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  • 国家安全观的基本概念和内涵
  • 国家安全形势的分析和评估
  • 国防建设与军队现代化
  • 爱国主义和家国情怀的培养
  • 参与国家安全的行为与责任



  • 国家安全观的历史渊源和理论体系
  • 国家安全形势的分析方法和工具
  • 军事科技与国防建设的关系
  • 军事训练和防护技能的培养
  • 参观军事基地和讲座活动



  • 讲授和讲解:通过讲解理论知识和实例分析,引导学生更深入地了解国家安全和国防建设的内容。
  • 案例研究:通过分析历史事件和现实问题,培养学生的战略思维和分析能力。
  • 实践活动:组织学生参加军事训练、实地考察等活动,提高其实际应对能力。



  • 考试和测试:通过书面测试和口头答辩,检验学生对国防教育内容的掌握程度。
  • 实践活动:观察学生在实践活动中的表现,评估其技能和态度的发展。
  • 问卷调查:收集学生的反馈意见,了解他们对国防教育的认知和满意度。







National defence education is one of important ways that develop national footing and consciousness. It knows national security and the value that national defence builds through teaching people, raise strategic thinking ability of the countryman and bosom of domestic national condition. The article will be discussed how to write a major and practical national defense teachs teaching plan.

Purpose and target

Above all, an outstanding national defence teachs teaching plan to should make clear purpose and target. The purpose is the core content of affirmatory education, enhance the student's safe to the country attention and acknowledge for example. The target is specific, the educational goal that can scale, raise national defence accomplishment of the student and patriotism affection for example.

Education theme

Education theme is educational key. In teaching plan of national defence education, can include the following theme:

  • The basic idea that national security watchs and connotation
  • Analyse and evaluate of national safety topological features
  • National defence construction and army are modern
  • Patriotism and the education that domestic national condition conceives
  • Share the behavior of national security and responsibility

Education content

Education content is to be on education theme foundation, will academic knowledge and the specific content that carry out mobile photograph union. In teaching plan of national defence education, can include the following content:

  • The historical source that national security watchs and academic system
  • The analytic method of national safety topological features and tool
  • Martial science and technology concerns with what national defence builds
  • The military affairs trains and defend the education of skill
  • Base of visiting military affairs and lecture activity

Teaching method

Teaching method is the means that is used at promoting student learning in education process and method. In teaching plan of national defence education, can use the following method:

  • Tuitional and explain: Through explaining academic knowledge and example analysis, guide a student to understand national security and the content that national defence builds deep more.
  • Check study: Through analysing historical incident and real problem, develop strategic thinking of the student and analytic ability.
  • Carry out an activity: Constituent student enters a war training, on-the-spot make an on-the-spot investigation wait for an activity, raise its to answer ability actually.

Evaluate and feedback

To the student's study the circumstance undertakes feedback is the main component that teachs teaching plan assessment mixing. Can use the following method to undertake assessment:

  • Take an exam and check: Mix through written test oral rejoin, examine the student masters degree to what national defence teachs content.
  • Carry out an activity: Observation student is behaved mediumly in practice activity, assess the progress of its skill and manner.
  • Questionnaire investigation: Gather feedback opinion of the student, the acknowledge that understands them to be taught to national defence and satisfaction are spent.


National defence education is the important way that develops national footing and consciousness. An outstanding national defence teachs teaching plan to should make clear purpose and target, design reasonable education theme and content, use the teaching method of diversification, undertake evaluate and feedbacking to study circumstance of the student. Adopt this teaching plan, the hope can help teachers begin national defence to teach better, education has national consciousness and the new generation that domestic national condition conceives.


Thank you to read chrestomathy piece national defence teachs teaching plan, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

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