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1,经营哲学 经营哲学也称企业哲学,源于社会人文经济心理学的创新运用,是一个企业特有的从事生产经营和管理活动的方法论原则。它是指导企业行为的基础。一个企业在激烈的市场竞争环境中,面临着各种矛盾和多种选择,要求企业有一个科学的方法论来指导,有一套逻辑思维的程序来决定自己的行为,这就是经营哲学。

2,价值观念 所谓价值观念,是人们基于某种功利性或道义性的追求而对人们(个人、组织)本身的存在、行为和行为结果进行评价的基本观点。可以说,人生就是为了价值的追求,价值观念决定着人生追求行为。价值观不是人们在一时一事上的体现,而是在长期实践活动中形成的关于价值的观念体系。企业的价值观,是指企业职工对企业存在的意义、经营目的、经营宗旨的价值评价和为之追求的整体化、个异化的群体意识,是企业全体职工共同的价值准则。

3,企业精神 企业精神是指企业基于自身特定的性质、任务、宗旨、时代要求和发展方向,并经过精心培养而形成的企业成员群体的精神风貌。企业精神要通过企业全体职工有意识的实践活动体现出来。因此,它又是企业职工观念意识和进取心理的外化。 企业精神是企业文化的核心,在整个企业文化中起着支配的地位。企业精神以价值观念为基础,以价值目标为动力,对企业经营哲学、管理制度、道德风尚、团体意识和企业形象起着决定性的作用。可以说,企业精神是企业的灵魂。

4,企业道德 企业道德是指调整该企业与其它企业之间、企业与顾客之间、企业内部职工之间关系的行为规范的总和。它是从伦理关系的角度,以善与恶、公与私、荣与辱、诚实与虚伪等道德范畴为标准来评价和规范企业。 企业道德与法律规范和制度规范不同,不具有那样的强制性和约束力,但具有积极的示范效应和强烈的感染力,当被人们认可和接受后具有自我约束的力量。因此,它具有更广泛的适应性,是约束企业和职工行为的重要手段。

5,团体意识 团体即组织,团体意识是指组织成员的集体观念。团体意识是企业内部凝聚力形成的重要心理因素。企业团体意识的形成使企业的每个职工把自己的工作和行为都看成是实现企业目标的一个组成部分,使他们对自己作为企业的成员而感到自豪,对企业的成就产生荣誉感,从而把企业看成是自己利益的共同体和归属。因此,他们就会为实现企业的目标而努力奋斗,自觉地克服与实现企业目标不一致的行为。

6,企业形象 企业形象是企业通过外部特征和经营实力表现出来的,被消费者和公众所认同的企业总体印象。由外部特征表现出来的企业的形象称表层形象,企业形象还包括企业形象的视觉识别系统,比如VIS系统,是企业对外宣传的视觉标识,是社会对这个企业的视觉认知的导入渠道之一,也是标志着该企业是否进入现代化管理的标志内容。

7,企业制度 企业制度是在生产经营实践活动中所形成的,对人的行为带有强制性,并能保障一定权利的各种规定。从企业文化的层次结构看,企业制度属中间层次,它是精神文化的表现形式,是物质文化实现的保证。企业制度作为职工行为规范的模式,使个人的活动得以合理进行,内外人际关系得以协调,员工的共同利益受到保护,从而使企业有序地组织起来为实现企业目标而努力。

8,文化结构 企业文化结构是指企业文化系统内各要素之间的时空顺序,主次地位与结合方式,企业文化结构就是企业文化的构成、形式、层次、内容、类型等的比例关系和位置关系。它表明各个要素如何链接,形成企业文化的整体模式。即企业物质文化、企业行为文化、企业制度文化、企业精神文化形态。

9,企业使命 所谓企业使命是指企业在社会经济发展中所应担当的角色和责任。是指企业的根本性质和存在的理由,说明企业的经营领域、经营思想,为企业目标的确立与战略的制定提供依据。企业使命要说明企业在全社会经济领域中所经营的活动范围和层次,具体的表述企业在社会经济活动中的身份或角色。它包括的内容为企业的经营哲学、企业的宗旨和企业的形象。


Company culture includes content:

1, management philosophy manages philosophy to also call an enterprise philosophy, result from the innovation of humanitarian economy psychology applies the society, it is the methodology principle that some an industry is particular is engaged in that production is managed and run an activity. It is the foundation of direct company action. An enterprise is in intense market competition environment, facing all sorts of contradiction and multiple choice, requirement enterprise has a scientific methodology to coach, the program that has a logistic thinking will decide his action, this manages philosophy namely.

2, viewpoint of value studies so-called value idea, it is people is based on some to plant manipulative or of sex of morality and justice go after and to people (individual, organization) the existence of itself, behavior and the radical point of view that behavior has evaluating as a result. Can say, life is for the pursuit of value, value sense is deciding life to pursue action. Viewpoint of value is not people is in temporarily on be related reflect, the about value idea system that forms in carrying out an activity for a long time however. The viewpoint of value of the enterprise, the value evaluation that is the meaning that shows company worker exists to the enterprise, management purpose, management tenet and the integration that go after for it, the group consciousness of dissimilation, it is enterprise collectivity worker's common value standard.

3, spirit of enterprise of spirit of enterprise is to show the enterprise is based on oneself to specific nature, task, tenet, times asks and develop way, pass the mental scene of the industry member group that be fostered meticulously and forms. Spirit of enterprise should pass enterprise collectivity the worker's conscious practice activity body comes out now. Accordingly, it is consciousness of company worker idea and enterprising psychology outside change. Spirit of enterprise is the core of company culture, controlled place is having in whole industry culture. Spirit of enterprise is a foundation with value sense, it is motivation with value target, to the enterprise consciousness of fashion of system of management philosophy, management, morality, organization is mixed the action with the decisive move since company image. Can say, spirit of enterprise is the soul of the enterprise.

4, ethics of business ethics business is to point to adjust this enterprise and other company between, between enterprise and client, the summation of the behavior standard that the enterprise concerns between in-house worker. It is the angle that concerns from ethics, with be apt to and evil, fair with the morality such as illicit, flourish and disgrace, honesty and affectation the category is a standard to come to evaluation and normative enterprise. Business ethics and legal standard and system standard are different, do not have in that way mandatory with sanction, but have positive demonstrative effect and strong appeal, have the power that ego restrains after be approbated by people and be accepted. Accordingly, it has more extensive adaptability, it is the important step that restrains enterprise and worker behavior.

5, organization consciousness organization is organized namely, organization consciousness is the collective idea that points to constituent member. Organization consciousness is the important psychology element that enterprise interior cohesive affinity forms. The formation of industry group consciousness makes every worker of the enterprise works his to regard a component that achieves company goal as with behavior, make they feel to their serving as the member of the enterprise proud, produce honorary move to the achievement of the enterprise, mix the community that the enterprise regards him interest as thereby attributive. Accordingly, they make arduous efforts with respect to the target that can be implementation enterprise, overcome as abhorrent as implementation company goal behavior self-consciously.

6, body of company image industry seems an enterprise to come out through exterior feature and expression of management actual strength, the business that is agreed with by consumer and public place is overall impression. The figure of the enterprise that comes out now by outer properties calls surface layer figure, company image still includes the vision of company image to identify a system, for instance VIS system, it is the visual label that the enterprise publicizes external, it is a society the vision to this enterprise guides cognitively one of channel, also be to indicating the mark content that whether this enterprise enters modernization government.

7, system of company system company is formed in manufacturing management practice activity, contain to the person's behavior mandatory, can ensure all sorts of regulations of certain right. Look from the hierarchy of company culture, company system belongs to intermediate administrative levels, it is the expressional form of mental culture, it is the assurance that corporeal culture realizes. Company system regards worker behavior as normative mode, make the individual's activity be able to reasonable undertake, human relation is able to coordinate inside and outside, the common interest of employee is protected, make the enterprise organizes to achieve company goal effort in order thereby.

8, structure of culture of culture construction company is to point to the between each element spatio-temporal order inside company culture system, position of primary and secondary and combinative means, company culture structure is company culture form, form, administrative levels, content, type the scale relation that wait and positional relation. It shows how each element are linked, form the integral mode of company culture. Namely configuration of culture of company material culture, company action culture, company system culture, spirit of enterprise.

9, company mission is alleged company mission is the part that the place in showing the company grows in socioeconomy should take on and responsibility. It is the reason of the prime property that points to an enterprise and existence, show the management domain of the enterprise, management idea, of the establish that is company goal and strategy make provide a basis. Company mission should explain the enterprise gets the territory that runs inside the country and administrative levels in complete socioeconomy, state an enterprise specificly the identity in socioeconomy activity or part. The content that it includes is the figure of the tenet of the management philosophy of the enterprise, enterprise and enterprise.

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