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博兴县教育局 | 打造优质教育,培育未来精英英文双语对照


博兴县教育局 | 打造优质教育,培育未来精英英文双语对照

博兴县教育局: 关注优质教育,培养未来精英





  • 教育政策制定:负责制定和实施博兴县的教育发展规划和政策,推动教育改革,促进优质教育资源的公平分配。
  • 资源整合与分配:统筹协调博兴县各个学校的教学资源,合理分配优质师资、教材教辅资源和教育经费。
  • 师资培养与发展:推动教师队伍建设,加强教师培训,提升师资水平,提供教师职业发展的支持。
  • 教育质量监测与评估:组织和实施博兴县的教育质量监测与评估工作,倡导以学生为中心的教育理念,推进教育教学质量的提升。
  • 学生权益保障:维护学生合法权益,推动学生全面发展,促进学生素质的提升。
  • 家校合作与社会参与:加强学校与家庭的沟通与合作,引导社会力量参与教育事业,共同培养下一代。





Rich begins prefectural education inning: Pay close attention to high grade education, foster prospective elite

Rich promotes prefectural education bureau to devote oneself to to provide resource of high grade education for broad student, stimulative student develops in the round, breed elite talent of future.

Promote a county to teach systematic administration as rich, rich promotes a county to teach bureau bear to wear make educational policy, program teach the development, main responsibility that promotes educational reform. Educational bureau is in charge of entire county the preschool education, compulsory education, high school education management that teachs level individually and operation.

Teach bureau duty

Rich promotes a county to teach the main responsibility of the bureau to be as follows:

  • Educational policy makes: The education that is in charge of make and carrying out rich to promote a county develops program and policy, promote educational reform, promote the fairness allocation of natural resources of high grade education.
  • Resource conformity and allocate: Coordinate rich to promote a county as a whole the education natural resources of each schools, reasonable allocation excellent teachers, teaching material teachs complementary resource and education funds.
  • Education of persons qualified to teach and development: Urge pedagogic team construction, strengthen a teacher to groom, promote a persons qualified to teach the standard, provide the support that pedagogic profession expands.
  • Educational quality monitors with evaluate: Organization and the educational quality that executive rich promotes a county are monitored with evaluate the work, propose the educational concept that is a center with the student, push the promotion that teachs education quality.
  • Student rights and interests ensures: Safeguard a student to close right increase, drive a student to develop in the round, the promotion of stimulative student quality.
  • Domestic school collaboration and society participate in: Strengthen the communication of the school and family and cooperation, guide social force to participate in educational enterprise, joint training leaves generation.

Development is looked into

Rich promotes a county to teach bureau general to continue to grasp hold it is with the person this, the concept with consummate quality, devote oneself to to improve educational education quality, make better educational environment, train more outstanding students. Future, educational bureau will drive education to reform innovation further, strengthen education of persons qualified to teach, introduce advanced education concept and technical measure, permit win prefectural education to be made hard teach a center first-rate for area.

Thank you to read the article, teach the job of the bureau and duty through understanding rich to promote a county, we hope to be able to provide better educational service for you, aid force to learn to grow unripely and develop jointly.
