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1 、巧用牙膏:若有小面积皮肤损伤或烧伤、烫伤,抹上少许牙膏,可立即止血止痛,也可防止感染,疗效颇佳。

2 、巧除纱窗油腻:可将洗衣粉、吸烟剩下的烟头一起放在水里,待溶解后,拿来擦玻璃窗、纱窗,效果均不错。

3 、将虾仁放入碗内,加一点精盐、食用碱粉,用手抓搓一会儿后用清水浸泡,然后再用清水洗净,这样能使炒出的虾仁透明如水晶,爽嫩可口。

4 、和饺子面的窍门:在1斤面粉里掺入6个蛋清,使面里蛋白质增加,包的饺子下锅后蛋白质会很快凝固收缩,饺子起锅后收水快,不易粘连。


5 、将残茶叶浸入水中数天后,浇在植物根部,可促进植物生长;把残茶叶晒干,放到厕所或沟渠里燃熏,可消除恶臭,具有驱除蚊蝇的功能。

6 、夹生饭重煮法:如果是米饭夹生,可用筷子在饭内扎些直通锅底的孔,洒入少许黄酒重焖,若只表面夹生,只要将表层翻到中间再焖即可。







2 、 发挥自己的优势


3、 有目的地生活











小贴士的意思是小费,给餐馆,旅馆等服务员的。 "小贴士"有时转意为给一些小的提示,帮助,建议,小窍门.通常出现在网页上,例如使用某样东西的小贴士. 来源是广东话音译英语小费,tip(单数) 和 tips(复数)。加上中文“小”-- 有点画蛇添足,中不中,洋不洋的粤语-- 被引入汉语了。













The life is little stick person: The small doohickey in the life, be worth the life common sense that see?

What there is a lot of in the life is small stick person, it is the small doohickey of some of summary in the life, be worth the life common sense that see, share everybody, let associate people be benefited. When for instance the summer just is bitten by mosquito, the soap on besmear won't itch, this is a fact.

1, can put a few tea to be chewed a few times in the mouth everyday, those who notice tea is clean do not pollute, this can make your mouth middleman and guarantor holds faint scent. Ate the food with heavy flavour, for instance garlic, strong-smelling preserved bean curd, can eat a few pignut right now.

2, put on fire to bake heat with groundnut, contain husk, put on painful tooth to bite next, can delay reduces a symptom, of course the tooth is fond of a holiday to have apparent inflammation so or tooth of eat by moth, this needs to see a dentist. .

3, when eating orange, pulp is outer have Bai Si, everybody knows to be able to eat, but a lot of people do not know to eat this to have what profit, rich yellow ketone material is contained inside this actually, this can have profit greatly to the body. The mouth when sleeping contains orange skin together, the mouth contains about 15 minutes, next hind spit, can alleviate 5 times or so dozen breathe out symptom of gnash one's teeth, return so that read individual constitution of course, find precise reason.

4, actually, white turnip, the double that after husking, is stuck in the cheek is temporal go up, stick 15 minutes of above every night, can alleviate have a headache symptom. When nodding eyedrop, can slightly ask for a favor, right now the eye won't be blinked in disorder kept.

5, the summer also can fall ill, if guttural or gum agnail, can cut fresh watermelon small in the evening, touching a few salt to eat, relieve a symptom. Inside period of time, time takes pear, slow swallow, hold to a few days, stomatitis disease alleviates.

6, outdoors perhaps sees in the garden nice word is much, want land belonging to one production unit but enclosed in that of another in the vase, can get on to wash clean essence in the drop in water at this moment, such flower can put several days, not all of course flower can such.

Is the life little stick person?

1, artful with toothpaste: ?

2, artful divide screen window fat: ?

3, put shrimp meat the bowl inside, add alkaline pink of a bit refined salt, edible, after catching rub a little while with the hand, immerse with clear water, next reoccupy clear water is abluent, can make fry the shrimp meat that give so transparent like crystal, bright is tender goluptious.

The 4, doohickey: with dumpling face? ? jin the mix into in flour joins 6 egg white, make the protein in the face increases, the protein after the boiler below the dumpling of the bag will be very fast caky systole, water stops after the boiler since dumpling fast, not easy adhesion.


5, the Queen of heaven will be counted in incomplete tea water intrusion, irrigate in plant root ministry, can promote a plant to grow; incomplete tea insolation, put a toilet or light in conduit fume, can eliminate effluvial, have the function of drive midge fly.

Does 6, rawish meal boil law: again?

Is winter life little stick person?

1, weather is dry and special rise easily electrostatic, wearing briefs of dress respect underwear had better choose pure cotton. 2, bathe should not be too diligent, itself winter skin is dry, the leather fat of skin surface layer is not much, bathe too much to make the skin easily scratchy, chap. 3, winter washs a face to be able to prevent a cold with cold water, cause the skin closely, increase the facial ministry suiting to cold air ability. 4, drink water more, although movement is little in the winter, perspire little, but also should make sure the place inside body requires moisture. 5, proper and outdoors activity, although weather is cold, but also have undertake physical training appropriately, canter, take a walk.

6, take an active part in body building, slow pace, climb, take a walk, swim etc, can make the body gets taking exercise, enhance oneself strength. Precautionary chilblain should join all sorts of campaign more, often wash one's hands with invisible soap and imperceptible water, stamp.

Is Diy life little stick person?

1, expressive gratitude

The good thing in living through savouring, the exercise diverts attention half full glass from the cup of half sky. Express appreciative feeling, for example, write be thankful diary, it is the effective way that develops happy sense.

The 2, advantage that produces oneself

The new method that discover your talent and finds the dominant position that uses you is the way that leads to abiding happiness.

3, purposeful life

Find way of target feeling, living, two in will happy 3 big pillar -- meaning and participate in union to be together. The life goal that defines you adopts measure to turn into its reality.

Is the life little stick person how to make?

The little detail of daily life, adopt a figure, scenery, the characteristic is described

Is the life little stick person 50 words?

Electronic product is put out before sleeping 30 minutes ago. Room light keeps dim. Ensure Morpheus time is achieved everyday 7 - 8 hours. Reasonable food, balanced nutrition, food is delicate.

Is the life that make little stick person action?

The person gets more easily when knowing way flimsily alluring.

Make a living so small stick person advantage is we can arrange a heart, go reminding oneself what is the thing that he likes and means, and oneself expect to what did not come and envisage.

After finishing, a conspicuous corner searchs to stick newspaper of clip and paste in home Xuan it is good to rise. Just perhaps be put on the table or dresser, windowsill is OK. Can update at any time later stick.

Is the life little stick person what meaning be?

Small stick person means fee, give restaurant, of the clerk such as hotel. "Small stick person " turns sometimes meaning to give a few little hint, help, proposal, small doohickey. Appear on the webpage normally, what use some type thing for example is small stick person. Origin is fee of English of interpret of Guangdong one's voice in speech, tip(odd number) with Tips (plural) . Add Chinese " small "- - ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous having a place, in bos, the language of another name for Guangdong Province with not foreign ocean- - Chinese be introducinged.

Child life common sense?

About cheeper life common sense includes a lot of fields, like food, Morpheus, excrete, safety. For example, cheeper should dine on time, food wants balanced; Want to assure enough Morpheus time, assure healthy; Want to notice clean sanitation when excrete; Want to notice safety in the life, if be not climbed,climb electric equipment of not altitude, optional feeling to wait.

Common sense of small town life?

1, when sweeping the floor, a polybag is covered on broom, can suck the hair on the dwelling place effectively.

2, with last film encases the root ministry of banana, can lengthen last time.

3, an apple is put in potato caboodle, can lengthen potato deposit time.

4, cut chili ruthless method, can wash his hands with toothpaste, the result is right.

5, sweater cuff or collarband lost flexibility, can immerse cuff or collar 20 minutes in hot water, the flexibility after air can restore many.

6, hair of golden jewelry surface is old, dip in a few toothpaste is wiped gently, can become more shining.

7, the hair that has done newly, before sleeping, the filar towel with a glossy quality of a material is spread on the pillow, can help a hair effectively changeless model.

8, the flower that inserts in bottle is added in clear water a few white vinegar or blanch water, can make keep of flower longer colourfully.

上一篇:脾虚肥胖者怎样减肥? 【脾虚肥胖者如何进行减肥】?英文双语对照