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心理健康教育教师资格证现在是非常缺少的 ,学校现在都开心理健康课, 有心理健康教育的老师 ,心理健康 咨询室,所以健康教育越来越得到了社会的重视,学校也增设了很多关于心理健康知识讲座 ,心理健康教育教师资格证是非常有必要考取的 。











































1.参加心理健康教育主题班会,每学年至少1次,共计4学时; 2.参加学校组织的心理测评,每学年一次,共计4学时; (二)实践环节的选修学时为6学时,学生可根据需要自选参加以下实践活动完成: 1.心理咨询师讲座即“心语讲座”,每参加一次计1学时; 2.校院组织的团队心理辅导活动,每参加一次计1学时; 3.学校组织的“心驿沙龙”活动,每参加一次计1学时; 4.学校和各学院组织的其他心理健康教育主题活动,每参加一次计1学时; (三)实践环节的学时完成情况,由班导师和班级心理委员根据活动出席依据认定。



One, does teacher of mental health education groom how is certificate taken?


Measure 1: The choice grooms the orgnaization applies for to sign up;


The 2nd pace: Fill in individual information (connection means + receive an address + highest record of formal schooling) ;


The 3rd pace: Refer groom application material;


The 4th pace: Attend mental health to coach division skill checks (academic + practice) ;


The 5th pace: Pass a test (60 minutes) ;


The 6th pace: Issue mental health to point to adviser skill certificate

2, does teacher of mental health education groom is there letter?

Have letter

Dispute often lacks evidence of qualification of teacher of mental health education now, the school flies mental health class now, have the teacher that mental health teachs, mental health advisory room, so health is taught more and more the attention that got a society, the school also was added a lot of about lecture of mental health knowledge, dispute of card of qualification of teacher of mental health education often is necessary of pass an entrance examination.

Be engaged in psychological major at present the most authoritative approve degree of highest letter, this certificate can be checked on network of credentials of national profession qualification and certificate is the whole nation general and lifelong do not need year of try effectively, at present the enterprise asks to hold card mount guard, increase of exam difficulty gradually at any time, of certificate contain Troy the meeting is taller and taller.

3, does teacher of mental health education groom how doesn't certificate download?

Show according to concerning a material, teacher of mental health education grooms because the network is busy,the reason that certificate cannot download may be, much person downloads, or administrator not identity of teacher of examine and verify, await patiently please, can download certainly.

4, does mental health education groom skill?

(1) aggrandizement law

Aggrandizement law uses education to get used to behavior newly. The basis learns a principle, after a behavior happening, if immediately afterwards an aggrandizement is exciting, this behavior can happen again. Aggrandizement law has learned promotive way of Sijinna before us, a happy stimulation gives after a good deed, will increase the happening of behavior frequency.

(2) token rewards a law

Token is a kind of symbolistic fortifier. The card of chip, young red star, affix one's seal, tailor-made plastic money can serve as token. Want the distinction of law of area dispenses aggrandizement here. Token award law is the good deed that makes place expect when the student certainly hind, the token that the teacher sends an amount to comparative serves as fortifier. The student can change the promotive thing that has real value or activity with token. Because student age is smaller, if give the child true money, produce satiated move easily. But the promotive thing that token changes real value, every child is willing to get an award more.

(3) behavior shapes a law

Behavior is modelled point to through ceaseless aggrandizement gradually the reaction of approach target, will form some kind of more sophisticated act. For instance: Training dove looks up, just began 30 degrees, step up goes to 60 degrees, 120 degrees. Be a series of have after behavior a series of exciting. What divisional aggrandizement law needs to notice is a series of behavior, is not a behavior.

5, does education of pedagogic mental health groom content?

Generally speaking pedagogic mental health grooms inside look respect:

Knowledge of 1. professional theory -- through extending data self-study is finished;

2. handles mastery of a skill or technique actually -- through the face schoolteaching Cheng is finished;

3. school jackarooes originally -- student undertakes study carrying out in this school; Can of help control have: 1. Preliminary control the basic theory that contemporary mental health teachs and be engaged in mental health teaching an activity to coach with advisory fundamental skill. 2. Can be competent school mental health teachs the job: Can begin this school mental health effectively to teach an activity, according to concerned theory design mental health teachs plan and go carrying out, can analyse in practice, solve school mental health to teach real problem. 3. The ego of stimulative psychology teacher grows, promotion is engaged in the professional morality level that mental health teachs.

6, does mental health groom how to get letter?

Measure / means 1

Choice mental health grooms the orgnaization applies for to sign up.

Measure / means 2

Fill in individual information.

Measure / means 3

Refer groom application material.

Measure / means 4

Attend mental health to coach division skill checks.

Measure / means 5

Through checking achievement.

Measure / means 6

Issue mental health to groom division certificate.

7, inquiry of where of certificate of education of pedagogic mental health?

Mental health card needs to log onto inquiry of net of official of certificate of mental health knowledge.

Mental health of middle and primary school teachs card of class teacher qualification, can prove to hold a witness to have teach the ability of course of elementary school mental health and qualification, the person that the proof holds card has the special skill or knowledge of this respect.

Have mental health of middle and primary school to teach card of class teacher qualification, the pedagogic staff post that can enter oneself for an examination by this card and applies for mental health of middle and primary school, obtain fair education school the pedagogic work out that mental health teachs.

8, does teacher of mental health education groom how to enter?

Enter a method / measure:

1. another name for Jiangxi Province teachs cloud App the page, click choice mental health to groom study enters the mouth.

2. studies entrance page, the choice registers new user project.

3. chooses my status according to actual condition, refer another name for Jiangxi Province signing up to teach the cloud mental health groom.

9, does teacher of mental health education groom how many class hour?

Of teacher of mental health education groom time is average 100 not less than class hour. This timeline aims to ensure the teacher has adequate knowledge and skill to help student solves determination manage problem and achieve affection to grow. In this 100 many class hour, the teacher will accept the detailed introduction about children and teenage mentation and behavior, how study identifies and analyse different affection question, and the affection that how be handled appropriately and leads a student and behavior.

In addition, the teacher still will learn how with the student, the parent and other teaching staff cooperate, provide overall psychological support for the student.

Pass such grooming, the teacher can understand a student better, and can help the affection issue that they handle oneself front courtyard and society better, raise their mental health level.

10, does mental health education groom how is class hour maintained?

1. attends mental health to teach thematic class to meet, every school year at least 1, add up to; 2 of 4 class hour. Attend the psychological evaluation that the school organizes, every school year, add up to; (of 4 class hour 2) the class hour of take as an elective course that carries out link is 6 class hour, the student can try to issue practice activity to finish according to needing free ginseng: 1. Psychology seeks advice from division lecture namely " heart language lecture " , every attend plan; 2 of 1 class hour. The group mentality that school courtyard organizes coachs activity, every attend plan; 3 of 1 class hour. The school organizes " heart post salon " activity, every attend plan; 4 of 1 class hour. The school and the other mental health that each institute organizes teach thematic activity, every attend plan; (of 1 class hour 3) the class hour in finished state that carries out link, by class adviser and basis of class psychology committee member the activity attends a basis to maintain.

The mandatory period that carries out link and class hour of take as an elective course cannot rush each other touch.
