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永州有哪些美食小吃? 永州有什么好吃的美食?英文双语对照


永州有哪些美食小吃? 永州有什么好吃的美食?英文双语对照
















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邓见超,永州新田人,中国优秀的唱作歌手,他出生于江西南昌,是南昌大学2012级学生,他在 2019年3月9日参加的华语原创音乐选秀节目《这!就是原创》中于2019年5月25日的总决赛中获得冠军。







那就有蛮多啦,首先想到的就是吃的,闻名国内外的异蛇酒,扎肉 ,东安鸡,血鸭,江永香柚,香芋,剁辣椒小河鱼,腊肉,板鸭,曲米鱼,靓豆腐,柚子糖等等还有好多一时半会想不起来了,回头想起再来补充




2、乘坐26路,经过9站, 到达永州汽车北站
















One, always what cate does the city have fastfood?

Always the pink throwing the meat of the city is delicious, still have golden melon steamed bread, always city couplet seafood still has that yoke to fry pound crab, that calls a special skill, bright tender sweet

2, always the cate with delicious what does the city have?

Coordinate: Always the city because oneself are take money and live in always city, roughly always the characteristic dish of the city has been tasted, I am recommended to think below very delicious and famouser dish of a few characteristic 1. Chicken installs east: Taste is acerbity hot acid sweet very delicious, this dish cannot miss the friend that Lai Yongzhou plays, almost every restaurant can have this food 2: Duck of peaceful far blood: Appearance is not quite distinctive, even because somebody does not like duck blood and dare not try, but such practice makes every duck flesh very tasty is thorough even and medullary, eat not to let off even bone 3. Fish of rice of Qi Yang music: Love eats hot the friend that loves to have a fish again can look 4. Always city bittern pink: The likelihood is the taste that was used to home town, the bittern powder that has taken a lot of places so still thinks always the bittern pink of the city is delicious, thick gravy is very sweet and full-bodied, bittern flesh very chunk condiment is especially much also 5: Salted duck of 0 hill sauce: Hear the sauce salted duck inside crystal alley is especially delicious 6. Taste snake: The book that has read Liu Zongyuan knows " always the landed different snake of the city " likelihood the different snake here Wang Jiuming reputation is very big, but taste snake is very pretty good really, and ate also very fill to write here temporarily, was opposite always the city still has pretty much more amused, for instance 9 Yi hill, liu Zi temple, always city arboretum, yang Mingshan is waited a moment, welcome everybody Lai Yongzhou amuse oneself

3, always what does the characteristic cate of the city have?

Non-staple food: ? Does Shan enthalpy whetstone?

Is dish: ?  ? water is boiled drink snail, chicken is installed east.

Wine: ? Warm up whoop?


Always the city is always of the wild snake yield surprise of the city always city, namely of Liu Zi temple always city. Board what is the brick does not know its characteristic is fastfood, just saw in Changsha long mountain range so one cries always the small shop of city blood duck.

Through on-the-spot check, this blood duck does boiler duck namely actually. What everybody is familiar with chaffy dish, what is dry boiler east east? Actually dry boiler is similar to chaffy dish, a spirit stove is below, bowl of iron of one trumpet fried dish is put above, dish comes inside its. Dish is meat dishes commonly, mostly agglomerate kind (also have filar individually, for instance dry boiler hand rips chicken, dry boiler hand rips meat of dried meat rabbit, salted duck of dry boiler sauce is waited a moment) , the anhydrous inside boiler, friend says to do boiler, have fasten the chaffy dish at putting boiling water.

Hematic duck first ginger garlic Zi does red any of several hot spice plants to wait like that cruel fry, again cook over a slow fire is ripe, put to dry boiler to open suffer from excessive internal heat, the ground that duck oil burns is noisy, this is common practice, and always the place that extraordinary tall person prepares city blood duck (also do not calculate now on with never be the same as, the inn of almost all Changsha learned so single-handed) big green pepper that on one big scatters to be born on the dry boiler that has doinging namely (of its amount so that feel like wind blows grass low the prairie that sees flocks and herds, the green pepper that the sense that gives a person is Changsha does not want money) . The duck has a kind of smell of mutton originally, by cruel after frying, already was not heard almost, put green pepper, again by the hot oil below one cruel, smell only the aroma of the clear then cook it with sauce and water of a green pepper and duck flesh.

4, was epicure king just done always city blood duck?

Measure 1

Before the duck bloodlettings, right amount rice wine and edible salt are joined in the bowl, pour duck blood into the bowl down kitchen knife next. the duck blood agitate that give off 1 minute reserves

Measure 2

Begin to handle a duck next: Right amount boiled water is joined to immerse the duck 40 seconds in the basin, in cold water putting duck fish out after 40 seconds, appear cool, the purpose of bubble cold water is to let the skin of the duck tighten up, thereby better feather purify clean measure 3

Mix duck palm after feather purify is clean the skin of duck mouth tears down come (this is the cortex with redundant duck cannot edible) , excise the rear of the duck next. Dissection from the knife below the back of the duck, clean clean after will splanchnic purify is clean reserve

Measure 4

the claw take out of the duck, the has remain possibly bacterium in duck claw must take this one pace seriously so. The small diamonds that controls duck chop into 2 centimeters next reserves

Measure 5

Complementary makings: Preparative garlic (40 grams) cut small-scale reserve, millet is hot (40 grams) cut paragraphs small, Hunan any of several hot spice plants (100 grams) cut small-scale, preparation child ginger (50 grams) cut Cheng Zijiang piece, the small onion with the right amount preparation after allowing is cut paragraph reserve

Measure 6

Above all we burn boiler hot, right amount oily pot is added after burning heat. Tea-seed oil is added after will hot oily teem (30 grams) , will oily lukewarm burn to 6 into heat, good chop duck leaves boiler. The purpose of this one pace is the water inside the duck the portion explodes dry explode sweet (domestic special mess needs the left and right sides 5 minutes)

Measure 7

The duck explodes sweet later the garlic that will cut and millet are hot next boiler, in leaving small fire 30 seconds mix garlic millet is hot fry sweet, makings head explodes sweet later join right amount cooking wine to be entered from boiler Bian Lin break up fry a few times, the purpose of this one pace is the fishy smell of purify duck flesh

Measure 8

Join next often smoke (2 grams) tone impression, rejoin is unripe smoke soy (5 grams) from boiler Bian Lin is entered break up fry a few times, break up clear soup is joined after be being fried a few times (200 grams) , open small fire boil in a covered pot over a slow fire 10 minutes

Measure 9

Begin to flavor when Shang Zhishou works after 10 minutes: Join edible salt (1 gram) , white sugar (a few) the Hunan any of several hot spice plants that rejoin has cut, child Jiang Hecong paragraph, open medium baking temperature to fry complementary makings next come to be born

Measure 10

Complementary makings is fried rejoin is sweet after coming to be born vinegar (a few) break up fry a few times, leave ready duck blood boiler finally. The succeed add of the boiler below duck blood opens medium baking temperature to break up fry 30 seconds, fry duck blood completely ripe adsorption to be above duck flesh can give boiler to install dish

Measure 11

A very classical Hunan blood duck is made finish

5, cate of the Ning Mashan austral Guangxi always how is city slices of fish meat done?

1. choosing controls grass carp 2 jins.

2. butcher, inclined knife is in piscine body section, if cut Beijing roast duck similar.

3. is cleaned several times with glacial water, do not immerse.

4. uses 15-30 of souse of a few white vinegar, salt minute, drop works.

5. is added fry ripe soya bean pink (can add chili area according to taste) mix divide evenly.

6. can be added right amount 13 sweet or balm.

7. is installed dish, can edible.

6, always why does the city cry always city?

The Zhang Er of hero of found a state of Wang Fengjiang Xi Yongxin is Zhou Wu " always king " , in year period, always king is feudal by strong opponent annex, always of the royal blood and factitious flee chaos caused by war, roam about everywhere, flounder migrates to the foot of a hill or mountain to present Zhijinshan north area, in those days here, still be a virgin forest, as it happens suits to avoid chaos caused by war.

Always of the royal blood person is in this place slash-and-burn cultivation, multiply comes down haunt. For souvenir always king, call the hill landscape water here " always Shan Yongshui " , regarded here as previously " always " the ground.

Zhijinshan, be continuous hundreds of lis

Time of government of the Sui Dynasty, the officer becomes in hall of hold office at court of combination of a magnifico always of the royal blood person, in emperor's son-in-law of a Number One Scholar (also be always of the royal blood person) below the case that makes backer, request a 0 hill instead always city...

Time of government of the Sui Dynasty, 0 hill are formal more the name is " always city manager government office " , always the name of the city circulates from now on come down, with 0 hill, coexist jointly come down...

This is always the origin of city name

7, always city singer?

1: ? Think of  ?

Deng Jianchao, always person of state new field, china is sung outstandingly singer, he is born in Jiangxi Nanchang, it is Nanchang university 2012 class student, he achieves music to choose excellent program formerly in the Chinese that attended on March 9, 2019 " this! Achieve formerly namely " in win championship in the total final May 25, 2019.

2: ? Ban Pi?

Li Yu, always city east bring membership actor of solo of opera and ballet theatre of famous singer, China, always the city contributes money first times with individual name hold water aid learn fund -- Li Yu is aided learn fund.

8, always city poet?

1, Jiang Wan (? -- 246) , word fair Yan, the later Han dynasty person of 0 hill county, prime minister in feudal China of the kingdom of Shu Han of period of the Three Kingdoms, with Zhu Geliang, Dong Yun, cost Dai closes say " the kingdom of Shu Han 4 photographs " . Little with scholarship county of famed Yu Jun, liu Bei is followed with city book assist first into Sichuan, get Zhu Geliang regard highly greatly, boreal ask forring attacks Zhu Geliang the Kingdom of Wei, get prime minister great trust " all takes government office job " , after Zhu Geliang is dead, he chairs government affairs, make for a high official in ancient China, lead beneficial state feudal provincial or prefectural governor, change is imperatorial, seal Hou of the booth that install this world, instruct increase minister, endeavor buddhist of Liu of assist a ruler in governing a country, the Shi after dying " respectful Hou " .

Jiang Wan

9, always state special local product?

That has pretty much, what think of above all eat, famed domestic and international different snake wine, plunge into the flesh, chicken is installed east, hematic duck, jiang Yongxiang shaddock, sweet taro, fish of chop chili brook, bacon, salted duck, qu Miyu, beautiful bean curd, grapefruit candy still had a lot of to be able to be unable to call to mind partly temporarily etc, remember later will complement again

10, always does the city arrive on the west always does city north have many far?

Public transportation circuitry: 26, whole journey makes an appointment with 10.7 kilometers

1, Cong Yongzhou railway station makes an appointment with 510 meters on foot, arrive always city new railway station

2, take 26, through 9 stations, arrive always city car north stands

3, make an appointment with 120 meters on foot, arrive always state depot

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 10.2 kilometers

Start: Always city railway station

1. sets out from direction of start Xiang Zhengdong, travel 170 meters, right-hand rotation

2. travel 210 meters, right-hand rotation enters Xiao Xiang highway

Travel of highway of 3. edge Xiao Xiang 180 meters, left-hand rotation enters coral grade

Travel of road of 4. edge coral 2.3 kilometers, over- on the right side of 100 million too electric equipment always state total representative is integrated and wholesale about 320 rice hind, west the front turns enter phoenix grade

Travel of road of 5. edge phoenix 640 meters, too left long grand edifice makes an appointment with 140 rice hind, straight travel enters clear bridge grade

Travel of road of 6. edge clear bridge 1.9 kilometers, left-hand rotation enters Hunan Jiang Donglu

Travel of Jiang Donglu of 7. edge Hunan 3 kilometers, straight travel enters Hunan Jiang Donglu

Travel of Jiang Donglu of 8. edge Hunan 570 meters, in the 2nd exit, chao Yongzhou station / 0 hill airport / always city highway / orientation of 0 hill division, enter Hunan Jiang Donglu sunwise a bit

Travel of Jiang Donglu of 9. edge Hunan 630 meters, left rear turn

10. travel 40 meters, arrive at terminus

Terminal: Always state depot
