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男士西装时尚穿法? 西装女评语?英文双语对照


男士西装时尚穿法? 西装女评语?英文双语对照











西装穿着特别显瘦 休闲百搭款 女儿好喜欢
















1. 剪裁:将西装的袖子和下摆剪掉,留下仅有的马甲部分。

2. 剪裁细节:根据自己的喜好和风格,可以在马甲上添加口袋、褶皱或其他细节。

3. 缝合:使用缝纫机或手工缝纫将马甲的边缘和细节缝合在一起。

4. 添加装饰:可以在马甲上添加装饰,如纽扣、绣花或其他饰品,以使其更加时尚。

5. 搭配:将马甲搭配上适合的衬衫、裤子和鞋子,打造出自己的时尚风格。






男西装和女西装在设计和样式上存在不同之处。 原因是男女身体比例不同,所以男西装一般设计为宽肩窄腰,要求裁剪对身材的修饰效果更强,而女西装则注重在肩部和腰部的剪裁上更具曲线美。此外,男西装的图案颜色也比较稳重,偏向黑、灰、蓝等颜色,而女西装可以更加多彩斑斓,样式更为时尚漂亮。 延伸内容:在不同场合中,男女穿着西装所代表的社交形象也有所不同,男士的西装通常是更加正式的代表着稳重、成熟和自信。而女性在西装上更偏重于注重细节的处理,选择更多的是有型感和简洁的款式,可以让女性在商务和社交场合中更加从容优雅。



从穿衣搭配风格上来看,西装马甲属于正装,它只能作为内搭,搭配西装套装 穿着;而牛仔马甲穿着搭配就要随意得多,既可以搭配成运动休闲风格,也可以搭配成文艺艺术风格。


摩羯女是比较时尚的 ,因为他们虽然不注重打扮 但是比较聪明 对这种东西只要愿意下功夫就能掌握的很好 

平时打扮主要是干净利落 风格


Does man suit fashion wear a law?


Jeans of + of recreational business suit, the suit jacket of recreational wind is tie-in handsome decrease age the jeans, the style of whole person more foreign flavour. Lie fallow actually business suit and jeans, also be very perfect collocation, not only more relaxed and handsome, also do not have so formalist, and wear rise decrease age the effect also is pretty good. Such collocation, fine long hair can not wear a relaxed feeling forcibly.


+ of recreational business suit is small black pants, classical small black pants is modern show thin, also be all-purpose joker sheet is tasted, distribute recreational Western-style clothes advanced and easy. Resemble such wearing building set an example, suit more a few agile model male. Recreational suit, chose low-key brown department, have a kind of composed and easy temperament. And matched classical small black pants, more a few minutes of advanced gas field, the style of whole person is more modern.


+ of recreational business suit on the west pants, business suit and on the west pants, also be one kind inherent match absolutely. Want to wear a recreational feeling of course, build inside do not choose a shirt. After all shirt of collocation of a suit business suit, wear a business affairs wind very easily. Resemble this kind of recreational suit suit, direct collocation a pure lubricious T-shirt, with respect to dispute Chang Qingxin is decreased again age. Have the flavor of a kind of efficient, blow on the face and the happiness that those who come is youth.


Pants of broad leg of + of recreational business suit, handsome wind of this kind of ruffian, suit the schoolboy of a few literary wind more. The recreational business suit of rice white, more elegant air. And matched shallow brown broad leg pants, have a kind of literary languid lazy model. Such wearing build the meeting is more a few more recreational, also be to be decreased quite age style.

Business suit female commment?

Suit dress is special show daughter of money of thin recreational joker to like very much

How tie-in is business suit good-looking vogue?

Business suit + pants of bull-puncher straight canister

This one wears the feeling that takes a person is breath of full Han Fan, suit jacket, wear rise already can defect of the figure since cloak, still show thin. Build inside use case fold wear, white T compensate + waists-coat of case grain sweater, the instant makes an academic wind breath.

Pants of choice bull-puncher straight canister is suitable, will decrease more age girl wind is shown incisively and vividly, there are a pair of sneakers below the foot, comfortable and recreational feeling more very.

The Western-style clothes of fashionable cultivate one's morality of which brand is good?

A Mani, hugoboss, the edition of Dolce&Gabbana compare cultivate one's moral character, these are brands of excessive act the role ofing, can choose the business suit of body of advanced and custom-built quantity actually, measure a body to make according to the individual's bodily form, very cultivate one's morality

Is business suit gotten how to change vogue to get?

Will traditional business suit gets instead vogue to get need to have the following move:

1. chooses get suitably model: Vogue gets the business suit that compares a tradition commonly more slender, can choose a needle to get or narrow get implementation this effect. Additional, if want more fashionable feeling, can choose bevel angle to get or double buckle get wait for blame tradition to get model.

2. changes the form of collar: Traditional business suit is gotten is square shape commonly, can realize fashionable feeling through changing the form of collar. For instance, can revise collar circular arc appearance or bevel angle figure, let whole collar look more fluent and natural.

3. chooses appropriate fabrics and color: Besides the appearance of collar and type, the data that vogue gets and color also are very important. Can choose fashionable fabrics, for instance the material of bright side pledges or grain fabrics. Additional, also can choose fashionable color, red of blue-black, wine is for instance brown perhaps the fashionable feeling that waits for color to increase whole.

4. and other dress are tie-in: Finally, the business suit after wanting to let reform is gotten more fashionable, return need and other dress to undertake collocation. The shirt that can choose style, trousers and shoe, make whole modelling more fashionable mix delicate.

Anyhow, the key that improved business suit gets is to choose to be gotten suitably model, the form that changes collar, choose appropriate fabrics and color, and undertake collocation with other dress. Adopt these measure, the business suit that can allow a tradition is gotten become more fashionable and handsome.

How does old Western-style clothes change fashionable waists-coat?

Will old Western-style clothes changes fashionable waists-coat to need the following measure:

1.Clipping: Cut off the arm of business suit and lap, leave only waists-coat share.

2.Clipping detail: According to oneself be fond of and style, pocket, drape or other detail can be added on waists-coat.

3.Suture: Use sewing machine or manual sew are together the brim of waists-coat and detail suture.

4.Add adornment: Adornment can be added on waists-coat, be like button, embroider or other act the role of article, in order to make its more fashionable.

5.Tie-in: the shirt that suits on waists-coat collocation, trousers and shoe, make the fashionable style that gives oneself.

Those who need an attention is, when transforming old Western-style clothes, want to ensure the dimension of waists-coat and clipping suit his figure, so that dress is comfortable.

Position of mark of female business suit?

Mark of female business suit is in high-grade, , facilitate as the finished product that has packaged on business suit cuff identify, people does not need to break up do a suit to be able to carry cuff identifying brand, the suit that because break up,avoid to do and causes is out of shape, those who affect a suit is beautiful with price.

Go up in the design so, just seam a few needles with needlework empty, facilitate buy the home demolish.

Are male business suit and female Western-style clothes different place?

Male business suit and female business suit are being designed and different point exists on the style. The reason is scale of body of male and female differs, so general design is male business suit wide shoulder is narrow waist, the requirement cuts out stronger to the got-up effect of the figure, and female business suit pays attention to the clipping in humeral ministry and waist to go up to be provided more curvaceous. In addition, the design color of male business suit is more sedate also, deflection is black, grey, blue wait for color, and female business suit is OK more colorful and multicolored, the style is more fashionable and beautiful. Outspread content: In different situation, the gregarious form that place of Western-style clothes of dress of male and female represents also differs somewhat, the man's business suit is more formal normally representing sedate, maturity and self-confidence. And the female goes up in business suit more the processing of lay particular stress on at paying attention to detail, choose more it is handsome feeling and concise design, can make a female more easy in business affairs and social situation elegant.

Business suit waists-coat and bull-puncher waists-coat, which more fashionable?

Bull-puncher waists-coat is more fashionable

Will look from clad and tie-in style, business suit waists-coat is belonged to installing, it can serve as only inside build, tie-in suit suit is being worn; And collocation of bull-puncher waists-coat dress is about to be gotten at will much, can match into motion already recreational style, also can match into literary and artistic style.

Is Capricorn daughter fashionable?

Capricorn daughter is more fashionable, although be not noted,dress up again because of them but cleverer what should be willing to make great efforts to be able to master only to this kind of thing is very good

Dressing up at ordinary times basically is efficient style
