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  • 杨澜:作为一位当代女性主持人的代表,杨澜是中国内地第一位知名的晚间访谈节目主持人。她主持的《杨澜访谈录》是国内首个揭示人生和热点问题的深度访谈节目。
  • 何炅:作为湖南卫视的一员,何炅是中国内地娱乐界最出色的主持人之一。他凭借着《快乐大本营》和《我是歌手》等节目赢得了众多观众的喜爱。
  • 谢娜:谢娜在娱乐界的地位也是不可撼动的,她通过《快乐大本营》和《天天向上》等节目展现出自己的幽默风采,并与观众建立了深厚的互动。
  • 周华健:周华健在乐坛的地位不言而喻,他也是一位出色的主持人。周华健主持过的《我为歌狂》让观众看到了他热情洋溢的一面,更进一步加深了观众对他的喜爱。
  • 蔡少芬:蔡少芬作为一位实力派女演员,也是一位优秀的主持人。她主持过的《娱乐百分百》深受观众喜爱,通过独特的主持风格带给观众不一样的娱乐感受。



List of compere of recreation of Hong Kong and Taiwan

Area of Hong Kong and Taiwan all the time since be Asian entertainment group is important one annulus, have numerous and outstanding compere. They made the image in audience memory with chairing ability and distinctive glamour outstandingly. It is a few equipment get the list of compere of recreation of Hong Kong and Taiwan that fix eyes upon below:

  • Yang Lan: Regard a contemporary female as the delegate of compere, yang Lan is Chinese inland the first famous evening interview master of ceremonies. She chairs " the interview records Yang Lan " it is home announces first times the deepness interview program of life and heat problem.
  • He Gui: Defend a when inspect as Hunan, he Gui is one of compere with the most outstanding group of Chinese inland entertainment. He is being depended on " happy base camp " and " I am a singer " wait for what the program won numerous audience to love.
  • Xie Na: Xie Na is in the position of recreational group also is cannot of shake, she is passed " happy base camp " and " every day up " wait for a program to show the humorous elegant demeanour that gives his, built with the audience interact deeply.
  • Zhou Huajian: The position of happy altar of week China be still living and in good health is self-evident, he also is an outstanding compere. Zhou Huajian has chaired " I am a song mad " the one side that allowed an audience to see he is ebullient, deepened an audience to love to his further.
  • Cai Shaofen: Cai Shaofen sends actress as an actual strength, also be an outstanding compere. She has chaired " recreation hundred " love by the audience, experience through chairing a style distinctly to bring an audience different recreation.

Besides above a few, a lot of outstanding compere had not listed one by one. These compere are mixed through his particular fascination chair ability outstandingly, added infinite glamour for program of recreation of Hong Kong and Taiwan. Their existence lets while the audience is watching a program, also enjoyed a kind another recreational experience.

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