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仁王门: 相当于一般寺庙中的"山门",内奉密迹金刚和那罗延金刚(也即汉代后的哼哈二将),是寺院的守护神,根据《佛说仁王护国般若波罗密多心经》的记载,两金刚因护持佛法有功被封为仁王,故南山寺因仿唐而不称为"山门",而依两位金刚称为"仁王门"。



金 堂: 即大雄宝殿,唐朝时称为“金堂”。


观海平台: 在平台上,可以看到浩瀚的大海,并能眺望正在筑造中的海上108米高的南海观音,我们翘首以盼这尊世界级的观音在不久的未来屹立在南海之滨。






















根据我以前去的情况(物价飞涨,不知道他们加价没)门票 150 学生证半票 老年证不知道进去后的金玉观音寺还要另行收门票20 学生证一样可以半票











One, does Na Shanwen change center what to construction include?

Show main body building to include benevolence king door, bag to lead adytum, Jin Tang to wait.

Benevolence king door: Be equivalent to the " of " hill door in general cloister, close slash King Kong and that Luoyan King Kong are acted according to inside (also namely after Chinese generation hum ha 2 will) , it is the Palladium of fane, basis " Buddha says benevolence king protects the Reboluomiduo like the country heart classics " account, two King Kong are sealed to be benevolence king because of have rendered great service of power of Buddha of shield and sustain, temple of the hill austral reason because copy the Tang Dynasty and asymmetry is " of " hill door, and call " of door of " benevolence king according to two King Kong.

: of iron chain bridge? Does soul of Wo of buy  full twist  of joyous ㄒ of second of moth of glutinous of raise of  of  of  of Qiao Niu of the  that protect ㄍ do I change Α of suddenly of σ of ⑿ of Pi of brandish of lofty ⒂ Bu?

Trouble can be forgotten after crossing the bridge, forget sadness, the gentleman is cheesier, the young lady is more beautiful.

Jin Tang: Namely big Xiong Baodian, call when Tang Chao " Jin Tang " .

"The wisdom that big male " indicates Buddha, supernatural power is abundant immensity.

Watch sea platform: On platform, can see the sea of vast, can look at building in building maritime 108 meters tall Nanhai avalokitesvara, we raise our head and look in order to long for this honour the avalokitesvara of world-class is in before long prospective stand erect is in of Nanhai bank.

2, does Na Shanwen change center how?

Hill culture center is a lucky Fuzezhi south the ground, 108 meters of maritime avalokitesvara, it is the presses down an island treasure of be worthy of. Na Shanwen turns area of center scenery travel, have south hill temple, buddhist culture communicates a center, the one and only way, tian Zhusheng is slash... walk into culture to enclosed ground for growing trees, nowhere is absent reveal broad and profound Buddhist culture and Chinese traditional culture.

3, does Na Shanwen change center entrance ticket how many money?

1, Na Shanwen changes travel area entrance ticket 108 yuan / person, the tourist enters garden by the ticket, one person one ticket.

2, old person of 70 years old of 1.2 meters of the following children, above (by card of give special treatment of Id, old person) , retire cadre (retire by veteran cadre card) , the reporter card that the reporter issues by news arrange but free of charge.

3, the serviceman leaves soldier of emeritus card, revolution to disable by card of cadre of card of valid officer testimony, military police officer, military civil service, soldier card, soldier card of student of school of card, soldiers and police but free of charge. The soldier that already joined tourism group is unavoidable ticket.

4, 1.2 meters come 1.4 meters of children, disabled (by deformity card) , student (by student's identification card) can enjoy actor.

5, 18 one full year of life are the following minor by effective certificate (Id, student's identification card) can enjoy privilege.

6, 60 to old person of 70 one full year of life by effective certificate (card of give special treatment of Id, old person) can enjoy privilege.

4, Na Shanwen changes center cover an area of an area?

Na Shanwen changes Yuan Yu to built in April 1998 and open to the outside world, this center covers an area of a face to accumulate many mus 2000, 10% what occupy total program area. Na Shanwen changes center at present by " 3 garden, one temple, one bay, one cereal, one area " 7 much are formed, among them, "3 garden " those who point to is " flexibly lucky garden " , " Ci Hang general crosses garden " , " avalokitesvara culture encloseds ground for growing trees " , "One temple " be south hill temple, "One bay " be south hill bay, "One cereal " it is macrobian cereal, "One area " it is gate landscape area

5, is Na Shanwen turns center scene area south hill temple?

Area of scene of hill culture garden is south south hill temple, na Shanwen turns center scene area, first-rate, this is Hainan province 3 inferior tourist attraction of a of city famous travel, old since to 3 inferior town looks round tourism, recreational the person that go vacationing wants temple of the hill austral the choice to see play.

6, do temple of the hill austral Hainan and Na Shanwen change center to distinguish?

Temple of the hill austral Hainan and Na Shanwen change Yuan Dou is south the tourist attraction of hill travel area, but their characteristic and function differ somewhat.

Temple of the hill austral Hainan is seaward of hill of style of Cheng Tang of a copy, house large fane, cover an area of 400 mus, build courtyard of cropland of courtyard of hall of Tibet of drum-tower of side hall in a palace or temple of Ren Wangdian, big Xiong Baodian, thing, bell, runner, law, avalokitesvara, Bei waits, according to hill make use of condition, strewn at random have send, majestic and solemn and respectful, kosher and quiet and tastefully laid out. It is deceased China buddhism Piao Chu of association chairman Zhao visits optional location, via approval of national religion bureau, laid a foundation on November 11, 1995, built on April 12, 1998. Existing copy Tang Jian builds Tibet of hall of king of Ren Wangdian, day, belfry, runner, thing to climb the building such as side hall in a palace or temple of corridor, thing, Jin Tang group, total floor area 5500 ㎡. Since ancient times renown temple gives dignitary, the abbot of hill temple is buddhism of vice-chairman of Chinese Buddhist association, Hainan south association chairman imprints suitable.

Na Shanwen changes Nanhai of center look out, blue waves 1000 fold, the fine is smooth 10 thousand heavy, billow stimulates Shi Yin, water takes time, the photograph of country of Buddha of true nature you the sea, here alone beautiful.

Overall for, temple of the hill austral Hainan and Na Shanwen change Yuan Dou is south the main component of hill travel area, they have distinguishing feature each, offerred different culture experience and natural scene appreciation for the tourist.

7, south the scene area brief introduction that hill buddhism culture encloseds ground for growing trees?

South hill of hill alias a huge legendary turtle, it is Na Mingshan fining jade. Hill is more than meters 500 tall, all the year round on hill auspicious cloud winds around, spectacular. Center of hill buddhism culture is one reveals Chinese buddhism south traditional culture, be full of implied meaning of deep philosophic theory, can edify the garden area of life of intelligence, Jiaohua.

8, south price of entrance ticket of center of hill buddhism culture?

The circumstance that goes before according to me (prices soars, do not know they add valence to do not have) card of old age of half-price ticket of 150 student's identification card does not know entrance ticket the treasures avalokitesvara temple after going in receives entrance ticket separately even 20 student's identification card are euqally OK half-price ticket

9, sentence of center of the camellia austral depict?

2, south camellia encloseds ground for growing trees, it is you make Song Yang becomes more beautiful, it is you make our economic progress better and better. Tea garden, do you let me be you? Feel? A person of extraordinary powers!

3, there is light flower in sky? , in the tea covert that verdure is about to drip, often pass the joyous laugh like Lai Yinling. The sun rises, in the lake? in the sky roll out 10 thousand? Smooth, is camellia center also caught south? Layer? ? .

4, is has collected tea forest become? Wind, the skirt that falls off then thes full front of a Chinese gown, does looking glass keep in the ` singing that collects tea? With tea? , be just as billow prostitution will? ? Bright and beautiful? Wrap around Chun Luzhong, it is alpenglow with her humeral neck, crepuscular deciduous leaf bend? Be like a bird, silent tea forest can you wave from inside her frivolous emerald green hairpin? The beautiful appearance of graceful is sure it is her.

10, south does hill give a name culture?

Be in early more than 2000 years ago " The Book of Songs " in, had begun to use south hill will compare long life. " day of small elegant · protects · of The Book of Songs " : "Moonish constant, those who be like day rise, be like Na Shanzhi birthday, not Qian does not die. Not Qian does not die..

In article of later ages poem, also see repeatedly with south hill will compare long life. " fly southeast the peacock " in, have: "The life is like Na Shanshi, 4 body health and straight. 4 body health and straight..

" south Shi Qi pleaseds Zhangwen displays Wang Yichuan " in Wang Yidui's emperor says: "Yan Yuanbi of since time immemorial issues the hill austral birthday comparing, or weigh banzai, character of this almost close appearance. If official place is conceived, solid wish Majesty pole birthday hundred years also sufficient.

Visible, with south hill will compare long life, from of old, it is fixed analogy.

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