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四通商场曾经是大学生们最爱来的商场 这里主要经营各种年轻人的时尚服饰 现在随着网络的发达 ,来这里购物的人也比以前少了很多 这里主要经营的还是比较适合年轻人时尚鞋帽 服装 。



公交线路:609路,全程约3.4公里1、从西乡镇步行约470米,到达西乡码头站2、乘坐609路,经过8站, 到达天虹商场(宝安)站3、步行约110米,到达创业天虹



















































When does shopping square of fad of Nanchang beautiful market open the door?

     Now Nanchang besides the supermarket, other market, shopping street is 10: 00 open the door.

     The situation with actually true now substance is bad, no matter be big market or each shopping street, arrived only on Saturday, on Sunday or holiday person will be some more, but bazaar, shopping street is not agile settling time, uniform it is 10: 00 open the door.

       Actually holiday is mixed Saturday, weekday should shift to an earlier date a hour opens the door greet a visitor.

Baoding business hours of 4 fashionable shopping square?

Zhou Yi comes Zhou Wu 09:30-20:30 Saturday, weekday 09:30-21:00.

Field of 4 have trade relations once was the fashionable dress that all sorts of youths basically manage here now as the network develop, the person that comes here to shop is a lot of less than before also the returning that here basically manages is to suit dress of cap of youth vogue shoe quite.

Baoding field of 4 have trade relations is located at Heibei to save pool of Baoding city lotus street of Ou Yonghua Beijing University 16.

Where is shopping square of vogue of rainbow of poineering day of Shenzhen Baoan area?

Public transportation circuitry: 609, whole journey makes an appointment with 3.4 kilometers 1, from villages and towns makes an appointment with 470 meters on foot on the west, arrive country port city stands on the west 2, take 609, through 8 stations, reach day rainbow market (Baoan) station 3, make an appointment with 110 meters on foot, arrive at poineering Tian Hong

Does loose river area arrive does shopping square of vogue of new scope of operation of yellow riverside district want how long?

Where must see you set out from Song Jiang? If by subway if 9 lines are convenient:

By subway 9 lines stand when the road to the horse get off, give a station to go 10 minutes toward north when the road along the horse, shop to vogue of new scope of operation square!

If setting out from loose Jiang Xincheng, on the road 65 minutes or so, fare 7 yuan!

Shopping square of underground of sunshine of A city vogue how?

Environment of shopping square of underground of sunshine of A city vogue is particularly good, guest discharge still has calculated.

It is not quite clear that business spreads year of hire, anyplace business shop divides a person to do, some places are special fire, also have cold and cheerless.

Rental look is not easy not quite clear, I often go, not was free.

Entrance ticket of Dong Yue shopping square?

Do not want entrance ticket.

High-grade bazaar should have 4 only

Tai'an high-grade bazaar has, silver-colored a store, 10 thousand amount to square, aegean square. The environment is beautiful inside the my square that still has the start business on the horse, commodity is all ready the feeling of find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind of individual of too many things to see letting a person, shopping inside is one kind is enjoyed really, people can play inside recreation still has all sorts of children You Le's place is good really.

Talk about rank of town shopping square?

Talk about a city to arrange towering like a mountain peak to live in international to read extensively adjacent of blessing of treasure of center, Yanggu talking about a city

, Dong Chengguo talking about a city China government office, Liao Chenghua establishs border flourishing age 1 block, Gaotangfuming harbor of river of home, Mei talking about a city, talk about a city Jin Ding shopping centers, talk about a city contemporary shopping centers, chat

Above is the shopping square rank that talks about castellan the city zone and local county town, need be fond of of individual of sue for peace according to shopping, the rank is not divided early or late

Without stannum large shopping square?

Without stannum 10 large shopping center:

1, square of grand of the constant that do not have stannum

2, square of town of dragon of the treasure that do not have stannum

3, without Xi Bin lake 10 thousand amount to square

4, without heaven and earth of stannic deep harbor

5, without Xi Maoye heaven and earth

6, get together without Xi Hui shopping centers

7, without Xi Suning square

8, without galactic city of square of Xi Wuzhou international

9, without Xi Baile square

10, without Xi Yixing 10 thousand amount to square

Without Xi Henglong square project includes first phase and 2 period, two period the total floor area of the project is amounted to 375, 720 square metre. The mart that is located at having stannic city esteems the road in the people that bring a district, already the constant grand square of practice (first phase) the area is amounted to 262, 720 square metre, include shopping bazaar and first class office building group. The shopping bazaar that takes the lead in starting line of business will gather together international is famous brand. The constant grand square that does not have stannum takes favourable geographical position, the subway reachs the road in road of Zhongshan of be well versed in of 2 line general and people one number, collect a dot to set a station at be being handed in bothly, with indoor passageway first phase of square of join constant grand is reached 2 period, conduce promotes the stream of people of the project.

Is Linyi shopping square ranked?

Edifice of commerce of 1. a poetic name of China, the position: The road of emancipatory road and Xi (Yuan Xinhua 2) hand in collect place.

Square of 2. north harmony + silver-colored, the position: Emancipatory road and understand road are handed in collect silver bazaar, the position: Red flag road is handed in with 81 assemble place northeast part (side of people square north) .

3. short for the Yihe River covers a building, the position: Unconscious road of short for the Yihe River and siskin hill road (former siskin hill all the way) hand in assemble place northwest part.

4. is silver-colored a square inn, the position: Red flag road is handed in with 81 assemble place northeast part (side of people square north) .

5. short for the Yihe River cheats building supermarket, the position: Unconscious road of short for the Yihe River and siskin hill road (former siskin hill all the way) hand in collect first floor of building of Yi Meng of place northwest horn

6. harmonious square

7. 10 thousand amount to inn of square north city

8. 10 thousand amount to inn of square bank river

Is Tai'an shopping square ranked?

One, square of town of Tai'an treasure dragon

2, Tai'an annals tall international

3, Tai'an beneficial China square shopping centers

4, mansion of business of Tai'an new era (Piao of 5 horses inn

5, in Tai'an south good business street of near neighbour of city of century bright and beautiful

6, Tai'an fat city big business

7, Tai'an Aegean shopping park

8, Tai'an Xin Taizhong is new and high heaven and earth

9, Tai'an light shops greatly square

10, square of town of Taiwan of Tai'an fat city

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