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老子,姓李名耳,字聃,一字伯阳,或曰谥伯阳,春秋末期人,生卒年不详,籍贯也多有争议,《史记》等记载老子出生于春秋时期陈国 ,籍贯也多有争议。中国古代思想家、哲学家、文学家和史学家,道家学派创始人和主要代表人物,与庄子并称“老庄”。后被道教尊为始祖,称“太上老君”。在唐朝,被追认为李姓始祖。曾被列为世界文化名人,世界百位历史名人之一。

















A 本题考查的是关汉卿的代表作。





One, what any of the twelve animals does world culture celebrity represent?

Any of the twelve animals of delegate of world culture celebrity is dragon, because be of dragon,send a person,

2, is world culture blue book true?

It is true

" world blue book " (Chinese edition) it is the world the first many a this Chinese edition is large character dictionary, by art of culture of association of world Chinese communication, world the research center edits, press of world character press, China International communication is in Chinese Hong Kong to publish, publish hank from 1997, below the care of global all circles, support and help, to in May 2005, publish successfully, issued 11 big, produce active, far-reaching effect in the world.

3, is period of the Eastern Han Dynasty becomes world culture famous person?

Father, surname Li Minger, word Dan, one word uncle is in relief, or say Shi Bai Yang, age evening person, unripe soldier year unspecified, native place is much more open to question also, " history write down " wait for account father to be born in year period Chen Guo, native place is much more open to question also. Ideologist of Chinese ancient time, philosopher, writer and historian, school author mixes Taoist school to basically represent a person, say with village " Laozhuang " . Hind by Taoism honour for first ancestor, say " too on old gentleman " . In Tang Chao, be by admit posthumously plum surname first ancestor. Ever was labelled world culture celebrity, one of 100 historical celebrity of world.

4, are Li Bai and song heart world culture celebrity?

Chinese Li Bai, song heart of Germany is world culture celebrity, they have very tall success in respective domain

5, who is the world culture celebrity on Chinese history?

Father and Confucius. Father is the ideologist of year period, the author of Taoist school school. Surname plum, renown ear, word Dan. have " moral classics " one book, clarify the source of the world is to, put forward " way way is natural " thought, he uses world of adj thought look upon, put forward " disaster, the place of blessing leans; Fu Xi, the institute dog days of disaster " . Fluctuation volume loses by force is opposite, father view is do-nothing, and treat object ruler abusing financial resources of the people, view not absurd is.

Confucius is the ideologist of year period, political egghead, educationist, confucianist school author. Surname aperture, renown grave, word intermediate Buddhist nun. The main content that his thought advocates is benevolence person sweetheart, self-denying answer ceremony. Put forward " the path of faithful excuse me, personal place not desire, do not apply at the person " , for politics with heart, object ruler excessive exploit people. In education the respect advocates teach students in accordance of their aptitude, his have an insatiable desire to learn, be tireless in teaching. The view learns with consider photograph couple.

6, are Chinese Li Bai and song heart modification disease of world culture celebrity sentence?

Modification disease sentence, want to know where sentential fault is above all. "Chinese Li Bai and song heart are world culture celebrity. "Chinese Li Bai and song heart are world culture celebrity..

This sentence lets person understanding be Li Bai and song heart is a Chinese, in fact Li Bai is a Chinese, and song heart is German. Clear up a fault where to be, knew how to change. Can change: Chinese Li Bai and song heart of Germany are world culture celebrity. Such OK also changing: Li Bai and song heart are world culture celebrity.

7, is celebrity of 4 macrocosm culture those 4 respectively?

· of the Copernicus that 4 old culture celebrity of world are the Qu Yuan that points to China, Poland, Fulangsuowa Labailei, Williams Shakespeare.

1. Qu Yuan bends former Mi to surname, submit a family name, the name is smooth, word former; from Yun Mingzheng criterion, the word is clever all. It is country of Hunan of period of Chinese the Warring States poet, politician. Qu Yuan is a great patriotic poet, the founder of Chinese romanticism literature, "Chu Ci " founder and masterpiece home, open up " sweetgrass beauty " traditional, be known as " Chu Cizhi ancestor " . Bend what original work tastes to appear, indicate poetry entered a China one is sung by elegance the new era of romantic original creation, its are main work has " from coquettish " " 9 songs " " 9 chapters " " the day asks " etc. In order to bend what original work gives priority to body " Chu Ci " one of fountainhead that are Chinese romanticism literature, with " The Book of Songs " medium " country wind " call " coquettish " , produced far-reaching effect to later ages poetry.

2. Copernicus Buddhist nun is ancient the Copernicus that pull · , doctor of law of the polish astronomer that is renaissance period, mathematician, church, Abba. It is when Copernicus is 40 years old, he offerred heliocentric theory, denied churchly is authoritative, changed the mankind to be opposite to nature the view of oneself. Of Copernicus " heliocentric theory " corrected the world view of people. Copernicus is a giant of European renaissance period. He studies astronomy with lifetime energy, left precious legacy for later ages. 3. Fulangsuowa Labaileifulang alls alone made of baked clay · pulls Bai Lei, one of writers of humanism of renaissance period France. Main composing of Labailei is novel " giant is passed " . " giant is passed " divide in all roll, draw materials at French folklore story, the main Langgujie that write check, Gao Kang is big, giant solid dust the activity of 3 acting giant history.

· of 4. Shakespeare Williams Shakespeare, constant address sb respectfully is Chinese society Sha old man, it is England the most crackajack dramatist on literary history, also be the writer with European renaissance the the most important, greatest period, at that time the be a comprehensive expression of of humanism literature person, and the writer with the most prominent whole world. Arrived 1590 the golden age of the creation that 1600 is Shakespeare. His inchoate play basically is comedy and historical drama, the peak of deepness and artistic quality was reached in 16 centuries evening. Next 1601 to 1608 he basically writes tragedy, shakespeare advocates exalted sentiment, often depict sacrifice and avenge, include " Othello " , " Hamlet " , " king lear " and " Maikebai " , be thought to belong to English optimal example. Final phase is born in other, he begins to create tragicomedy, call legend play again.

8, world culture celebrity, who uses creation of Chu Guofang character to give a kind of new magnetism group speech?

It is Qu Yuan uses creation of Chu Guofang character to go out " from coquettish " .

9, 1958, guan Hanqing is affirmed to be world culture celebrity, he has written more than 60 kinds of scripts, does his play great majority behave archaic person?

Of check of A the subject is Guan Hanqing's masterpiece.

Play great majority of Guan Hanqing behaves archaic people to the affliction of young woman encounters and struggle especially spirit, its masterpiece is " antrum E bad luck " , reason chooses A.

10, 3 old culture celebrity of world?

3 great literature of world great master is respectively: Shakespeare, tuoersitai and Gorky; Chinese modern literature 3 old great master should be: If Lu Xun, Guo Mei is mixed Mao Dun.

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