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世界十大顶级品牌 一、 永远的经典--夏奈尔 (GabrielleChanel) 有人说:拥有“夏奈尔”,一直是这个世纪女人的美丽梦想。有人说:在世纪末的今天,还有哪个品牌能得到一家三代:祖母、母亲、孙女的同时钟爱,那首先是“夏奈尔”…… 二、 Louis Vuitton:典雅巴黎气质 如果去法国,除了要到著名的巴黎圣母院,大多数人还会在路易威登的旗帜店前驻足浏览。LV一百五十年来崇尚精致、品质、舒适的“旅行哲学”,以旅行箱起家的Louis Vuitton,获得了众多尊贵人士的追捧与爱戴…… 三、 Dior:法国时装文化的最高精神 Dior, 在法语中 意味“上帝”与“金子”的组合,淋漓尽致地表达了现代女性的追求—— 性感自信,激情活力,时尚魅惑!1946年创立于巴黎Dior女装是华丽优雅的典范,从好莱坞明星英格丽??褒曼…… 四、 Versace:意大利时尚帝国 范思哲以自己的名字命名了他的品牌,品牌标志是希腊神话中的蛇发女妖玛杜莎,她代表着致命的吸引力!范思哲一生都在追求这种美的震慑力,作品中总是蕴藏着极度的完美以至濒临灭绝的强烈张力…… 五、 Prada:时尚世界的传奇 Prada在近百年的发展过程中,通过致力于创造兼具经典色彩和创新精神的时尚理念,成为享誉世界的传奇品牌。Prada产品所体现的价值一直被视为日常生活中的非凡享受…… 六、 Burberry:浓烈的英伦色彩 带有浓烈英伦色彩之Burberry,将经典格纹融入饰品设计,古典传统之余更释放摩登炙热!自从搭上品牌年轻化的列车后,如今的Burberry成功的赋予格纹新表情 …… 七、 Kenzo:清新而渊长的东方之风 世界时装舞台,一直为鼻挺目深的欧美人所垄断。曾几何时,来自东方岛国——日本的设计师高田贤三(TAKADA KENZO)带着一点神秘,一点莫测,更带着震世的惊叹站到了这个舞台的中央…… 八、 Givenchy:国际时尚巨人 当你在脑海中浮现出奥黛丽.赫本优雅清丽的身影时,你可知在那个经典的形象背后,有一位为她度身设计形象四十余年的著名设计师——纪梵希.1 952年时装设计师Givenchy在巴黎创立了以自己姓氏命名的时装店…… 九、 Valentino:永恒的优雅惊叹号 无论何时,无论何地,VALENTINO始终是奢华、优雅的曼妙化身,洋溢着梦幻般的视觉隐喻,一经融入平和的现实生活,便幻化为个人感官与社会情绪的完美统一,四十多年来,她传播着成千上万消费者心中的梦想…… 十、 Hugo Boss:优雅的德式风格 HUGO BOSS所诠释的男性精神,已经为全球高尚的男性所肯定.HUGO BOSS以精致专业著名.HUGO BOSS款式得体,优雅而不论俏,也正如HUGO BOSS的经营理念:"We manufac ture the professional look for managers一样……


10 old top class brands of world one, forever classical- - Xianaier (GabrielleChanel) someone says: Have " Xianaier " , it is the beautiful dream of this century woman all the time. Someone says: Of alive discipline end today, still which brand can get a 3 generation: Grandmother, mother, granddaughter while dote on, is that above all " Xianaier " ... 2, Louis Vuitton: ? If? of  of beetle of urinate cruel massacre goes France, besides want famous Parisian goddess courtyard, most person still can be before flag store of Luyiweideng stop browse. LV150 year will advocate delicate, character, comfortable " viatic philosophy " , with the Louis Vuitton of viatic box build up, won numerous and exalted public figure chase after hold in both hands with love and esteem... 3, Dior: ? ü  fraud unplugs act  mires Gang whoop  ?Dior, in the imply in French " sacred " with " gold " combination, the pursuit that the earth's surface of incisively and vividly amounted to modern woman -- sex appeal is self-confident, passionate vigor, be puzzled of fashionable evil spirit! Founded 1946 the example that at Paris Dior daughter is installed is luxuriant grace, from Hollywood star Ying Geli? ? Honour graceful... 4, Versace: ? Fan Saizhe of? of Ling of instrument of low of Xun exhaust  named his brand with his name, brand mark is the anguine hair succubus in Greek mythology Madusha, she is representing fatal attraction! Fan Saizhe is seeking this kind of beautiful awe power all one's life, is contain always in work the strong pulling force that the perfect down to with exceeding move is close to eradicating... 5, Prada: ? Low Xing billows bands Mu  ?Prada is in the development process of nearly hundred years, the fashionable concept that has classical colour and innovation mind through devoting oneself to creation to hold concurrently, make the legend brand that is famous in the world. Is the value that Prada product place reflects regarded as daily life to be enjoyed mediumly extremely all the time... 6, Burberry: ?  course of study flinchs? of ⒙ consult  contains the Burberry of colour of powerful Ying Lun, grain of will classic case is blended in adorn taste a design, of classical tradition more release fashionable broil heat! Since take top grade card young after the train that change, does the Burberry nowadays gift successfully case grain new expression... 7, Kenzo: ? さ of ǔ of Xiao dew  mu universal time of? of  street  holds stage, hold out eye for bazoo all the time forestall of deep Euramerican person place. Before long, come from Oriental insularity -- stylist tall Tian Xiansan of Japan (TAKADA KENZO) is taking a bit mystery, not measured, more did the exclaim station that leading shake life arrive in the center of this scenic... 8, Givenchy: ? ? of Yi of core of  comfortable low becomes you to reveal Ao Daili in the float in brain. Hertz when this form of elegant Qing Li, you are knowable in that classical figure backside, the famous stylist that one spends a body to design form more than 40 years for her -- does Ji Fan hope is outfit stylist Givenchy in.1 952 when year the fashionable dress inn that Paris founded to name with him surname... 9, Valentino: ? Basket astounded flinchs? of contest of betray bang  whenever, no matter He De, VALENTINO is costly from beginning to end, elegant lithe and graceful and reincarnate, be permeated with the visual metaphor like dream, once blend in gentle real life, of sense organ of individual of unreal melt into and social mood perfect and unified, come more than 40 years, is she travelling by tens of thousands the dream in consumer heart... 10, Hugo Boss: ? The male spirit that place of?HUGO BOSS of tuft of any of several hot spice plants of rate of betray Nuo male explains, had been the male place with exalted whole world to affirm.HUGO BOSS with delicate major design of famous.HUGO BOSS is appropriate, elegant and no matter spruce, also the management concept of HUGO BOSS of no less than:" We Manufac Ture The Professional Look For Managers is same...
