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中国电子娱乐竞技大赛(China Electronic Entertainment Championship,CEEC)是中国规模最大、影响最广的电子竞技盛会之一。作为电子竞技领域的重要赛事,CEEC汇聚了全国范围内最顶尖的电竞选手,展示了中国电子竞技文化的魅力。













Contest of athletics of Chinese electron recreation (China Electronic Entertainment Championship, CEEC) it is Chinese dimensions one of electronic athletics grand meeting with the biggest, the most extensive influence. Regard electronic athletics as the important match of the domain, CEEC gathered together the toppest electric contest player inside countrywide limits, revealed the glamour of culture of Chinese electron athletics.

Match setting

As the rapid development of electronic game industry, electronic athletics becomes the equipment inside global limits to get attention and passion athletic project gradually. China regards the biggest play on the world as the market, electronic athletics got rapid development here, had formed distinctive athletics culture. For further education and the actual strength that show player of Chinese report contest, CEEC emerge as the times require.

Match dimensions and form

CEEC is held every year, by a definite date counts a day. The match covered many famous electronic game items, include " the hero is allied " , " Wang Zherong boasts " , " II of interstellar contend for hegemony " etc. The group of battle of top report contest that comes from countrywide each district and individual player will enter this intense have a contest, contend for honor and bonus.

Match cent is preelection contest, promotion contest and final 3 phase, players need to promote through ability of layer upon layer choose finals phase. Finals will be held in a giant arena, spot place is close 10 thousand, return audience of ten million of know exactly about sth to watch the game through network direct seeding at the same time.

Influence and meaning

Of contest of athletics of Chinese electron recreation hold, promoted the development of industry of Chinese report contest further. It offerred an arena that shows actual strength of Chinese report contest not only, also attracted more investment and partner. In the meantime, as a result of the appeal of match itself, it also becomes business of each big play development and sponsor to contend for the boy or girl friend that enlists.

The success of CEEC is held, it is match of an electron athletics not just, it is the regale of electronic athletics culture more. Adopt the platform of the match, player of Chinese report contest be able to to the whole nation even the actual strength that the whole world shows him and elegant demeanour, drove electronic athletics to be in of home gain ground and approbate.


Contest of athletics of Chinese electron recreation is the important milestone that Chinese report contest develops, showed the actual strength of player of Chinese report contest not only, also promoted the prosperity of industry of Chinese report contest. Of this grand meeting hold, let more person understands and love electronic athletics not only, also offerred an arena that shows him ability for the youth.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries the article, you can know contest of athletics of Chinese electron recreation in the round more, have more thorough knowledge to electronic athletics culture.
