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去印度旅游目的? 如何去印度旅游?英文双语对照


去印度旅游目的? 如何去印度旅游?英文双语对照








前往印度旅游,最佳的方式是坐飞机。. 目前在中国大陆有很多种选择,可从北京、上海、广州、成都、昆明等地直飞前往印度。. 另外,香港也可飞往印度多个城市。. 主力航线相关信息如下:. 1. 北京-德里:中国国际航空公司执飞,约7.5小时航程,每周一、三、五、六去,周二、四、六、日回。. 2. 北京-德里:中国东方航空公司执飞,约12小时航程,经停上海3小时,每周二、四、五、日去,周一、三、五、六回。

















  印度的旅游业和服务业也比较发达,在国民经济中占有相当的比例。旅游业是印度政府重点发展产业,也是重要就业部门,提供两千多万个岗位。入境旅游人数逐年递增,旅游收入不断增加。主要旅游点有阿格拉、德里、斋浦尔、昌迪加尔、那烂陀、迈索尔、果阿、泰姬陵、海德拉巴、特里凡特琅等。 印度选出本国七大历史奇迹 印度拉贾斯坦风情。



  印度属典型的热带季风气候,大部分地区的天气可分为冷季、热季和雨季退缩季,还有山地、亚热带草原、沙漠、热带雨林等气候。年平均降水量各地差异很大,大致2000-4000毫米不等。 冬季除北部高山地区经常下雪外,各地气候温和凉爽宜人。



  冬季最适宜游印度东南部,夏季最适合去高原地区避暑。 印度的气候变化非常大,而且每隔一个邦气候都不大一样,所以很难选择一个合适的时间前往印度。但一般来说十月到三月会是这个国家最舒适宜人的时间,南部则是一到九月会比较舒适,印度东北部和吸金地区三月到八月的天气会比较好。









3000元人民币左右。乘坐动车前往老挝,经磨憨口岸办理入境手续后继续乘坐火车前往老挝首都--万象 。万象是老挝人民民主共和国的首都,全国的政治、经济、文 化中心和大城市,也是老挝的直辖市。据说,万象这个地方曾经生长着许多 珍贵的檀木,其名称由此而来。在此之前,万象还曾有过一些其它的名称。如“永珍”,“永”是城市的意思,“珍”是庙宇的意思,合起来为“庙宇林立的城市”,再如“月亮之城”,这是因为古代的万象,是一座半圆型城市,建筑物多呈白色或 黄色,周围是翠竹林,远望如一弯新月。



Go Indian travel purpose?

Compatriots goes the purpose that India travels is to seek commercial cooperation.

Go Indian brigade go canvassing rises should be smaller numerous. Hinder the dirty chaos at India and public security disorder, because of the relation of we and Ba Tie, more because the Indian is constant " speak rudely " , not be a lot of people like India so. India welcomes 1000 much international visitors every year about, but China is visited imprint the tourist is not much however. The number that India comes to China every year travel is adjacent 1 million, but China goes also be in every year roughly toward Indian tourist 250 thousand fluctuation, do not calculate really much. But these going to the tourist that India travels, bequest of 37 social bounds comes to also be not, majority still has other objective. for instance this different thing, it is Chinese tourist goes all the time the main reason that India travels, local evaluates: Have eye really.

How to go does India travel?

Do a passport above all, estimate a week time, online application visa, travel autograph; Choose good destination to decide hotel of good flight number next, make good destination strategy, prepare requisite, if change plug, notice an individual to defend, if prevent mosquito

How to go does India travel?

By air

Head for India to travel, first-rate means is by air. . There are a lot of kinds of choices in chinese mainland at present, can head for India from non-stop flight to of and other places of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Kunming. . Additional, hong Kong also can fly to India many cities. . News is as follows related brunt course: . 1. Beijing - in heart: China International airline hold fly, restrict 7.5 hours of range, every week one, 3, 5, 6 go, zhou Er, 4, 6, day is answered. . 2. Beijing - in heart: Chinese Oriental airline hold fly, restrict 12 hours of range, via stopping Shanghai 3 hours, every week 2, 4, 5, day goes, zhou Yi, 3, 5, 6.

Go is Indian travel safe?

India is one multivariate the country of culture, much religion, multiligualism, also be one of countries with the most population on the world. Although India has long history and culture, but also put in a few safe problems.

Above all, public security situation of India is opposite poorer, mix in urban center especially travel area, thief, thief and rob incident to happen from time to tome. The tourist should notice to had kept oneself property, be in place of person much congested especially, wait like tourist attraction of the market, station, travel.

Next, medical treatment condition of India is opposite poorer, be in especially a rural area. The tourist should notice dietetic hygiene and individual sanitation, avoid edible feculent food and drinkable the water that did not boil.

In addition, india also is put in problem of a few societies, if impoverished, unemployed, education is inadequate,wait. These problems may bring about a few societies not to stabilize an element, wait like horrible assault, demonstration. The tourist should pay close attention to the safe reminder that local press and government issue closely, avoid to head for uncannily area.

As a whole, india is a travel destination that has challenge sex, the tourist should have made sufficient preparation and program, take necessary safety precaution, mix in order to ensure travel is safe successful.

Go India travels, safe?

The mist haze besides Xin Deli is more serious than Beijing severalfold, ganges water is so dirty that Ganges water drive sb. to his death, often some thief are little feel, slaughter foreign tourist, food is not quite wholesome, everywhere dirty chaos is poor, stinking, often some of animal chaos runs, public hospital dirty chaos is poor, cure is protected do not have sense of responsibility, syringe needle repeats use do not disinfect, often some form a delegation round of X homicide, social disturbance cuff, religion slaughters, horrible assault is waited a moment besides, india is safer still, want special attention namely behind schedule of Indian airliner train is more serious, he carries water or buy bottled water as far as possible, the boiled water that boil, eat to also eat decoct blast to fry as far as possible, kill bacterial food through high temperature, still do not wear as far as possible too sexy, do not show money.

Go Indian travel should spend how many money, go how many fee does Indian travel want?

Stand by Bombay to wait on the west coastal state, belong to climate of monsoon of intertropical and marine sex, escape monsoon (6-10) , remaining is travel season, 11-3 special bright! Charge: Back and forth airline ticket makes an appointment with 5-7 1000 than going southeast Asia is expensive, south Asia of Yu Qudong of interpose of total cost of not quite expensive ~ mixes other go between Japanese You Zhi

Go is Indian travel spending high?

According to the conversion of monetary rupee of India and RMB, 1000 money RMB can change 10 thousand rupee in India, and salary of a white-collar is controlled in 4000 rupee about, that is to say the salary that 400 money are equivalent to their month, go moving so if travelling, do not need to plan too much fund.

Although a lot of people know, present GDP also is in India to lift ceaselessly, and the country that lags behind at those relatively already very tall, but difference of their the rich and the poor is too big, most fortune is centered in the hand that seldom counts a person, the price that caused them so is very low. Take the word of the meal here, need 30 rupee left and right sides about, accommodation also with respect to 400 rupee, if so Chinese tourist travels to here, pressure is very small. The airline ticket of India going there and back, if come up against privilege when, about also with respect to 3000 money, and the capital preparation that travels to here can play 2000 yuan very well.

What season goes is Indian travel first-class?

? ? Is India optimal is travel season when? For everybody collect arranged India below optimal travel is seasonal, look together! The hope can help you.

Is India optimal is travel seasonal?

Indian tourism and service line of business also developed quite, the proportion that comparative is had in national economy. Tourism is property of development of Indian government focal point, also be branch of important obtain employment, offer two post. Enter a country travel number year after year increases by degrees, travel income increases ceaselessly. Main travel dot has Agela, mind li, fast riverside Er, prosperous A of Dijiaer, that sodden Tuo, Maisuoer, fruit, Tai Jiling, Haidelaba, . India singles out homeland India of miracle of 7 great histories pulls Gu Sitan amorous feelings.

A India is the Gu Guozhong of civilization of 4 great ancient time on the world, it is a state that has long history culture, the travel hotspot over there has a lot of, when to just go is India best? India is the country that an annual suits everybody to travel for must, it is different area shows simultaneous picture in different time only each are not identical stopped.

Indian weather

India belongs to typical intertropical monsoon climate, the weather of major area can be divided for Leng Ji, hot Ji Heyu season shrinks back season, still have the climate such as country, semi-tropical prairie, desert, selva. Year difference of average fall each district is very big, roughly 2000-4000 millimeter differs. Winter often snows except area of upper high mountain outside, each district climate is gentle and cool delightful.

The coldest January, northward and average air temperature is 15 ℃ , but be in a mountainous area, pull Gusitanxi ministry and by the lowermost air temperature of block general south can amount to south of 2.5 ℃ ; 0 times average air temperature is as high as 27 ℃ , climate is dry, for India optimal travel is seasonal. The summer begins from March, rain is less, weather is dry and sultry, major area air temperature can be as high as 40 ℃ above, the ministry is 43 ℃ in Ganges catchment, southern heart does on highland a few areas to be as high as 49 ℃ , southwest and coastal plain is between 29-32 ℃ .

Optimal and seasonal

Winter is optimum swim Indian southeast ministry, the summer suits to go to downy area be away for the summer holidays most. Climate change of India is very big, and every other climate of a nation is not quite same, choose a right time very hard to head for India so. But generally speaking October is met to March is the time with this the most comfortable and delightful country, the south is to arrive the meeting is more comfortable in September, it is better India to was met to the weather August in March with area suction gold.

Will come every year in October generally speaking so the optimal season that second year March is Indian travel.

Monsoon from June the first ten days of a month begins to arrive all the time 9, between October, year of fall of each district add suddenly, differ to 4000 millimeter from hundreds of millimeter, monsoon shrinks back.

Proposal amuse oneself: 10 days

Expenditure of average per capita: ¥ 7000

Visa difficulty: General

Go easy to handle of Indian travel visa?

The fare of Indian travel visa is cheap, time giving a lot needs 7-9 workaday time, prepare a data relatively southeast Asia country is complex, the look is simple to the European Union. Still autograph of Indian travel electron can apply for. The depended on him application website with Indian travel the most difficult visa is very difficult go up, fill in every time specific power consumption expends the of 80% patience inside a day.

Does Changsha go Laos travel price?

3000 yuan of RMBs are controlled. Take motor-car to head for Laos, enter a country via grinding foolish port to deal with formalities succeed add takes the train to head for Laos capital- - every phenomenon. Every phenomenon is the capital of republic of Laos people democracy, center of countrywide politics, economy, culture and big city, also be the municipality directly under the Central Government of Laos. Allegedly, every phenomenon this place once was growing a lot of rare wingceltis wood, its name from this and come. Before this, every phenomenon ever still had had the name of a few other. Be like " always precious " , "Always " the meaning that is a city, "Precious " the meaning that is temple, close to be " the city with bristly temple " , be like again " lunar city " , this is the every phenomenon because of ancient time, it is a semicircle city, the building shows white or yellow more, green banboos forest is all round, yuan Wangru bends new moon.

 Dinner samples traditional Laos dish, enter a hotel late to rest
