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剥 豆 一天,我与儿子相对坐着剥豌豆,当翠绿的豆快将白瓷盆的底铺满时,儿子忽地离位新拿一个瓷碗放在自己面前,将瓷盆朝我面前推推。看他碗里粒粒可数的豆,我问:“想比赛?” “对”。儿子眼动手剥,利索地回答。“可这不公平,我盆里已不少了,你才刚开始。”我说着顺手抓一把豆想放在他碗里。“不,”他按住我的手:“就这样,我才能试出自己的速度。” 一些喜悦悄悄在我心里散开。一时,原本很随意的家务劳动有了节奏,只见手起豆落,母子皆敛声息语。“让儿子赢,使他以后对自己多一些自信。”如是想,手不知不觉就慢了下来,俯拾豆的机会稍停一下。“在外面竞争是靠实力。谁会让你?让他知道,失败成功皆是常事。”剥豆的速度分明快了。小儿手不停,眼却时时在两个容器中睃。见他如此投入,我心生怜爱:学校的考试名次,够他累的了……剥豆的动作不觉中又缓了下来。“不要给孩子虚假的胜利。”节奏自然又紧了许多。一大袋豌豆很快剥光。一盆一碗、一大一小不同的容器难以比较,凭常识,我知道儿子肯定输了,正想淡化结果,他却极认真地新拿来了碗,先将他的豆倒进去,正好满一碗,然后又用同样的碗来量我的豆,也是一碗,只是凸出了,像隆起的土丘。“你赢了。”他朝我笑笑,很轻松,全没有剥豆时的认真和执著。“是平局。我本来有底子。”我纠正他。“我少,我就是输。”没有赌气,没有沮丧,儿子认真和我争。脸上仍是那如山泉般清澈的笑容。细想起来,自己瞻前顾后,小心翼翼,实在是多余了。1.文中划线句说“一些喜悦悄悄在我心里散开”,作者“喜”的是:_________________________。【答】:我欣赏儿子的自信和大气(自信、大气各2分)。2.文中母亲剥豆的速度时快时慢,请用自己的话分别说明母亲剥豆速度快与慢的原因(每条不超过18个字)。答:①慢下来的原因是:__________________________________________________。②快起来的原因是:__________________________________________________。【答】:①恋怜爱儿子,欲增强 儿子的自信心。②让儿子知道竞争靠实力,不给他虚假的胜利。3.本文刻画人物采用的主要描写手法有________、________和________。【答】:行动描写、心理描写和语言描写。4.儿子的性格特征表现得十分鲜明,其中最突出的两点是:______________________________________________________________。【答】:竞争、认真。5.文末加点的“瞻前顾后”一词能否换成“优柔寡断”?为什么? 答:______________________________________________________ 【答】:不能。因为用“瞻前顾后”恰好表明母亲做事考虑周密谨慎,若换用“优柔寡断”,则变成母亲办理迟疑,没有决断,与文意不符。6.本文的主旨可从多角度去领悟,请就你感受最深的一点,用自己的话概括出来(不超过20字)。答:本文告诉我们:_________________________________________。【答】:应从小培养孩子的自信心(或:应从小培养孩子的竞争意识。人生不会一帆风顺,从小得经受锻炼。不必人为地营造一篇虚假的生存空间。生活是真实的,生命也要经过磨难才真实。


Read below article, reply the 1st, 6 problems.

Pare beans a day, I and son are sitting to pare relatively pea, when the bottom of basin of fast will white porcelain bespreads the beans when verdure, the son leaves suddenly take bowl of a china newly to be put before oneself, porcelain basin face push before me. See numerable of bead of the bead in his bowl beans, I ask: "Miss the game? " " right " . Son eye starts work pare, agile ground replies. "But this is inequitable, in my basin not little already, you just just began. " I am saying conveniently to catch a beans to want to be put in his bowl. "Not, " the hand that he presses me: " such, I just can try the rate that gives my. " a few joyance are stealthily in my heart diffuse. Temporarily, originally very optional housework had rhythm, see the beans since the hand falls only, language of sound of Mu Zijie collect. "Let a son win, make be opposite after him oneself are some more self-confident. " think so, the hand comes down slow insensibly, fu picks up fabaceous opportunity to stop a bit. "Competing outside is to rely on actual strength. Who can let you? Let him know, unsuccessful success all is commonplace. " pare fabaceous speed is divided lively. Children hand is ceaseless, the eye is constantly however in two container look askance at. See he is thrown so, my heart is unripe fondly: The exam place of the school, enough he is tired... in paring fabaceous movement does not become aware delay come down. "Do not give the child false victory. " rhythm nature was tightened again a lot of. A bag of big pea unclothes very quickly. One bowl, one big one small different container is compared hard, by common sense, I know the son was defeated for certain, thinking desalt result, he is extremely serious however the ground took a bowl newly, go in his beans first, just in time is full a bowl, measure my beans next again with same bowl, also be a bowl, be bulgy only, resemble ridgy mound. "You won. " he laughs toward me, very relaxed, did not pare completely when the beans mix seriously clinging. "It is draw. I have a copy kept as a record originally. " I correct him. "I am little, I am defeated namely. " did not feel wronged and act rashly, did not distress, the son is contended for with me seriously. That clear like spring smiling expression still is on the face. Think carefully rise, him overcautious and indecisive, cautious, be redundant really. 1. Underline in article sentence say " a few joyance are stealthily in my heart diffuse " , author " happy event " is: _________________________ . [answer] : The self-confidence that I enjoy a son and air (self-confident, air each 2 minutes) . 2. The mother in article pares speed speed of the beans, if using oneself please, explain the mother pares respectively fabaceous rate is rapid with slow reason (every do not exceed 18 words) . Answer: ? Lv of  ining order to blows cerebral  the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome to pull Ha _________________________________________________ . ② is fast the reason that rise is: __________________________________________________ . [answer] : ① is loved fondly son, be about to enhance self-confident heart of the son. ② lets a son know competition relies on actual strength, do not give him false victory. 3. The main draw technique that article depict character uses has ________ , ________ and ________ . [answer] : Action picture, psychology depict and language depict. 4. Disposition properties of the son shows very brightly, among them the most outstanding 2 o'clock is: ______________________________________________________________ . [answer] : Competition, serious. 5. Language minor details increases a point " overcautious and indecisive " one word whether change " indecisive " ? Why? Answer: ______________________________________________________ [answer] : Cannot. Because use " overcautious and indecisive " show the mother works fitly the consideration is careful and careful, if change,use " indecisive " , become a mother to deal with hesitant, without make a decision, not agree with with article meaning. 6. The gist of the article can be comprehended from much angle, experience with respect to you please a bit the deepest, the word that uses oneself is wraparound come out (do not exceed 20 words) . Answer: ? Cheek of Nao of regret mother Li pulls Ha ________________________________________ . [answer] : The self-confident heart that should develop the child as a child (or: Answer to foster competitive consciousness of the child as a child. Life won't be plain sailing, must endure as a child take exercise. Need not build a false vivosphere artificially. The life is true, life also should pass cross talent is real.
