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The head

Male cranium is bigger opposite female, have edge more, the structure has strength to feel more, its surface is rougher, more bumpy, can make sarcous tendon part adheres to closely above, enhance sarcous to pull thereby pull ability. Male mandible more square and the female is more pointed. Frontal ministry of the female is straighter and flowing. The male has the frontal hole with more apparent more, this makes the eyebrow bone of double eye upper part more thick. Facial muscle of the male relatively the female thicker.


Of the male thyroid (Adam's apple) those who compare a woman is big much, thyroid the cricoid cartilage below also is the male is more apparent, the lower part in pharynx is derivative a small pump. Somes the female's thyroid gland is bigger, covered cricoid cartilage, make cervical appearance fruitier. Strumous often cause neck to coarsen greatly, this kind of circumstance is commonner than the male on female body.

Because go up the angle of rib and sternal joint and man are different, so usually of the female cervical should grow than the male. The end on male breastbone is general as tall like the 2nd thoracic vertebra, the female's breastbone is inferior, make the same score together with the 3rd thoracic vertebra. No matter be the male or female, the forehead of the neck should be compared hind low, if upgrade of will whole bosom carries the sentence that handles to chin, cervical can shorten. What the female's occipital compares the man is a bit more inclined, this makes its neck hind a few taller. More strong neck flesh of the male, make with the muscle of two side after the neck especially of the male cervical appear a few wider.

Truncal ministry

Male muscle compares a woman apparently more thick and develop, the adipose layer below the female's skin should compare the man a few thicker, the skeleton because of this female body and muscle unlike the male so apparent.

Small flesh of male pectoralis major and bosom develops quite, clear-cut, and the female because mammary reason, bosom muscle is enclothed by the breast, become so not apparent. Male tit is above the 5th costal region, namely sword dash forward upper part little, when the station is straight, if from shoulder most brim place picture arrives of hilum linear, connect regular meeting to pass a tit. Two breasts of the female slant to two side, the breast all round the tit is dizzy can make appreciably apophysis, also can be evenness. Because bosom reachs back muscle relatively the reason that develop, the man looks pectoral outline ply to show echelon normally from flank, relatively want the female many thick.

Because male pelvis is relatively narrow, the adipose layer of muscle surface is less, two side have male waist normally outside relatively apparent abdomen inclined flesh. The female is very unidentified show.

Shoulder and arm

Humeral ministry of the male is wider flatter, relative to at the male character, humeral ministry of the female hangs low, this go up in Asian female body especially apparent, european female is opposite at Asian female character, humeral ministry is opposite wider, pectoral outline is relatively wide also. Of male arm adipose relatively the female wants little, muscle relatively develop and clear-cut.

Antebrachium and hand

Male antebrachium is hefty, change of the degree of finish when movement of make a fist is apparent. Cubital head is protuberant and apparent, artifice section is broader bulkier, the palm is wide and thicker, show joint is bulky, look more square on hand whole. Because the man is fat less, what vein falls in the skin is raised more clear but differentiate. Feet bone of the female is more unidentified show, artifice part is fine, the palm is narrow long, show joint is not apparent, finger appears long and thin, the female sees vein is raised below skin of OK and advanced arm rarely.

Coxa and ham

Male pelvis relatively the female taller narrower, the distance between spine goes up before Qia smaller, the female's pelvis is wider and shallow, in body watch, enclothe in abdomen, the adipose ply on hip and ham muscle and its downy curve decided the external form of female pelvis. The female is pregnant after production, the pelvis can be maintained more, the position of Qia Ji produces change, observe from the reverse side same the pregnancy of a female produces around, the rough sketch that place of the flesh in the Qia Ji that can discover hip, musculus glutaeus maximus and buttock makes is met by large pear body goes up small when the girl, become gradually go up big small butterfly.

Look from the surface, coxa and femoral muscle normally of the male bigger, because their muscle is general bigger stronger, sarcous crest line is mixed body piece is more clear, bone point is more obvious also. And the female's ham is by more adipose form, because this is more soft, from visual angle for, body is more perfectly round, bone dot is relatively fruity reach faintness, unlike the male clear in that way show in shape face. Surface layer is adipose the skin that often can decide hip and ham to go up skins texture, female particularly such.

Crus and sufficient

Male kneecap, tibial thick grand is relatively wide, because this knee joint appears bulkier, kneecap also appears relatively outstanding, the ankle is bulgy more apparent also. The female's crus line is normally softer, knee joint is narrower, gambrel especially inside the ankle is bulgy relatively not apparent. Sufficient ministry skeleton of the male is clear, blood-vessel of ample backside vein is raised and clear but differentiate.

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