仅仅可以了解到非遗宣纸知识, 更是可以欣赏到古人以笔为矛,以纸为盾,留下的书画艺术作品的魅力。



宣纸文化园值得去玩,薄如蝉翼洁如雪,抖似细绸不闻声。均匀润墨分浓淡,纸寿千年熠熠馨。这是古人对纸中之王—宣纸的美誉。在宣纸博物馆学生们不仅仅可以了解到非遗宣纸知识, 更是可以欣赏到古人以笔为矛,以纸为盾,留下的书画艺术作品的魅力。



在宣纸博物馆学生们不仅仅可以了解到非遗宣纸知识, 更是可以欣赏到古人以笔为矛,以纸为盾,留下的书画艺术作品的魅力。



























One, does garden of culture of rice paper of county of short for the Jinghe River see technological process?

The visiting flow of garden of culture of rice paper of county of short for the Jinghe River is as follows: 1. Arrive at garden of rice paper culture: Before you can choose public traffic tool to perhaps be driven oneself, go to garden of rice paper culture, garden area has a parking lot to offer drive car place oneself. 2. Buy a ticket to enter garden: After arriving at garden of rice paper culture, head for booking office to buy garden entrance ticket. Entrance ticket price is met according to season and activity differ somewhat, you can choose to suit your entrance ticket. 3. Visiting exhibition: After entering garden of rice paper culture, can visit exhibition above all, understand the relevant knowledge such as the historical origin of rice paper, process that make. Inside exhibition, you can see the introduction of all sorts of exhibit that show rice paper characteristic and use and culture history. 4. Make rice paper with one's own hands: In garden of rice paper culture, you still have an opportunity to participate in the making process of rice paper. The staff member can introduce the making method of rice paper to you, provide relevant tool and data, you can kiss automatic hand to make a piece of rice paper, experience made fun. 5. The work of art that admire analyse: There is a few to reveal the exhibition room of rice paper work of art inside garden area, you can enjoy the rice paper work of different artist, include calligraphy, brushwork to wait, experience the distinctive glamour of rice paper and artistic value from which. 6. Buy a souvenir: Inside garden of rice paper culture, still set souvenir shop, you can buy goods of of all kinds rice paper and relevant souvenir, serve as accept as a souvenir or give sb a present with. Above is the visiting flow of garden of culture of rice paper of county of short for the Jinghe River, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

2, is garden of rice paper culture worth to go?

Worth while.

Garden of rice paper culture is worth to go, clean of Bao Ruchan ala is like snow, tremble be like fine silken do not hear voice. Even embellish Chinese ink divides shade, yi of Yi of paper birthday chiliad strongs and pervasive fragrance. This is the ancients to the king in paper, the beauty of rice paper praise. Be born in rice paper museology people can understand knowledge of the rice paper that be not involuntary discharge of urine not just, can admire the ancients to be lance with the pen more, it is aegis with paper, the glamour of the work of art of painting and calligraphy that stay.

3, is garden of culture of announce wall rice paper amused?


Garden of rice paper culture is worth to play, clean of Bao Ruchan ala is like snow, tremble be like fine silken do not hear voice. Even embellish Chinese ink divides shade, yi of Yi of paper birthday chiliad strongs and pervasive fragrance. This is the ancients to the king in paper, the beauty of rice paper praise. Be born in rice paper museology people can understand knowledge of the rice paper that be not involuntary discharge of urine not just, can admire the ancients to be lance with the pen more, it is aegis with paper, the glamour of the work of art of painting and calligraphy that stay.

4, grind learn garden of rice paper culture to comprehend?

Clean of Bao Ruchan ala is like snow, tremble be like fine silken do not hear voice. Even embellish Chinese ink divides shade, yi of Yi of paper birthday chiliad strongs and pervasive fragrance. This is the ancients to the king in paper, the beauty of rice paper praise.

Be born in rice paper museology people can understand knowledge of the rice paper that be not involuntary discharge of urine not just, can admire the ancients to be lance with the pen more, it is aegis with paper, the glamour of the work of art of painting and calligraphy that stay.

5, does garden of rice paper culture suggest to a few hours visit?

4 hours

Garden of rice paper culture is located in county of short for the Jinghe River of the Anhui province, by rice paper ancient mill, the four treasures of the study is experienced garden, rice paper and world paper display the 7 parts such as corridor of house, painting and calligraphy to comprise. The rice paper of ancient magic art that the tourist that will go sightseeing field can visit inheritance more than 1000 years not only makes technology, understand the making technology such as sign of paper, Chinese ink, pen, inkstone, fan, paper, and of sign of paper of OK and personal experience, Chinese ink, pen, inkstone, fan, paper make

6, was Chinese rice paper conveyed?

Culture of Chinese rice paper condensed Chinese culture art of thousands of years, accumulate containing extremely rich culture connotation. Make a picture with rice paper inscribe, chinese ink musical sound is clear, distinct, moral integrity holds harbour concurrently, imposing manner excessive is beautiful, thick and not muddy, weak and not grey, its draw its word, on appear vividly paper, expression flies upwards, flying a list of things is strange brightness. It is Chinese bookman forever vogue. Use rice paper, be considered as elegant and high performance up to now.

7, the 10 big tourist attractions that garden of culture of rice paper of county of short for the Jinghe River goes to surely?

About good place of area of scene of county of short for the Jinghe River, this station recommends 10 places, it is beauty spot of peach blossom pool, Shui Moting respectively garden of culture of rice paper of site of military headquarters of beauty spot of travel of zoology of brook beauty spot, moon bay, the New Fourth Army led by the Chinese Communist Party during the War of Resistance Against Japan, China, Changjiang Delta the first bleach county of scene area, short for the Jinghe River Huang Tian beauty spot, investigate benefit ancient building,

8, the development that Chinese rice paper draws?

Of rice paper famed only then Yu Tang is acting, is far place of Zhang Yan of essayist of Tang Shu picture written " is picture of past dynasties name written down " cloud: ?  of  of ɡ of plum of  of  of Ping of paddle of  of crisp narrow one's eyes of second of the collection that hold Meng high member change call plinth!

Occupy additionally " old Tang Shu " account, tian Baonian (743) , south Jiangxi, Sichuan, courtyard, short for Zhejiang Province east produce paper pay tribute, and paper of announce city county particularly elegant. (" old Tang Shu) carry: ? Does pen of  of ⒔ of  of Hui of Cuo of ぜ of Piao of bed of Man of Bu of  of the Χ that spread hub protect  epiphysis す to force be good at ⒈ of  of stand upright of  of strong ご of  of fat Tuo small target saves ⒒ screen  to hold the post of Sha barium collect to steal Chu?

" annals of geography of new Tang Shu) and (Tang Liudian) on account is worn " paper of announce city tribute, pen " wait for a character, it is thus clear that this ground place produces paper, pen to be in at that time already armour at the whole nation, heart of city of the county of short for the Jinghe River because of Tang Dynasty, announce, peaceful country, and peace and tranquility all belong to announce city administer, and annals of seat of government of state of the announce that occupy く " carry, rice paper basically is taken in county of short for the Jinghe River centrally, conclude from this, the generation of the name of rice paper and at that time administer state seat of government be closely bound up, the relationship with situation is extremely close. Visible rice paper is in at that time already coronal at each district. After Na Tang advocate Li Ceng personally of supervise the manufacture of " settleclear heart hall " paper, it is the curiosa in rice paper, it " skin is like egg film, firm clean is like jade, fine Bao Guangrun, coronal at temporarily.

The record that produces about rice paper is OK end of restrospect to the Song Dynasty yuan first. Qing Qianlong year repair again " : of cloud of preface of pedigree of a clan of small mountain Cao? 2 Cong of Α of γ of cheek of Li of  of Se of natrium of stew of Li of  of remnant of  of  of 8 article ┱ I is fair 8 world grandson Cao Dasan, diameter of change of You Qiu plain, come to small mountain, cent from 13 curtilage, this department hill is restricted, cropland is exiguous, cannot cultivate, because of only then Cai Lun art is course of study, with dimension bread. Because Cao Dasan of end of the Song Dynasty avoids chaos caused by war, change comes small mountain of county of short for the Jinghe River, it is course of study in order to make rice paper, run in the family. Cao gens all through the ages is the person that appropriate paper produces the main inheritance of craft, till recent ability person of not of the same surname intervenes, pass to there already was 30 more than generation today. Order announce city in the city more because of the distribution centre of paper, friend name rice paper.

9, rank of producing area of brand of Chinese rice paper?

Rice paper country of origin: Heart of city of county of short for the Jinghe River, announce, peaceful country, an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast and peace and tranquility

10, Chinese rice paper 10 old brands?

Group of rice paper of red star card

Card of double deer of company of rice paper of Anhui double deer

Card of spring of jade of company of rice paper of Anhui jade spring

Anhui peach writes down peach of rice paper company to note a shop sign

Wang Liuji brand of company of rice paper of Anhui Wang Liuji

Anhui Wangtong and Wang Tonghe brand of rice paper company

Card of star of factory of Anhui star rice paper

Card of factory of rice paper of building of Anhui violet gold Cao

Card of red autumnal leaves of plant of rice paper of Anhui red autumnal leaves

Card of star of day of company of rice paper of Anhui auspicious star

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