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心痛! 出生仅12天的男婴被猴子咬死!(英语双语阅读)


心痛! 出生仅12天的男婴被猴子咬死!(英语双语阅读)

A 12-day-old boy has died after he was snatched from his mother and bitten by a monkey in northern India. 近日,在印度北部的一只猴子将一名12天大的男婴从其母亲的怀里抢走并撕咬之后,该男婴不幸丧命。 The infant's mother was breastfeeding him at their home in the city of Agra when the animal entered the house and grabbed him, the family said. 据这家人透露,当时婴儿的母亲正在阿格拉市的家中母乳喂养她的孩子,猴子却闯入了屋中并抢走了婴儿。 The monkey dropped the badly bitten child on a neighbour's roof after locals gave chase to the animal. 当地人立即追逐这只猴子,随后猴子把被严重咬伤的婴儿扔到了邻居的屋顶上。 The baby died of his injuries in hospital. Locals say monkey attacks in the area are growing more frequent. 最终该婴儿在医院中因伤重而亡。当地人表示,该地区的猴子袭击事件越来越频繁。

The baby's uncle, Dhirendra Kumar, told the BBC that the family was heartbroken. 婴儿的叔叔迪伦德拉·库马尔向BBC透露,全家人伤心欲绝。 "There are too many monkeys in the area. We live in fear. We have told the administration so many times to help us but they haven't done anything. The mother of the baby is too distraught to even speak," he said. 他表示:“该地区有太多的猴子。我们生活在恐惧之中。我们已经多次请求政府帮忙,但他们没有做任何事情。婴儿的母亲悲痛欲绝得甚至说不出话。” Ajay Kaushal, the officer in charge of the nearby police station, told the Reuters news agency that the baby had been badly mauled. 附近派出所的负责人阿杰伊·卡乌沙尔向路透社透露,该婴儿被撕咬得很严重。 "The monkey bit the infant's head and only dropped him when people chased it with sticks and threw stones at it," he said. 他说:“猴子咬住了婴儿的头部,人们用棍棒追赶它并向它投掷石块后,它才松开口。”

上一篇:心痛! 出生仅12天的男婴被猴子咬死!(英语双语阅读)
下一篇:酒店卫生丑闻再起波澜 爆料人信息遭恶意泄露(英语双语阅读)
