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The new Dyson Airwrap has been hailed as a 'revolutionary' new way to style your hair, but at £400 it doesn't come cheap. 戴森最新推出的一款自动卷发棒Airwrap被誉为引领了卷发的“革命性”新方式,但售价也高达400英镑(约合3567元人民币)。 Now one beauty guru has discovered a clever technique which she claims will deliver identical results to the high-tech styler - and it doesn't cost a penny. 如今,一位美妆大师发现用一种巧妙的方式也能实现和高科技卷发棒完全一样的效果,而且还不用花一分钱。 Dubai-based influencer Huda Kattan, also known as Huda Beauty, recommends using a sawed-off water bottle to help mould your tresses into perfect waves in a 'five-minute curling hack'. 居住在迪拜的网红胡达-卡坦,更被人熟知的名字是“美人胡达”,她建议人们使用一个割开的矿泉水瓶,把长发卷成完美的大波浪,而且只需要5分钟。

She advises cutting off the top of the bottle with a knife, before making an incision halfway down the makeshift barrel that's big enough to fit a hairdryer nozzle into. 她建议用刀割掉水瓶的上部,之后在瓶身的中部割一个切口 ,大小要能塞下吹风机的风嘴。 Once the bottle is thoroughly clean, a thick section of hair can then be placed inside it, before hot air is funnelled into it via a standard hairdryer. 在水瓶彻底清洁之后,把一束头发放进去,然后把标准版的吹风机风嘴放进切口,开始吹热风。 Kattan, whose Instagram fame helped her launch an eponymous beauty range, claims the cost-cutting technique is a great alternative to Dyson's new drying/ curling iron hybrid, which has taken the hair industry by storm. 卡坦说,这个不花钱的技巧效果堪比戴森新推出的兼具干发功能的自动卷发棒,这款自动卷发棒推出后在美发业迅速风靡。卡坦在Ins上的知名度帮助她开创了以本名命名的美妆产品系列品牌。 STEP 1: Using a pair of large scissors or a palette knife, cut off the top of the water bottle so that one end is sealed and the other open 用一把大剪刀或调色刀,割掉水瓶上部,这样水瓶的一端封闭,一端开口。 STEP 2: Down one side of the bottle, cut a slit that’s 2cm longer than your hairdryer nozzle and 3cm in width 在瓶身下部的一侧割开一个切口,宽3厘米 ,且比你的吹风机的风嘴高2厘米。 STEP 3: Now that the bottle is prepped, take a small section of your hair and twist it gently and then place it in the bottle. Insert the nozzle into the bottle through the gap 现在瓶子准备好了。抓起一小束头发,轻轻地卷起放进瓶身里。把吹风机的吹嘴从切口中塞进去。 STEP 4: Turn your hair dryer on and leave it in the insert, to blow dry your hair for 30 seconds. But be careful; the bottle gets hot so make sure you’re wearing gloves! 把吹风机打开,放在切口处,吹30秒。但要小心:瓶子会变热,要记得戴上手套! STEP 5: Remove the hair from the bottle and spray with hairspray. Do this to the rest of your hair, doing small sections at a time (pictured: the finished result) 把头发从水瓶里取出,喷上发胶。剩余头发也这样处理。每次只吹一小束头发(图中就是完成效果)。 Commenting on the cult styling tool on her blog, Huda wrote: 'While we understand that it’s the most innovative tool the hair styling industry has seen in decades, there’s no denying that it’s a lot of money. 胡达在博客上评论戴森自动卷发棒时写道:“尽管我们知道这是几十年来美发业最有创新性的一款工具,但不可否认的是,它真的很贵。” 'So when we came across a curling hack that mimics the same drying technique, but you only need a plastic bottle to fulfill your hair dreams we had to give it a go.' “所以当我们发现了一种可以模仿出同样效果的卷发技巧,而且仅需一个塑料水瓶就能实现美发梦想时,一定要尝试一下。” Huda is far from the first to give the water bottle technique a try; it has been storming Instagram in recent weeks as beauty bloggers look for cheaper alternatives to expensive styling tools. 胡达并非第一个尝试用水瓶卷发的人,随着一些美容博主寻找昂贵卷发棒的廉价替代品,这个卷发技巧在最近几周已经风靡Ins。
