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心理咨询,是指咨询员运用心理学的知识,通过询问等方法解决其心理困惑。心理咨询事实上是帮助来访者实现心灵再度成长的过程。那些认为只有心理有病的人才会去心理咨询的观念是不对的. 总之,心理咨询是指运用心理学的方法,对在心理适应方面出现问题并企求解决问题的来访者提供心理援助的过程。




这学期我还参加了我们学校的心理协会---沁心港湾,这是一个温暖的大家庭,大家在一起共同努力,不仅学到了很多心理方面的知识,还为其他同学提供心理方面的服务。特别是今年的5. 25活动更是深深的感动了我,老师与同学们的亲密交谈让同学们,还有我有懂得了很多很多……而且在这里我可以把在心理课上学到的知识付诸与实践,让我学而致用!






I think to serve as an undergraduate, mental health is opposite work and study have; of hopeful state of mind to; of correct ego subjective consciousness can hold him well, the mood; that controls oneself and classmates concern harmonious, very good be in harmony at the acclimatization with collective can very good; ...

Psychology seeks advice, it is the knowledge that shows the member that seek advice applies psychology, solve its psychology quandary through the method such as the inquiry. Psychology seeks advice is the process that heart of implementation of the person that the help calls in grows once more in fact. The talent that those think psychology is only sick can go the idea that psychology seeks advice from is incorrect. Anyhow, psychology seeks advice from the method that is a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of intention pointing to carry, the person that call in to be in what psychology gets used to side occurrence issue and desire to gain solves a problem offers the course that psychology helps.

Be opposite through this semester university psychology (2) study, I had certain knowledge to psychological knowledge, the phylogeny that is pair of psychology above all had certain knowledge, it is the knowledge that studied activity of a few organizations next, and entering an activity the knowledge of a lot of life was experienced in the process of the class, in the everybody in organization activity each other opened wide each other heart door leaf, active participation arrived in collective activity, the strength that hereinto reflected collective again...

In the mobile subject that refers in psychology, I realised popular feeling is medium flimsy one side, sometimes interior trouble how need another person caress, the communication of the sort of heart and heart just can let a person experience communication to get joyance, our psychology seeks advice imitate can let person sense resemble program show sometimes, but everybody's genuine heart has to let touch again however, the first time the joyance that it let me experience the sort of help others.

Mobile class is the effective form that executive quality teachs, it is the important way of integration of theory with practice. It can arouse the passion of student learning, active classroom atmosphere, achieve Yo person result truly. The student is in honest active vivid and have benefit gained from sb's wisdom and be edified certainly in the activity of new idea, the union of stimulative knowing and doing. The student is participating in education process actively in, aroused feeling, understood a reason, reason condenses, after fashioning belief, need the project oneself in acting then. Right now the teacher should guide, encourage a student to project healthy and exalted affection outwards, provide the chance that shows him behaviour and room for them.

I still attended this session the psychological association of our school---Ooze heart harbour, this is a warm big family, everybody is together joint efforts, acquired the knowledge of respect of a lot of psychology not only, still provide the service of psychological respect for other classmate. Especially 5 this year. 25 activities are more deep touched me, chat of teacher and classmates intimately allow fellow students, still have me knew very a lot of more... and here I am OK an intellectual Fu Zhu that acquires on psychological class and practice, let me learn and send with!

Finished university psychology (2) study, I to him university life of 4 years had abecedarian program, to the following road, had an abecedarian program to his professional career

Visible, of the psychology help to our undergraduate is clearly greatly. No matter we are in the life, still be the knowledge that respect of study, intercourse can use this field.

A when I am very interested in class of this take as an elective course, I am gutty need not force oneself go absorption attend a lecture, however the sort of feeling that is attracted by teacher place in spite of oneself. Visible psychology has its glamour to be in really!

Although the psychological class of my take as an elective course ended, but I still do not have an end however to the study of psychological knowledge, probably psychology follows me the connection with the following without what very big profession, but psychological knowledge is helped to mine is long-term however, be lifetime even
