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Knowledge nods one: Understanding masters the literary common sense about Li Bai. Lay Buddhist of green lotus of Li Bai date, date " blame celestial being " , li Bai his lifetime, how to become an officer, with official circles antipathetic, and often give demote official, be banished from the court, be called so " blame celestial being " . His lifetime majority is to roaming in the center spend, often each district is itinerary. This poem is what Li Bai writes.

Knowledge nods 2: The contrast of Li Bai and Du Fu. Poetic case song of Li Bai with lyric give priority to, it is romanticism, and Du Fu is realistic. Li Bai by the Shi Xian that be called, du Fu is called Shi Sheng. Li Bai and Du Fu are called by world world Li Du. There still are two people on poetry history, be called small Li Du, he is Li Shang concealed and Du Mu. Big Li Du is Li Bai and Du Fu right.

Understand the fokelore about Li Bai

The story of the perseverance will prevail

Li Bai in one's childhood very corrupt play, often kip. He runs from the school, to the side of the river play, see a granny is taking a punty to be ground on stone come abrasion, li Bai is very open-eyed, ask then: Granny, what to grind punty to do? Wife says: I am wearing a pin. Li Bai asks again: So thick punty, when can Where is wear needle? Granny says: Want preserving heart only, punty is certain can wear needle. Li Bai listens very ashamed, suffering study is engraved later, become great poet eventually. As long as time is difficult, needle of embroider of iron beetle wear, it actually that is to say, do a thing, want to pass iteration effort, and want ground of day after night to be accumulated slow slow slowly.

Too white drunk grass frightens pretty book

Fabulous Li Bai is in this family member, by in encounter pretty a group of things with common features, li Bai is afraid of at that time enemy numerous my few, had not hit, drink boost one's courage, do not become aware malty, suddenly poetic inspiration is sent greatly, immediately takes out paper, wrote a mad grass. Say to also be blamed, after those pretty clansman people look, thinking is a book from heaven, li Bai is an immortal, busy ran away. Li Bai has an interest, drink namely, and after drinking wine, meet poetic inspiration is sent greatly, invention soars.

Knowledge nods 3: Line rhythm differentiates

" send friend " Li Bai

Green hill / horizontal / boreal Guo, bai Shui / circle / east city. Here / it is / not, gu bitter fleabane / 10 thousand lis / proof. Cloud drift / boy far away from home / meaning, setting sun / old friend / affection. Wave / this oneself / go, neigh / class horse / cry.

Knowledge nods 4: What is the subject matter of poetry? Be a poem of eight lines or a poem of four lines? Of a few character be?

A word has a few words is a few character, 5 words are 5 character. This poem is 5 character a poem of eight lines. Be a poem of four lines or lawyer? See it share a few big. If two big, that affirmation is a poem of four lines. If he is 4 big, it is a lawyer. This poem is 4 big 5 character lawyer. What is its subject matter? What is the content that basically keeps? Pass line we are knowable it is to send a poem off.

Knowledge nods 5: The word word in poetry masters

Guo is to point to a city wall

Bai Shui points to very clear water

Gu sail is the v that follow wind, do not have a root along with what wind drifts careless. Bitter fleabane rises to lead a wandering life what point to namely with person connection without according to, do not have that person.

Class horse: Notice him write a law. It is among animal zebra civil, and the class that the class horse here is class. Where is what meaning? Point to the horse that carries a person to be far from, the meaning of the class leaves namely group. A classes or grades in school that says now, be get together the person rise. Ancient time says this class is to leave. One's deceased father write from memory should notice this class word, do not want clerical error.

Knowledge nods 6: Of the poem admire analyse

Guo of green hill horizontal north, bai Shui is circled east city. Before a few are in depict environment, the face mentioned two kinds of scenery here, green hill green water.

Here is not, gu bitter fleabane is asked for 10 thousand lis. After writing handclasp character to fasten, friend will lead a wandering life like alone bitter fleabane grass 10 thousand lis. This word straight contact gives him is to sending friend, and the rhetorical technique that still used an analogy. bitter fleabane of Gu of friend assimilate to. If ask to admire analyse please " send friend " in the center use that rhetorical this word, everybody should know is this.

The sentence of scene is written in finding out a poem, say its expressive result.

Before we know two are in picture scene, kept the picture of city of boreal Guo Dong, spoke valedictory place, contrast of photograph of color of green hill white water is brighter.

Green hill horizontal stroke is there, it is static depict, and water is to be being circled, it is to know trends, so this word still used the technique that an activity combines. Want to notice, static scenery always is written among poetry, write dynamic scenery again next, this kind of gimmick calls activity union.

Generalize the theme of this poem with concise language.

Since be called,send a poem off, the theme affirms be pair of friend to be not abandoned, so this sends a poem off, send environmental depict off through what depict Qing Liru draws, apply colours to a drawing goes out send atmosphere off, conveyed Li Bai to send friend off supple cherish is other feeling.
