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大寒大自然的变化? 初夏大自然的变化?英文双语对照


大寒大自然的变化? 初夏大自然的变化?英文双语对照








春城无处不飞花, 寒食东风御柳斜。——唐朝 韩鸿《寒食》


折得一枝香在手,人间应未有——宋 王安石《甘露歌》


绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹——宋 宋祁《玉楼春》


日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝——唐 白居易《忆江南》


浓绿万枝红一点,动人春色不须多——宋 王安石《咏石榴花》


小楼一夜听春雨,深巷明朝卖杏花——宋 陆游《临安春雨初霁》


疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏——宋 林逋《山园小梅》


城中桃李愁风雨,春在溪头荠菜花——宋 辛弃疾《鹧鸪天·代人赋》


阳春二三月,草与水同色——晋 乐府古辞《孟珠》


接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红——宋 杨万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》












春风吹,春风吹, 吹绿了柳树, 吹红了桃花;春风吹,春风吹, 吹来了燕子, 吹醒了青蛙;春风吹,春风吹, 吹得小雨轻轻地下, 我们都来栽树种花。


















  5、抬起头仰望天空,看到了许多白云在湛蓝的天空中悠 ..........











One, the change of Great Cold nature?

Great Cold solar term is the experience that summary of ancestor of our country ancient time comes out, also be the last solar term in 24 solar term, also be the coldest when, great Cold passes, adumbrative the coming year is about, vernal breath comes slowly, ice and snow melts, the wood is gemmiparous.

2, the change of Chu Xia nature?

1, air temperature is elevatory, because those who do wet environment is district, different, meeting generation is burning hot and dry or the climate with rainy damp and hot.

2, crop grows busy season, enough illumination and appropriate temperature offerred requires condition to the plant.

3, it is more good that the mankind is met more move

3, the ancient poetry that depict nature changes?

Spring city nowhere not flying, cold feed Liu Xie of east wind drive. -- Tangchao Han grand " cold feed "

Paraphrase: Chang'an of dusk spring moment waves everywhere garrulous flying, cold feed festal wind to blow royal garden sallow inclined.

Fold one branch is spicily in the hand, the world should be had no -- Song Wangan stone " manna song "

Paraphrase: Fold next grasping to be spent in the one branch in the hand, aroma 4 excessive, should be the world does not have some.

The Xiao Han outside green Yang Yan is light, the awaken of spring of red apricot branch is troubled by -- Song Songqi " Yu Louchun "

Paraphrase: The ethereally cold smoke on green willow, red apricot blooms on branch, those who add the awaken of spring is lively and abundant.

Sunrise river spends Gong Shenghuo, if Chun Laijiang light green is blue -- Tang Bai house is easy " recall Changjiang Delta "

Paraphrase: The sun is compared from the flower of the Jiang Bian when river side rises fiery, the dark green Jiang Shui when spring comes resembles the La Cao of azure blue.

Thick green 10 thousand branches are a bit redder, moving spring scenery is not needed much -- Song Wangan stone " the pomegranate that chant is beautiful "

Paraphrase: In thick a safflower is adorned on green setting, the picture becomes lively and coquettish immediately.

Xiaolou listens overnight rain during springtime, deep alley Ming Dynasty sells apricot the flower -- Song Liu swims " Lin Anchun ceases raining or snowing at the beginning of rain "

Paraphrase: The sound of rain of rain during springtime that lived in Xiaolou to hear one night tick, early in the morning can be heard be in in lane peddle in succession apricot is beautiful.

Qing Dynasty of inclined water of thin film horizontal stroke is shallow, month of dark sweet float is crepuscular -- Song Lin flees " hill garden Xiaomei "

Paraphrase: Thin film, the horizontal stroke is inclined be in clear in shallow water, the aromatic float of quiet and beautiful is under crepuscular moon.

Harships of anxious of the one's pupils or disciples in the city, shepherd's purse of Chun Zaixi head is beautiful -- Song Xin abandons disease " acting person of · of Chinese francolin day is endowed with "

Paraphrase: The peach blossom plum in the city spends a harships to should do torment, send anxiety, the most beautiful spring scenery, brook head blooms in flower of a shepherd's purse.

Spring 23 months, grass and water are the same as color -- Gu Ci of advance an official conservatory in the Han Dynasty for collecting and composing folk songs and ballads " Meng Zhu "

Paraphrase: Lunar spring 2-3 month, just sprouted of the careless color that grows and green water about the same. Of main draw is a kind of artistic conception, early spring, bud of small careless Gang Meng, a kind flourishingly opportunity of survival.

Receive Tian Lianxie not to have poor green jade, the lotus that reflect day another red -- Yang Moli of the Song Dynasty " dawn gives only kind temple to send grove square "

Paraphrase: The lotus leaf spread out of that packed closely layer up on layer leaves, with join of blue sky photograph, a boundless fresh and green verdure; That graceful lotus Zhan Lei blooms, below sunshine reflect, appear all the more bright-coloured charming is red.

4, spring the change of nature?

Spring came, careless bud is green, tree is green, the earth draped green dress.

Spring came, weather becomes warm, lovely bird people fly southward.

Spring came, a lot of flower was opened, grow various color, smelled far the aroma that flower sends out.

Spring came, deep ice and snow melted, brook jubilation ground flows to distance.

5, the change that watchs nature thing?

Condition, colour.

Observe the change of nature thing, can hold two keys, it is condition, 2 it is colour, for example, tree grows by thousand tall, seedings of cereal crops by small grown, this is status change,

6, what change does nature have?

The earth gradually from inside sleep deeply come to one's senses, ice and snow melts, wood bud, all sorts of flower one after another are open. Spring gives nature brought change: Spring, the ice in the brook was changed; Spring, small fish swam in the river; Spring, willow grew pale green branch; Spring, snow was changed, wheat seeding grows more quickly; Spring came, the child comes out amuse oneself; Spring came, new term began.

Spring breeze is blown, spring breeze is blown, blow green willow, blow red peach blossom; Spring breeze is blown, spring breeze is blown, blew swallow, blow woke frog; Spring breeze is blown, spring breeze is blown, blow spit gently underground, we grow a tree to plant a flower.

Spring came, small grass sprouted, the leaf is paly, bird is happy, children jump, everything is thriving like that was full of vigor! "Qu Lu of south north brook accompanies each other, spit turns over duckweed to go up shallow sand.

Goose duck does not know spring go, contend for take the advantage of peach blossom along with running water. Contend for take the advantage of peach blossom along with running water..

This is Chao Chong of acting poet of the Song Dynasty " spring day " , this is affection of a contain cherish spring poem of Yu Jing. Complete poem 4 4 scene, brook is bright and clean, drizzle turns over duckweed, goose duck plays, peach blossom relieve oedema or abdominal distension through diuresis or purgation, the picture is very bright, if clearly is in at present, your person is carefree be charmed. Poet with goose duck " take the advantage of peach blossom " the deep feeling that picture sends oneself, spring already went, goose duck does not know, reason calls angle happily, carefree, and the person is different however, know already spring come, know again spring go, fall although the flower can be chased after, time cannot be answered, poet the affection of cherish spring, be in overtones.

7, the parallelism that copy writes nature to change?

Nature can give us a lot of inspiration:

Mature spike of rice is low head, that is in enlightenment we want modesty;

A flock of ant carry bone, that is in enlightenment we want make concerted effort;

Drop water can wear stone, it is to telling us to work should perserve;

The earth can carry everythings on earth, it is to telling us attend school wants wide read read extensively;

Pine not dread wind snow, it is to telling us to be an upright person want firm and persistent and doughty.

8, the change of the nature after rain during springtime passes?

Abundant, commendable rain during springtime washed the dust that falls on the plant, tender tender small grass, the leaf that just sprouted, color is very beautiful, have the look of vitality very much. Especially provoking love.

9, the parallelism that nature changes sentence?

1, when burning sun basks in back, summer came. We are walked into forest, go listening attentively to birdie people vocal, the puppy angle that go and friendlies frolics; We move toward a seaside to listen attentively to the call of the sea, put on phreatic water garment to seek mystery of deep sea mile; When in the still of night, sky of look into the distance, the stars that is all over the sky then is like pearl is enchased in the sky, sparkle shine, infinite and gallant.

2, " free land " the big green that is a stretch to the horizon, and also green jade a thousand li. I had seen the change of its the four seasons: Spring, small careless smell first, whole meadow is green, went up like the shop greenbelt blanket; Summer, meadow from pale green become bottle green; The autumn, small grass although wither, but it seemed to spread carpet of one gold nugget; In the winter, the winter sleep in small careless retractile soil.

3, Chun Lanqiu chrysanthemum, xia Hedong plum, this is nature gifts seasonal beauty fragrant China; Spring breeze combs willow, ye Yurun is beautiful, this is the god moist fragrant China Nature's engineering verve; "Apricot spends Changjiang Delta of rain during springtime, north of a place of strategic importance of courser autumn wind " , everything of this nature makes me be intoxicated.

4, scan widely Bing looks, the country nowadays is old appearance is changed then new colour, concrete route is village village is connected then; The building that discharges a platoon unplugs the ground and case; Piece a paddy billow is golden 4 excessive; Way way ridge of field is farm cattle, rasorial completely; every industry grows flourishingly; Beaming with satisfaction of Zhangzhang smiling face; The east wind that move new rural area builds domestic home bath. Good shine together beautiful scene, good the drawing of an interest! Compare with flourishing urban photograph, here became little noisy; much peaceful, little car discharge; much a lot of animals, added life. All the way, all sorts of scenery are handed in each other mirror, be full of thick rustic breath

5, raise a head to look up at a sky, saw the remote in time or space in a lot of white Yun Zaizhan's blue skies. . . . . . . . . .

10, does spring praise the line of nature beautiful scenery?

1, spring scenery does not close field completely, one branch red apricot gives a wall to come. -- old man of foliaceous carry on " pleasance nots worth "

2, rain during springtime breaks bridge person to be not spent, bateau maintains a Liu Yin. -- Xu Fu " spring outing lake "

3, good rain tells time, when spring happen therefore. -- Du Fu " Chun Yexi rain "

4, from anxious gradually far gradually boundless, far away and ceaseless be like spring water. -- Ou Yangxiu " · of travel stepping Sha awaits house Mei Can "

5, just only then send spring return, send gentleman to return again. -- Wang Guan " predict functor · to send Bao Hao like that short for Zhejiang Province east "

6, when swallow flies, green water other people is circled. -- Su Shi " butterfly Chun Jing of the · that love a flower "

7, bud of reed of Lou Hao full ground is short, be balloonfish desire when going up. -- Su Shi " evening scene of Hui Chongchun river "

8, the Chun Hensheng when lotus leaf is unripe, the Qiu Hencheng when lotus leaf is withered. -- Li Shang concealed " dusk autumn swims alone Qu Jiang "
