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泉州特色文化遗产? 泉州特色?英文双语对照


泉州特色文化遗产? 泉州特色?英文双语对照



1. 四大名楼:泉州的四大名楼分别是东西双塔、开元寺塔和天后宫塔。这些古塔建于唐宋时期,是泉州城市景观的重要组成部分。

2. 清真寺:泉州是中国伊斯兰教的发源地之一,有着悠久的伊斯兰文化历史。泉州的清真寺建筑风格独特,如清真寺、华严寺、福建省伊斯兰教协会等。

3. 古街巷:泉州有许多保存完好的古街巷,如清源街、开元路、华侨路等。这些古街巷保存了许多明清时期的建筑和文化遗产,是游客了解泉州历史文化的好去处。

4. 民间艺术:泉州有着丰富多彩的民间艺术,如木偶戏、皮影戏、布袋戏等。这些艺术形式在泉州历史上扮演了重要的角色,是泉州文化的重要组成部分。

5. 海上丝绸之路:泉州是中国海上丝绸之路的起点之一,有着悠久的海上贸易历史。泉州的海外交流和文化交流对中国和世界历史文化的发展都有着重要的影响。


































泉州有许多特色糕点 因为泉州素有“海上丝绸之路”的历史,吸收了来自海外和内陆的文化和食品,所以泉州的特色糕点种类繁多。例如,鲍鱼酥、椰汁糕、炸年糕、贡糖、麻花糕等都是泉州的传统糕点,口感独特,深受当地人和游客的喜爱。此外,泉州还有许多创新的糕点,如麦芽糕、池陈蛋糕、板栗蛋糕等,各具特色,值得品尝和推广。





铁观音,福建安溪人发明于1725-1735年间。属于乌龙茶类,是中国十大名茶之一乌龙茶类的代表。介于绿茶和红茶之间,属于半发酵茶类,铁观音独具“观音韵”,清香雅韵,“七泡余香溪月露 满心喜乐岭云涛 ”。




One, bequest of culture of fontal city characteristic?

Fontal city is the city with a long history, having rich culture legacy. It is the introduction of bequest of culture of characteristic of city of a few springs below:

1.4 names building: The 4 names building of fontal city is a thing respectively tower of double tower, the palace after opening yuan of temple tower and season. These ancient towers are built at Tang Song period, it is the main component of landscape of fontal state city.

2.Mosque: Fontal city is one of China's Mohammedan birthplace, having long Mohammedan culture history. The mosque structure style of fontal city is distinctive, be like mosque, China Yan Si, Fujian Province is Mohammedan association.

3.Ancient street alley: Fontal city has a lot of saving in good condition ancient street alley, street of the source that be like Qing Dynasty, open yuan of road, overseas Chinese road to wait. These ancient street alley saved the building of period of a lot of bright Qing Dynasty and culture bequest, it is the good place of culture of history of state of tourist understanding spring.

4.Folk art: Fontal city is having the folk art of rich and colorful, if puppet show, shadowgraph, hop-pocket makes fun of,wait. These artistic forms acted important role on fontal state history, it is the main component of fontal city culture.

5.Maritime the Silk Road: Fontal city is one of start of Chinese maritime the Silk Road, having long maritime commerce history. The abroad communication of fontal city and the development that culture communicates culture of pair of China and world history are having main effect.

2, fontal city characteristic?

Included fontal city festive lantern, always spring paper knits picture, Yong Chunqi the technology special local product with the fontal famous city such as pottery and porcelain of basket, moralization is tasted, included day lily of earthnut of mouth of moralization black chicken, Ya, moralization to wait for the produce with fontal famous city, included Yong Chunlu the fontal city such as pear of Shan Lizhi of longan of city of mandarin orange, spring, Hu, moralization is famous fruit of special local product, included An Haitu the cate of fontal state special local product such as candy of tribute of door of ground rice of head of bamboo shoot aspic, lake, besmear, still included Anxi a variety of oolong tea, Yong Chunfo hand tea, one the wine of tea of fontal state special local product such as rice wine, and swimming crab of work high fierce, Shi Hugong creams Xi , benefit brings the special local product of fontal city seafood such as plait oyster

3, fontal city on the west market distinguishing feature?

The street is located in fontal city on the west the city zone of carp of fontal state city, it is fontal city what develop the earliest is street with area, current now on the west street piece the area has various cultural relic to protect an unit to add up to 20 much place, cent belongs to a variety of categories such as ancient building, ancient relics, carved stone, still have did not include level but the ancient building with better protection, Gu Min occupies 12 place, have the tourist attraction such as door of tower of yuan of temple, thing, clean up.

The street is fontal city on the west what develop the earliest is street with area, be in early Song Chao, it had symbolized the prosperity of fontal city, it or fontal city urban district save the wholest ancient block, preserving the building that has historical former appearance in great quantities.

Come more than 1000 years, this ancient square is just as a string of dazzling pearl catenary, fontal city since Tang Song numerous virtuous anecdote, folklore always wears gorgeous cultural relic famous historical site and house of ancient street Gu Min and the name that are added at meantime rise. Besides open tower of yuan of temple, thing, city heart tower, celebrity curtilage, modern outside building, still retaining a large number of charm distinctive ancient lay greatly, antique Mu Louqun, it is a vivid building museum simply, already accumulate containing Gu Chengfeng's thick history culture to accumulate, relating the great change of hundred years vicissitudes of life with new vessel of reason of ancient city remove from office again.

4, does fontal city teach characteristic?

     Fontal city all through the ages values education very, education of fontal city internationalization still has very large development space.

Develop energetically hold in the palm educational orgnaization, accelerate the distribution with equitable science of orgnaization of urban and rural preschool education to adjust, increase devoted strength, aggrandizement talent is fostered, pay attention to the new era talent that introduces concept of foreign advanced education, education has the prospective talented person of internationalization thinking and innovation ability; Make profession of fontal city characteristic teach a brand, the professional education course that recommends the world to precede and groom experience, this locality of state of spring of base oneself upon produces distinguishing feature of course of study, develop manufacturing industry, ocean energetically the professional education of the domain such as boat politics, traffic, make fontal city profession teach new brand; Accelerate as a whole fontal administrative division is advanced layout of institution of higher learning, run a school actively with collaboration of orgnaization of foreign high grade higher education, elevate course level, enhance international appeal.

5, building of fontal city characteristic?

Fontal city is famous city of Chinese history culture, have rich building culture legacy. The building that has distinguishing feature most among them is " maritime the Silk Road " the archaic cloister that go up, ancient city wall and Gu Min are resided. The earthy floor of fontal city is the unique structure on the world, they are what people of minority the Tu nationality builds, have full-bodied ethical culture flavor. In addition, fontal city still has " open yuan of temple " , " west lake " , " Qing Yuanshan village " wait for historical culture name to get the better of. These buildings are representing the history of fontal city and culture not only, also be China the precious bequest on building history, attracting a large number of tourists to come round to look around and be admired.

6, characteristic of fontal city dress?

Dress of characteristic of Fujian spring city, another namer has: Broad base pants. There is thing in the eye, see everywhere all can be born sweet;

There is thing in the eye, see everywhere all can be born sweet;

Have in the heart scene, desolate also be sublimate.

The United States is not lacked in the life, just lack the eye that discovers the United States.

Feel a bit of the life attentively, avery kind of is ordinary daily, it is worth while to have period those who make is small I hope truly, go searching oneself poem and distance with favorite way.

The life is him, the mood is him more.

Had a heart that has deep love for the life when you, the society is in trifling day, discovery is good, absorb poetic flavour, so your life, can have quality more and more.

Immanent make? The life is waked up, find God's will.

? Life can just? Complete change, sublimate!

? Is life spirit only medium? Is fetch arousal awareness ability? Of wisdom get, wisdom intelligent? Sublimate! [Handclasp] [hug] [fist] there is thing in the eye, see everywhere all can be born sweet;

Have in the heart scene, desolate also be sublimate.

The United States is not lacked in the life, just lack the eye that discovers the United States.

Feel a bit of the life attentively, avery kind of is ordinary daily, it is worth while to have period those who make is small I hope truly, go searching oneself poem and distance with favorite way.

The life is him, the mood is him more.

Had a heart that has deep love for the life when you, the society is in trifling day, discovery is good, absorb poetic flavour, so your life, can have quality more and more.

Immanent make? The life is waked up, find God's will.

? Life can just? Complete change, sublimate!

? Is life spirit only medium? Is fetch arousal awareness ability? Of wisdom get, wisdom intelligent? Sublimate!

7, area of fontal city characteristic?

Fontal city various places has brand of sports of dress of shoe of lion of stone of characteristic advance river very much, na Anshui is warm, wei Yu, anxi a variety of oolong tea tea cane iron, yong Chunlu mandarin orange, moralization pottery and porcelain, hui An's stone carving these characteristic products that are each county area

8, cake of fontal city characteristic?

Because fontal city element has,fontal city has a lot of characteristic cake " maritime the Silk Road " the history, absorbed come from abroad the culture with inland and food, the characteristic cake sort of fontal city is so various. For example, abalone the traditional cake that cake of cake of juice of crisp, coco, candy of scamper New Year cake, tribute, fried dough twist is fontal city, mouthfeel is distinctive, get of local and tourist love. In addition, fontal city still has the cake of a lot of innovation, wait like cake of malt cake, Chi Chen, Chinese chestnut cake, each have distinguishing feature, be worth to sample and be popularized.

9, breakfast of fontal city characteristic?

1, cover line is burnt.

2, the characteristic breakfast that cover line paste is fontal city, it waits for burden composition by all sorts of seafood on the thick stiff Tonga that fine cover line boils, lean lean, deep-fried twisted dough sticks. In fontal city, every streets and lanes can see the small faker that placing cover line paste, can saying is one of breakfast that fontal city person loves most.

10, gift of fontal city characteristic?

A variety of oolong tea, fujian Anxi person is invented at 1725-1735 year. Belong to oolong kind, it is one of 10 big well-known tea of Chinese oolong kind delegate. Interpose is mixed at green tea between black tea, belong to ferment partly tea kind, a variety of oolong tea is provided alone " avalokitesvara charm " , faint scent elegant charm, "Dew of month of brook of 7 bubble lingering fragrance has one's heart filled with happy Le Lingyun billows " .

According to carrying, anxi a variety of oolong tea between tea traceable clear Yong Zhengnian, breeding of Anxi tea grower gives variety of a lot of good tea tree at that time, make tea character be actor with a variety of oolong tea among them. Thoroughbred a variety of oolong tea plants tea tree power is not great, branch wraps around piece, xie Se is deep green, xie Zhirou soft fleshy, bud-leaf stout and strong. Use the oolong that thoroughbred bud-leaf makes a variety of oolong tea to also weigh a variety of oolong tea, accordingly, "A variety of oolong tea " name of breed of since tea tree, also be tea name.

Fujian Anxi is China's old tea division, churchyard of a variety of oolong tea is growing many old and feral tea tree, tea is in La Tian, the tree of feral tea tree that the sword fights and other places to discover is 7 meters tall, crown of a tree amounts to 3.2 meters, according to expert textual research, already had 1000 old trees age. Anxi tea association decided 2011, by major of sweet tea of Anxi county drink cooperation helps advance somebody's career.
