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从你备选的几款相机,基本包括目前消费便携机中最高标准的几款,没有超越它们的相机了, 而这几款应该都很好没有明显的差距,而且各自都有优势,很难说谁一定要好过谁,如果以品牌的成熟度来比佳能G10;相对较出色,适马DP2比较专业一些,而松下LX3更贴近家庭用机,理光的GRD2,总体性能比较出众,徕卡LX4明气大,我个倾向佳能G10,主要是比较实在,用的放心。


不错的机器就是不能换镜头 成像效果还是不错的 28-70的焦段还是乐意的 但是个人建议还是选择徕卡的T 可玩性比徕卡xv要好不少






GRD4在4000以内,X10就可能略超4000。规格上看X10强一些:2/3CMOS高感度比1/1.7CCD应该略好;f/2-2.8 28-112mm镜头成像未必比得上f/1.9 28mm定焦,但4X光变还是很好用的。GRD向来比较极端,延续了GR的特点。它不是普通人用的,甚至不是一般摄影爱好者用的,是新闻记者的抓拍利器。在胶片机的年代新闻记者最爱用GR作为备机,原因在于捕捉精彩瞬间的能力强。新闻摄影最强调的就是“拍得到”,GR就是专门为此设计的。简化一切操作,大概对着被摄目标在“决定性的瞬间”按下快门就可以抓到别人可遇不可求的照片。







尼康COOLPIX S3100便携数码相机可以通过以下步骤关闭闪光灯:

1. 打开相机并前往设置菜单:按下相机的电源按钮,开启相机。按下菜单按钮,在显示屏上打开设置菜单。

2. 找到闪光灯选项:在设置菜单中,找到“闪光灯”选项并按下选择。

3. 关闭闪光灯:在“闪光灯”选项中,找到“关闭”选项并按下选择。有些型号闪光灯的选项不只有“开启”和“关闭”,还可以选择自动或者闪光灯强度,可以根据具体情况选择合适选项。

4. 保存设置:确认闪光灯关闭后,按下“确定”或返回菜单保存设置并退出菜单界面。



艾润牌便携式 氧气瓶是比较好的品牌。艾润牌氧气瓶还配有氧气面罩款,装抗高原反应氧气袋便携式户外旅游吸氧补氧。这款氧气瓶还具有小巧轻便,氧气量足,使用安全可靠等特点。




如果你需要一个便携的声卡,推荐使用Focusrite Scarlett Solo第三代声卡。它小巧轻便,易于携带,同时提供了高质量的音频录制和回放功能。

它具有48V干净的麦克风预放大器,可用于录制人声和乐器,并且具有良好的低延迟性能,使其成为实时演奏和录制的理想选择。此外,它还带有可调节的耳机输出和线路输入,可以满足不同录制需求。总之,Focusrite Scarlett Solo是一个高性能、便携、易于使用的声卡,适合追求高品质录制的音乐爱好者和专业人士使用。


One, is the picture qualitative best portable number camera?

From a few camera that you choose fully, in including basically to consume portable machine at present a few of top level, the camera that did not surmount them, and these a few should very good without apparent difference, and have an advantage severally, very it's hard to say who has been close friends certainly who, if will compare beautiful with the maturity of the brand can G10; Opposite more outstanding, comfortable horse DP2 is a few more professional, and the LX3 below the pine more family of press close to is used machine, the GRD2 of manage light, overall performance is more superior, bright energy of life of Lai card LX4 is great, I a tendency beautiful can G10, basically be honester, use be at ease.

2, camera of portable number of XVario of LEICA Lai card how?

What good machine cannot change camera lens to become pretty good still like the effect 28-70 namely is anxious paragraph willing still but the individual suggests or the T of choice Lai card can play a gender to block Xv to be close friends than Lai many

3, which is suiting to seize the portable number watch for a chance that take?

Buy China for Mate20 or P30 mobile phone went.

4, camera of portable number of FUJIFILM Fuji S9800 how?

Can, automatic archives films pretty good. Sexual price is compared tall. OK and contented film daily.

5, I want to buy a professional and portable number camera, camera of number of manage smooth GRD how?

GRD4 is in 4000 less than, x10 exceeds 4000 possibly slightly. X10 looks on norms a few stronger: 2/3CMOS tall feeling is spent than 1/1.7CCD should slightly good; F/2-2.8 28-112mm camera lens is focussed into comparable like may not F/1.9 28mm, but 4X light becomes very good still to use. GRD all along compares an extreme, continued the characteristic of GR. Everyman does not use it, even general photography lover is not used, be journalist catch take sharp weapon. Love to serve as equipment aircraft with GR most in the time journalist of film machine, the capability that the reason depends on taking wonderful moment is strong. What news photography emphasizes most is " pat get " , GR is this design technically namely. Simplify all operations, be in to the target that be photographed probably " critical moment " press shutter can catch others to be able to receive the photograph that cannot beg.

6, the price of sex of portable number camera of what brand is compared tall, cheap practical?

The small odd conference that the individual thinks at present portable number camera chooses Suo Ni on the market is betterer, for instance A series of Suo Ni, a6000, a6100.

Below the actor defect that will simply analyse small sheet.

Camera of 1. small sheet is turned over than sheet light, this is it is the most important sell a site. Come so airframe can be done only small, also cause cell directly small also. Below level of existing science and technology, the batteries capacitance nature with minor volume is less also, because this is small single-phase aircraft cannot is opposite for long anxious perhaps open screen to see a picture, pat video to shorten as far as possible time, avoid n to use up too fast.

The good point of camera of 2. small sheet is apparent also: The camera lens of profit from high quality, the picture that when illumination is good it takes and video are sufficient can rival instead with sheet, this is the mobile phone is mixed cannot change the machine of small-sized number palm of camera lens of too far behind to catch up with, patting figure and scenery to use small sheet is a right choice; Small sheet is lighter, bear fruit to damage not easily stably than mobile phone crust, withstand stumbles certainly, use as field films give power quite; Small single shot can change, so that suit to film differently object; Small only do manual work is elegant and fashionable, unlike sheet is turned over blundering in that way, can use as high-grade gift gift, suit to present a lady especially.

7, is COOLPIXS3100 of Nikon Ni Kang portable how does digital camera adjust shut flashlight?

Portable number camera can pass Ni Kang COOLPIX S3100 the following measure shuts flashlight:

1.Open watch for an opportunity and head for setting menu: Press the power source pushbutton of camera, open camera. Press menu pushbutton, setting bill of fare is opened on indication screen.

2.Find flashlight option: In setting bill of fare, find " flashlight " option presses choice.

3.Shut flashlight: Be in " flashlight " in option, find " shut " option presses choice. The option of some model flashlight has not merely " open " and " shut " , still can choose automatic or flashlight intensity, can choose appropriate option according to particular case.

4.Save a setting: After affirming flashlight is shut, press " affirmatory " or return menu to save a setting and exit menu interface.

Those who need an attention is, filming before the photograph, need shuts flashlight first. In the meantime, filming the environment compares dark circumstance to fall, shut flashlight to may bring about a photograph ambiguous or dim, the proposal chooses to whether shut flashlight according to particular case.

8, bottle of portable and portable oxygen what sign is good?

Moxa embellish card is portable aerobic bottle is better brand. Bottle of oxygen of moxa embellish card still deserves to have money of aerobic face guard, outfit resist bag of downy reaction oxygen portable outdoors travel absorbs oxygen filling oxygen. This oxygen bottle still is had cabinet and light, oxygen tolerance is sufficient, the characteristic such as use on the safe side.

9, why does digital camera call a number camera?

Just as its name implies, the gain that its photography scores digital camera is digital information, it and film camera distinction depend on, film camera films exposure is the chemical reaction of film coating, film is obtained video (need to rinse) ; And digital camera films exposure process is transition of sensitive component photoelectricity, those who obtain is digital signal information stock memory Carrie, digital watch for an opportunity is the greatest advantage is not to need to use film material of this kind of bad news.

10, is portable sound card recommended?

If you need a portable acoustical card, recommend use Focusrite Scarlett Solo sound of the 3rd generation gets stuck. It is cabinet and light, carry easily, the frequency transcribe that offerred high quality at the same time and time put a function.

It has the microphone with clean 48V beforehand amplifier, can use at transcribe voice and musical instrument, and have good low defer performance, make its become real time to perform the good choice with transcribe. In addition, it still is contained adjustable earphone output and circuit input, can satisfy different transcribe requirement. Anyhow, focusrite Scarlett Solo is a high-powered, portable, sound card that uses easily, the philharmonic that suits to go after high quality transcribe and professional personage are used.
