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小小动物医院世纪缘动物医院 丰南动物医院 锦麟宠物医院 牧医宠物医院 我爱宠物医院 望康宠物医院 宝贝宠物医院 皮卡丘宠物医院 关爱宠物医院 金丽宠物医院 宠物康体中心 宠物专科康复中心 宠物康体保健会所 宠物E家宠缘动物医院











1. 确定开店定位:选择开设哪种类型的宠物诊所,比如综合类、犬类、猫类等等。

2. 寻找合适的场地:根据诊所类型和经营规模,寻找合适的场地和租金。

3. 注册公司和办理相关许可证:根据所在地区的相关政策和法规,注册公司和办理相关许可证,比如工商注册、食品经营许可证等等。

4. 装修和购置设备:根据宠物诊所的服务范围和定位,装修室内环境并购置必要的医疗设备、器具、药品等等。

5. 招聘医生和助理:招聘合格的医生和助理,包括兽医、护士等,确保诊所医疗服务的质量和效率。

6. 制定营销计划:制定宠物诊所的营销计划,包括宣传推广、品牌建设、市场分析等等,提高品牌知名度和影响力。

7. 开始运营和经营管理:根据制定的计划和经验积累,开始运营和经营管理宠物诊所,为宠物主人提供专业的诊疗服务和咨询建议。





1.携带店面房产证复印件(如果是租的房子还需提供《租房协议书》),ID复印件2张,一寸照片5张到当地工商所申领表格,领取工商营业执照。  2.取得营业执照后,到当地税务所申请税务登记证。  3.申请发票。发票申请分2种:一是按定税方法,即每月不管有没有营业额都是每月交纳相同的税额;二是根据开具发票的金额每月按税率缴税。  4.15-30天后,各项证件可以办下来。整个过程收费大概在500元左右(各地收费略有不同)若宠物店经营活体销售或宠物医疗项目,还须获得卫生部门的《公共场所卫生许可证》和畜牧部门的《动物防疫合格证》《动物诊疗许可证》。

















One, pet clinic, river which pet clinic is the bestest?

Hello, hospital of Jiang Douai beautiful pet is larger, very normal, it is better to go there.

2, does pet clinic give a name?

Hospital of the animal austral abundant of hospital of animal of predestined relationship of puppy hospital century hospital of my love pet visits hospital of pet of cure of herd of hospital of pet of bright and beautiful Lin gold of hospital of pet of care of hospital of pet of Pi Kaqiu of hospital of pet of baby of hospital of Kang Chong content

3, limits of pet clinic sale?

The sale limits of pet clinic includes but not be confined to the following respects:

Popularize on 1. line: Wait for means through building sale of platform of official website, gregarious media, email, promotion trademark is well-known spend and exposure rate.

2. line plays conduct propaganda: Use the traditional medium such as the handbill, placard, billboard, and play the way such as activity of pet exhibition, community, attract cause client.

Sale of 3. public praise: Provide service of excellent pet medical treatment, make a client satisfactory and buccal mouth according to legend, through public praise transmission enlarges force.

4. collaboration popularizes: Cooperate with the relevant industry such as inn of hairdressing of pet things shop, pet, recommend each other, develop sales promotion activity jointly, enlarge client group.

5. fixed sales promotion: Roll out service of system of favourable activity, member, formula to wait, attract a client and rise answer buy rate.

6. offers education to groom: Hold pet health intellectual lecture, groom course, the trustful He Zhongcheng to clinic spends promotion pet host.

4, flow of pet clinic set up shop?

The flow of pet clinic set up shop is as follows roughly:

1.Decide set up shop locates: The choice opens the pet clinic of which kinds of type, for instance integrated kind, dog kind, cat kind etc.

2.Search proper place: According to clinic type and operation, seek proper place and rent.

3.Register company and handle relevant license: The basis is in the relevant policy of the area and code, register company and handle relevant license, for instance industrial and commercial register, food business certificate is waited a moment.

4.Decorate and purchase equipment: According to the service limits of pet clinic and fixed position, decorate indoor environment and purchase necessary medical treatment equipment, implemental, medicines and chemical reagents to wait a moment.

5.Doctor of invite applications for a job and assistant: The doctor of qualification of invite applications for a job and assistant, include vet, nurse to wait, the quality that ensures clinic medical treatment serves and efficiency.

6.Make sale plan: Make the sale plan of pet clinic, include to publicize analysis of construction of promotion, brand, market to wait a moment, raise a brand famous spend and consequence.

7.Begin operation and management: Accumulate according to the plan that make and experience, begin operation and management pet clinic, the diagnosis and treatment that provides major for pet host serves and refer a proposal.

Above is open pet clinic roughly flow, particular case needs to be made according to actual condition adjust.

5, foreground of pet clinic future?

I feel foreground of pet clinic future should be good, what present person raises pet is increasing, it is to want company, the dog is human good friend, and still a few guide blind dog and working dog are human need, feline Mi is docile and lovely, present youth likes, those who raise a cat is very much, so these pet cannot leave clinic.

6, does Shanghai open pet clinic technological process?

1. carries storefront photocopy of house property card (if be the building that lease,still need to offer " the agreement that rent a house " ) , ID photocopy 2 pieces, a inch of photograph reachs place 5 pieces industrial and commercial place explain receive form, receive industrial and commercial business patent. 2. After obtaining business license, to place of local duty Wu application duty Wu registers card. 3. Application bill. Bill applies for to divide 2 kinds: It is to press the method that decide duty, no matter have turnover,be every every months namely the month hands in identical the amount of tax to be paid; 2 it is the basis opens the amount of bill every months to pay tax by tax rate. After 4.15-30 day, each certificate can do. Whole process collects fees control in 500 yuan probably (each district collects fees differ somewhat) if pet shop manages live body sale or project of pet medical treatment, still must obtain door of Ministry of Public Health " public wholesome licence " with pasturage branch " certificate of approval of animal epidemic prevention " " licence of animal diagnosis and treatment " .

7, close plain where to have pet clinic?

Spouse pet hospital

Address: Chongqing city closes road of plain area Jia Ling 157

One leaves new station not far. Specific be in aquatic product is corrective that street opposite side, arrived flourishing age of dragon front courtyard is gone to even below go a bit, be in Jia Huiyuan village face each other. Call spouse animal the hospital. If by taxi the word of the car, you give school of aquatic product of taxi driver respecting the Jia Huiyuan village there directly, the driver knows

8, when does pet clinic open the door?

Pet clinic opens the door commonly time is in the morning 9.3 the left and right sides, the lockup in the evening is afternoon controlled at 6 o'clock.

Because pet shop is to give pet service fee place, won't do business so very late or early, it is the business hours of regular store commonly.

It is OK to suggest you are general perhaps draw near afternoon the time midday paragraph go, more convenient.

9, clinic of Nanjing which pet is good?

Clinic of pet of Nanjing that is good, will tell to raising the person of dog and cat, they are true still very not clear, will tell to raising the person of dog and cat, too clear did not pass, pet hospital is little before, one is there is an institute over there Xiao Lingwei, also see a doctor of course, my home has looked over dog dog, still having is hospital of pet of 7 lis of streets, of course what present pet hospital leaves is more than before, my individual feels to see a doctor or go to large pet hospital.

10, the distinction of pet hospital and pet clinic?

Distinction is as follows:

1, environmental measurement is different: The environment of pet hospital is in normally 200 smooth rice above. Pet clinic is smaller than pet hospital medical establishment, general management area is in 100 smooth rice less than.

2, personnel deploys different: Pet hospital asks to deploy 3 at least hold card vet, should deal with " licence of animal diagnosis and treatment " and the practice license of the orgnaization that move inspect. And pet examine is in village periphery, to be being mixed from cure personnel the amount does not have the requirement of too severe exacting.

3, permissive range is distinct: Pet clinic permits limits to set outpatient service service and chemist's shop only normally, clinic does not set room of be in hospital, urgent disease and surgery to wait mostly. And the diagnosis that pet hospital includes animal illness, cure and animal immunity, large pet hospital still can add the equipment such as knife of appearance of appearance of analyzer of fluid of heart report appearance, CT, make water, blood sugar, spectrum, report.
