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时尚杂志推荐? 时尚杂志主编?英文双语对照


时尚杂志推荐? 时尚杂志主编?英文双语对照



《VOGUE 服饰与美容》这是圣经级别的相信你一定知道 不愧为世界时装杂志第一名 在咱们中国区做得也不错 基本算是每期都值得看的 ¥20/月刊

《ELLE 世界时装之苑》这本虽然是仅此于《vogue》的杂志 但是在中国区的版本 个人认为不够好 虽说背景也是世界级别的 但是如果追求文字研讨和评论的话 这本不行 ¥20/月刊

《Marie Claire 嘉人》这本是和《ELLE》一个级别的 综合来讲其实比《ELLE》好一些 ¥20/月刊

《GRAZIA 红秀》这本比较亲民 比较接地气 街拍的章节也有常常涉及 ¥10/半月刊

《BAZAAR 时尚芭莎》这本基本上是冲着高规格去的 内页拍摄也可见一斑 往往请的摄影师都很牛 场景复杂精致 这点上 和《VOGUE》有一比 ¥20/月刊


27岁的澳大利亚籍华裔时尚网红 章凝 被聘为《时尚》杂志中国版主编。





《时尚先生》每月5号出刊。简介:《时尚先生》创办于1996 年,是中国时尚传媒集团的旗舰刊。《时尚先生》如今已成为中国男刊的内容领袖和标杆,承担着引领中国男性时尚生活的重要任务,在生活消费方面给予男士们全方位的指导,其内容涵盖了时尚人物、时装、旅游等及心理情感等男士生活的方方面面。




《ELLE》是1945年创刊的法国时尚杂志,是一本专注于时尚、美容、生活品味的女性杂志。1945年,Helen Lazareff女士在法国成功创刊了第一本《ELLE》杂志。截至2003年,《ELLE》杂志在6大洲已发展为35个版本。《ELLE》是一本专注于时尚、美容、生活品味的女性杂志。 法国1945年创刊,国际版本达70份的惊人扩充能力,代表着法国桦榭集团的最强实力。





男生的话 成熟点看男人装 FASHION点么 看看SO COOL 和MILK女士杂志太多了 瑞丽 米娜 昕薇 ELLE等等,根据自己的年龄和喜好选择









Is fashionable magazine recommended?

Fashionable magazine recommends as follows:

" VOGUE dress and hairdressing " this is Bible level believe you know to be worthy of installing a magazine for universal time certainly in us the first times Chinese area is done well also the ¥ 20/ monthly magazine that is terminally basically to be worth to look

" the center of ELLE world fashionable dress " this although be only this at " Vogue " magazine but it is not quite good to think in the version individual of Chinese area though setting also is world-class other but if seek literal delibrate and comment

" Marie Claire fine person " this is to mix originally " ELLE " a class is other and integrated will tell compare actually " ELLE " monthly magazine of better ¥ 20/

" GRAZIA Gong Xiu " this kisses quite originally civilian those who compare ground connection to enrage a street to pat is paragraphic also have often involve ¥ 10/ semimonthly

" Sha of BAZAAR fashionable Ba " this basically is to developing what high standards goes originally inside the page films the cameraman that also sees one spot often be asked is very arrogant setting is complex and this bit more delicate go up and " VOGUE " one compare ¥ 20/ monthly magazine

Fashionable magazine chief editor?

Gong Zhangning of network of fashion of Australian book foreign citizen of Chinese origin is hired to be " vogue " chief editor of magazine China edition.

The report says, zhang Ning is born at Sydney, in Xilaide the suburb is brought up. As " vogue " on magazine history the youngest chief editor, she never has edited a magazine before this.

Guest of individual vogue rich was rolled out when Zhang Ning is 16 years old and make a great coup, those is greeted and ever still strode Bao Rui to wait in love seek the brand that enters Chinese market to hold the position of adviser. She has 1.2 million vermicelli made from bean starch on Instagram.

" vogue " chief editor of magazine whole world installs Er of graceful · Wen Tu to think, be in " vogue " Chinese edition start publication is close after 16 years, zhang Ning can help his expand in Chinese consequence.

Is fashionable gentleman vogue or recreational magazine?

" fashionable gentleman " give print 5 numbers every months. Brief introduction: " fashionable gentleman " establish 1996, it is the flagship publication of group of Chinese fashionable medium. " fashionable gentleman " the content chief that already became Chinese male periodical nowadays and surveyor's pole, assuming the main task that leads Chinese male fashionable life, in the life consumptive side offers men all-around guidance, its content covered fashionable character, fashionable dress, travel to wait for the square respect range that reachs the man life such as psychological affection.

Does magazine cat have fashionable magazine?

They have a lot of fashionable magazines " VOGUE dress and hairdressing " " Gong Xiu Grazia " " edition of Chinese of ViVi vogue international (Taiwan) " if your need is ordered,log onto website of magazine cat government please.

Is the magazine of Elle fashionable magazine?

" ELLE " was 1945 the French fashion magazine of start publication, be one dedicated the woman magazine that savours at vogue, hairdressing, life. 1945, ms. Helen Lazareff succeeds in France start publication the first " ELLE " magazine. Up to 2003, " ELLE " the magazine already grew in 6 continent for 35 version. " ELLE " be dedicated the woman magazine that savours at vogue, hairdressing, life. France 1945 start publication, international version amounts to 70 breathtaking augment ability, representing the strongest actual strength of group of French birch a pavilion or house on a terrace.

Head of vogue daughter demon, magazine name?


Master is this magazine chief editor installs graceful · osmund hold Er in the palm

How to choose fashionable magazine?

Word maturity place of the schoolboy looks a man to install FASHION to nod read SO COOL and Ms. MILK magazine too much Xin osmund ELLE waits Ruilimina a moment, according to oneself age and choice of be fond of

The chief editor of fashionable magazine?

An Na - Wentuer

Without doubt, wentuer is magazine retail trade bound and fashionable industry group are alluded most name. As " Vogue " the chief editor of American edition, she is in at any time of the crowd look attentively at below, leading the fashionable wind direction of the world.

How is fashionable magazine gotten?

Can get fashionable magazine through the following kinds of means. The means that gets fashionable magazine is very much. 1. Buy: Can well balanced in the press or a few large bookshops buy fashionable magazine. 2. Subscription: Can pass Internet or the magazine of way subscription fashion such as the phone, so OK conveniently the magazine that terminally gets latest edition. 3. Online read: What website of a few magazines perhaps reads platform to be able to offer fashionable magazine is online read, this kind of means can avoid to buy or subscribe to the expense that cause. Different fashionable magazine has different side key, can choose according to individual interest and demand. In addition, still can pass gregarious media, the way such as fashionable rich guest gets fashionable information and inspiration, these are the good methods that get fashionable information.

Does laborious of fashionable gentleman magazine have keep in mind?

He was not ascended " fashionable magazine " . Say to do not have him so.

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