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怎么买宠物? 京东怎么买宠物?英文双语对照


怎么买宠物? 京东怎么买宠物?英文双语对照





1. 京东上售卖的宠物种类较少,主要是猫、狗、鸟类等,需要根据自己的需求选择相应的品种。

2. 在选择宠物之前,需要了解宠物的品种特点、饲养要求、健康状况等信息,以便选择适合自己的宠物。

3. 在京东购买宠物需要选择专业的宠物店铺,选择信誉良好的商家,以避免购买到病态或者非法宠物。

4. 在购买宠物之前,需要核实商家的证照信息,包括《动物防疫法》规定的《动物防疫条件合格证》、《动物卫生监督证书》等证照。

5. 在购买宠物之前,需要核实商家的退换货政策,以便在购买后出现问题时能够及时处理。

6. 购买宠物后需要进行必要的检疫和接种,以避免宠物传染病和健康问题。建议在购买宠物后及时带宠物去宠物医院进行检查和接种。





在悉尼购买宠物有几种途径:1. 当地宠物商店:悉尼有许多宠物商店,你可以去这些商店浏览并选择合适的宠物。商店通常有销售猫、狗、小型哺乳动物等多种宠物。2. 宠物领养中心:悉尼有很多宠物领养中心,这些中心通常会为流浪动物提供临时住所,你可以去这些中心领养流浪动物,为它们提供温暖的家庭。3. 在线宠物市场:你还可以选择在悉尼的在线宠物市场购买宠物。这些市场通常提供广泛的宠物选择,你可以根据自己的需求搜索并联系卖家。无论你选择哪种购买方式,都要确保宠物的健康和良好待遇。在购买宠物之前,和卖家进行交流并了解宠物的背景、健康状况以及相关的兽医记录。同时,确保你有足够的知识和资源来照顾好宠物,并为宠物提供合适的生活环境和食物。





坐四路车到沙市蛇入山下车·那里有个宠物市场··· 而且,在园林路上有部分宠物店··你可以看哈··· 呵呵··希望对你有用啊····













One, how to buy pet?

Should go normal pet market, or pet hospital buys health lively, have the dog of safeguard.

2, Beijing east how to buy pet?

In Beijing east buy pet to need to notice the following:

1.Beijing east go up the pet sort of sale is less, basically be cat, dog, avian wait, the requirement that needs him basis chooses corresponding breed.

2.Before choosing pet, the breed characteristic that needs to understand pet, feed the information such as requirement, healthy state, so that the choice suits his pet.

3.Be in Beijing east the pet store that buys pet to need to choose major, choose the businessman with good reputation, buy clammy illegal perhaps pet in order to avoid.

4.Before buying pet, the proof that needs to check a businessman takes news, include " law of animal epidemic prevention " of the regulation " certificate of approval of condition of animal epidemic prevention " , " animal sanitation controls letter " wait for card to illuminate.

5.Before buying pet, need checks policy of money of exchange a purchase, so that can be handled in time when the problem appears after buying.

6.The need after buying pet undertakes necessary quarantine and have an inoculation, in order to avoid pet contagion and healthy problem. The proposal takes pet in time after buying pet to go to pet hospital undertaking examination and have an inoculation.

Those who need an attention is, although be in Beijing east on buy pet to go to the lavatory relatively, but the it is certain to raise need experience of pet and skill, suggest to relevant knowledge and technical ability understand seriously before choosing pet, bother needlessly with avoiding to appear.

3, open east where to buy pet?

In bridge of people of the town that collect dragon along the river (river east side) go southward, arrived the 2nd bridge there, be in left him ~~ of market of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style goes looking ~~

4, how does Sydney buy pet?

Pet buys to have a few kinds of ways in Sydney: 1. Local pet shop: Sydney has a lot of pet stores, these shops are browsed and you can choose appropriate pet. The shop has a variety of pet such as sale cat, dog, small-sized mammal normally. 2. Pet adopt center: Sydney has center of adopt of a lot of pet, these centers are met normally to roam about the animal is offerred temporarily abode, you can go to these centers adopt roams about animal, provide warm family for them. 3. Online pet market: The online pet market that you still can choose to be in Sydney buys pet. These markets offer extensive pet alternative normally, you can search shunt-wound department to sell the home according to your demand. No matter you choose which kinds to buy way, should ensure the health of pet and favorable treatment. Before buying pet, record with the setting that sell the home to undertake communicating and understands pet, healthy state and relevant vet. In the meantime, ensure you have adequate knowledge and resource to take care of good pet, provide appropriate surroundings and food for pet.

5, where can you buy pet?

Pet shop.

Early city also has here sell. Weekday has dog city, another fixed place, although did not establish a brand, but the person of whole town knows, sheep of oxen and hores-beeasts of burden, goose of bunny chicken duck, still have all sorts of big dogs, doggie, dove, parrot! Small now letter group in also have those who sell. Anyhow channel is very much!

6, where does Jing Zhou buy pet?

Take 4 cars to sanded city snake to get off there is a · of · of pet market · over there · into hill and, there is · of · of partial pet shop on gardens road you can see · of haing · · breathe out the · that breathe out · the hope is useful to you ah · of · · ·

7, where to buy pet?

1. pet shop: The cat that pet shop has a lot of different variety normally, dog, avian, reptile and small-sized mammal can offer an alternative. These shops can provide the pet essential such as tree of feed, toy, doghole, cat normally, provide service of pet Medical Protection possibly also.

2. farm: If you want the cat of a specific breed or dog, you can find local farm. These field breed some technically normally the animal of specific breed, can provide the information of ancestor of more concerned pet and healthy state.

3. individual sells: Some people can adopt the platform on the net or the way such as ad of newspaper, magazine sells their pet.

8, how can you buy pet?

Go above all market of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style buys pet on large perhaps market. Should next normally the appearance, deciding that has business charter nods hospital of pet shop, pet, cat to abandon go Mi of cat of choose and buy.

The little pet with the progenitive pet in the friend colleague home that relies on chart finally also is possible, also be at ease so dot. The puppy that additionally we also can contact each district protects association, replace with the means of adopt buy, kill two birds with one stone.

9, how does Dnf buy pet?

When DNF buys pet, you can undertake buying through gold coin, inside the store, can buy pet through paying gold coin

10, the App that buys pet?

Buying a pet App is Shanghai a limited company of science and technology of dwell phoenix network is subordinate online pet trades platform, company headquarters is located in Shanghai, held water 2018. Whole nation of online choose and buy deserves to send, let you never leave home can online choose and buy trades water flea of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of dog of feline Mi dog, bud of lovely dog cat bestows favor on cat of the grandma that suckle a dog to send excellent, open happiness is raised bestow favor on the life, buy a pet App to trade as an online pet platform, countrywide numerous cat abandons the assemble the dog abandons shop of pet of market of pet shop painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style to just be entered halt, cover the hundreds pet variety such as dog of dog of pet of pet cat Mi.

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