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我介绍两个我喜欢的 night in the forest 还有 my ocean这两个都是 特别老的音乐 但是我听了很多年 还是喜欢




这大晚上,一首一首听净化心灵纯音乐,还十多分钟一首,差点睡过去! 班得瑞Bandari一部专辑,全带鸟声和水声,但时间太短 SilenceWithSoundFromNature?(寂静山林) TheSoundsOfSilence AiryVoices ElCóndorPasa ChariotsOfFire 还有一个是:DanGibson,时间最长80分钟,有13分钟的 SiennaSky DanGibson Enlightenment RetreattoCalm SongSparrow/Rose-BreastedGrosbeak/White-ThroatedSparrow/CommonCrow 网易云音乐里找的,不知道是不是!














1、叽喳喳2、鸣啾啾3、嘀呖呖4、叽呖呖5、啁啾啾6、吱咕咕鸟声 :布谷:象声词,是摹仿布谷鸟的叫声似“布谷”。 喳[zhā]:象声词,如:喜鹊喳喳地叫。 啁[zhōu]啾[jiū]:象声词,形容鸟叫的声音。 呖[lì]呖:象声词,形容鸟类清脆的叫声,如莺声呖呖。 嘤[yíng]:象声词,形容鸟叫声。 噌:象声词,如麻雀噌的一声飞了。 哑:象声词,哑哑,形容乌鸦叫声。 嘎[gā]嘎:象声词,形容大雁等的叫声,也作呷呷。 咕[gū]:象声词,形容斑鸠等的叫声。戛然:象声词,多形容嘹亮的鸟声。啾[jiū]啾:象声词,形容许多小鸟一齐叫的声音.



1. 鸟儿清脆的声音穿透了树林,比任何音乐都更美妙动听。

2. 晨光破晓之际,鸟儿欢快的歌声像一首动听的交响乐。

3. 在宁静的山林里,鸟儿的啼鸣,如同自然的音乐,诉说着大地的生命力。



鸟的叫声,最文雅的说法是 百家争鸣


One, have reputation of chute running water, the music of birdcall?

The Night In The Forest that I introduce two me to like still has My Ocean these two are particularly old music but I listened a lot of years or like

2, a music that there is birdcall of running water sound?

Should be Lin Anchu rain, the light music for 13 minutes grows when very few, the length of general music is controlled in 5 minutes, you had better be join different music together, can fade fades, reduce sudden move

3, beg a light music, there are running water sound and birdcall inside, and the sound that is nature?

This is big in the evening, one listens purify interior pure music, return more than 10 minutes, within an inch of sleeps! Ban Derui Bandari a special, the whole tone that take a bird and underwater acoustic, but is time too short SilenceWithSoundFromNature? (Noiseless mountain forest) NdorPasa ChariotsOfFire of ó of TheSoundsOfSilence AiryVoices ElC still has is: DanGibson, time is the 80 minutes longest, have what search in music of cloud of Netease of SiennaSky DanGibson Enlightenment RetreattoCalm SongSparrow/Rose-BreastedGrosbeak/White-ThroatedSparrow/CommonCrow, do not know!

4, sentence of birdcall of nature of charactizing a fine spring day?

Ground of my too impatient to wait opens a window, want to have a look at bird people leave " concert " . See only, leftmost bird people singing bass, singing in a low voice " chirp " " chirps " , most the bird of right people the sound in be being sung, the bird of the inter is being sung high. "Chirp " , "Chirp " bird people " singing " euphonic, what sing than people is not bad.

5, what does a music that there is birdcall of running water sound call?

A music that has birdcall of running water sound is suona horn: Lark Chao Feng.

In lark all sorts of birds in this music music call Chao Feng lifelike, let a person worth hearing for many times.

Of the job in us and life, listen to musical lark Chao Fengke to enrage bright in order to make person mind clear, feel exceedingly comfortable. The person that likes to doing not have music also can fall in love with this one melody, so I suggest everybody listens to lark Chao Feng strongly.

6, () birdcall?

Zhao [Jiu of Zh ō U] [Ji ū ] -- the sound that the bird makes.

Li [L ì ] Li -- the cry with avian and ringing appearance, be like warbler sound warbling of the oriole. Chirp [Y í Ng] chirp -- appearance birdcall. Ceng -- the sound that spadger flies to. Wow wow, ping ping, dumb dumb -- appearance crow cry. [G ā ] -- the cry that describes wild goose to wait, also make sip, the cry of the duck. Cluck [G ū ] -- the cry that describes culver to wait. Knock gently like that -- the bird sound that describes loud and clear more, be like: Knock gently grow like that cry. Jiu [Ji ū ] Jiu -- the sound that describes a lot of birdie to cry simultaneously, also describe sad and shrill cry. Brush -- the short sound that describes rapid brush to go, be like: Brush one, a bird flew away on willow. Attack arris -- the sound that appearance wing shakes, be like: Attack arris, fly a water bird. Toot toot toots -- the resembles knocking wood continuously sound of red bosom woodpecker. Cluck Duo -- the loud and successive cry of spot head green woodpecker. Cluck cluck tentativelies -- the cry of bead neck culver, falling-rising tone is more serious and spin.

7, beg at the beginning birdcall, running water sound, water sound, the audio light music of running water?

High mountain running water! Still have recommend a melody to you, light music " tear " , very Orphean!

8, describe birdcall fold a word?


1, Ji whisperwhispering sound 2, cry chirp 3, Di warbling of the oriole 4, Ji warbling of the oriole 5, chatter Jiu 6, sound of bird of Zhi cluck cluck: Cloth cereal: Onomatopoeia word, it is to imitate the cry of cuckoo to be like " cloth cereal " . Zha [Zh ā ] : Onomatopoeia word, be like: Ground of magpie whisperwhispering sound cries. Zhao [Jiu of Zh ō U] [Ji ū ] : Onomatopoeia word, describe the sound that the bird makes. Li [L ì ] Li: Onomatopoeia word, describe avian and ringing cry, be like warbler sound warbling of the oriole. Chirp [Y í Ng] : Onomatopoeia word, appearance birdcall. Ceng: Onomatopoeia word, flew like of spadger Ceng. Dumb: Onomatopoeia word, dumb, describe corvine cry. [G ā ] : Onomatopoeia word, the cry that describes wild goose to wait, also make sip. Cluck [G ū ] : Onomatopoeia word, the cry that describes culver to wait. Knock gently like that: Onomatopoeia word, describe the bird sound of loud and clear more. Jiu [Ji ū ] Jiu: Onomatopoeia word, describe the sound that a lot of birdie make simultaneously.

9, the sentence of depict birdcall?

It is the sentence of birdcall of a few depict below:

1.The sound with ringing bird penetrated the woods, more wonderful than any music pleasant.

2.During dawn dawns, the singing with lively bird resembles a pleasant symphony.

3.In halcyon mountain forest, the caw of bird cries, as natural music, recounting the vitality of the earth.


10, the statement with elegant birdcall?

The cry of the bird, the most elegant statement is contention of a hundred schools of thought

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