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时尚大妈的穿搭技巧? 丝袜配凉鞋,不是大妈的时尚吗?英文双语对照


时尚大妈的穿搭技巧? 丝袜配凉鞋,不是大妈的时尚吗?英文双语对照








大妈还是那个见过世面 ,百毒不侵的样子 ,可别小瞧了 。

大妈厉害 ,年轻人比不了 。

中老年妇女在生活方式上非常节俭 ,比我们年轻人厉害 。比如说一遇到某个超市大削价或者大清仓 , 超市还没有开门 很多老太太家庭主妇就已经等在门口了 ,只要一开门 ,你想要买的基本上都已经抢光了 。所以说, 不要小瞧大妈 ,大妈的潜能是你无法想象的 。


答:一定要配黑色的 有一种神秘又高贵的气质 而且很性感 其次是灰色的 深灰 银灰 浅灰都可以 最好不要是其他颜色的 不然会很扎 很土




































Of fashionable aunt wear take skill?

Can include the following: Stress individual character: Vogue is pursuit tide not just, it is to show individual character more. Choose those to be able to highlight the dress from personal style and characteristic, let wear take the way that makes expressive ego. Pay attention to character: Invest the fundamental sheet with a few good quality to taste, be like the dress with high grade fabrics and superior cut out unwanted material. Pay attention to detail and simple sense, make whole is worn build provide more savour. Use color: Bold attempt all sorts of color, but the harmonious sex that should notice collocation. Can choose a Technicolor to increase vigor, perhaps apply low-key tonal show grace. Collocation act the role ofing tastes: Act the role of suitably article can feel whole wear build add cent many. Catenary of the necklace that chooses to suit oneself, hand, dangler, the attention does not want too trival, stress 9 focal points can. The attention is formfitting degree: Of the dress formfitting it is very important to spend, too big or too small dress can affect integral result. Choose formfitting clothings to be able to show the figure advantage that gives his. Try new style: Do not want confine to build pattern at be being worn traditionally, be brave in to try new style and tide, but the age that wants him tie and identity have logical choice. Pay attention to easy measurable: Vogue also wants easy of give attention to two or morethings measurable, the choice suits his shoe and dress, ensure when to be being worn, feel homefelt. Keep self-confident: The most important is to want those who believe his to wear take an option, show out letter and elegant demeanour. Vogue is a kind of manner, no matter age size, can send out oneself glamour. In addition, the fashionable rich that fashionable aunt still can pay close attention to fashionable magazine, gregarious media to go up advocate, get from which inspiration and wear take a proposal. In the meantime, do not fear to try new thing, ceaseless exploration is worn with what discovery suits him build a style, make the window of fashionable bound.

Filar socks matchs sandal, the vogue that is an aunt?

The socks that wear silk can match sandal, but the pattern of sandal has a demand really. If the sandal of one word belt or piscine mouth shoe, do not suggest to match filar socks. Be in the tie-in design of shoe, just can match a fashionable feeling.

Why cannot the aunt wear vogue a bit?

One fat by accident lifelong, word coarse manages not coarse, move everyday next rise, next, look more in the life some good the thing of savoured clad collocation, buy the dress to buy some of basic money that has quality, fasten old of treasure of some Bao Mou, accomplish these to be able to promote 3 class roughly, at least a lot of went up of age in senile woman, can abandon because of the problem of the age dressing up, still can choose those aunt outfit silently to wear at the same time, tell the truth, such behavior has some of state that ego abandons really. Without giving thought to the woman of much old age, should not abandon vogue, because can let you look only so more old mannish just!

Is the aunt still table of your aunt article?

Aunt or that has seen world, the sample that 100 poison do not approach, can fasten small look.

The aunt is fierce, the youth is not compared.

Senile woman goes up in lifestyle in very economical, fiercer than our youth. Encounter big lower the price of a certain supermarket to perhaps check inventory greatly for example, the supermarket has not opened the door a lot of old ladies are housewife had waited in the doorway, want to open the door only, you want to buy basically had grabbed light. Say so, do not want small look aunt, the aunt's potential is you are unthinkable.

Shredded meat socks deserves to follow sandal high, be fashionable trend or 50 years old of aunts dress up?

Answer: Must match black have a kind of mystery high temperamental and very sexy the shallow ash of deep grey silver grey that is gray next is OK had better not be other facial expression meet otherwise very plunge into very earth

Are handsome aunt and money aunt distinguished?

Handsome aunt and money aunt are the door store that sells unripe delicacy, taste the flesh with dish fresh, cheap, close civilian wait for those who win common people reputably.

It is with money aunt exemple, it is B2B supplies chain industry constitutionally, those who earn is to join in cost + the intermediate price difference that deserves to send.

Money aunt opened a brand shop of the first pork low-keyly in Dongguan Chang'an in April 2012, become immediately " homebred in 0 lacquer " in that bright, conspicuous " pork is princely " .

Must say, the operator of money aunt is an outstanding psychological Great Master for certain.

Knead dough accumulates the market phase with broad, rich category to compare, shop is small the disease that is the inadequacy that money aunt brings from mother's womb originally, but money aunt is changed however decayed for magical, below the premise that supplies in set limit to, let consumer sense of reality be checked inventory the fluster before sales promotion, great the desire to buy that stimulated consumer looks.

End at present, money aunt is in city of Guangzhou, Fosan, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, benefit, Qing Dynasty is far wait for area to already owned store of nearly 1000 doors, now still with average everyday the rate of 1 door inn is rising.

The shop figure of money aunt never is gone after good-looking, but must quite conspicuous.

The goods category in money aunt inn is less, benefit at management.

Compare with market, the price of money aunt is a little expensive, but optional location leaves home closer, shopping environment should do realize than market much, think so, the price still can be accepted.

Finally, 0 inventory razzia market share, money aunt can say is the store giving birth to delicacy that controls best to loss.

Aunt another namer?

Aunt, point to the uncle's wife commonly, weigh auntie again, aunt. The aunt is the appellation of pair of a few big women. The aunt is a gay group normally, the senile woman that dances on square for instance, call square dance aunt.

Aunt net name?

The flower opens wealth and rank

The past follows wind

Beautiful beauty is unripe

Arrange its nature

Empty Gu Youlan

Flatly light

Years is static good

Chang Le of content with one's lot

Life is like a dream

Unrestrained and far -ranging

Parents is not vulgar, they are old only.

They had experienced so windy rain, do not hope children are experienced again, a lot of parents get online is to mix only child contact, see child friend circle what say again.

Parents retired, they want to catch up with on the network the footstep of children, but discover times development is too rapid, children also run too quickly, do not be willing to wait them a moment.

Why does money aunt call money the aunt?

Locate even if consume a crowd for their target with the aunt, the name is written down easily simply.

Money aunt held water 2012, it is banner of limited company of produce of aunt of Guangzhou city money inferior card. Through 9 years development of dovish operation, high speed already became what community gives birth to bright industry to get army brand. Ceng Huo is gotten " Guangdong interlinks an enterprise 50 strong " , " CCFA retail trade condition of industry of 10 big innovation " wait for special honour, and 2019 the bottom finishs the D of nearly 1 billion annulus financing.

As " do not sell of the previous night the meat " the trailblazer that the author of the concept and community give birth to Xian Liansuo brand, the standard of traditional industry giving birth to delicacy is combed afresh from new point of view namely at the beginning of money aunt holds water, have new definition to fleshy market. Pass attempt and test and verify " day is quiet " mode, and " time dozen fold " clear goods mechanism, fulfil sturdily not sale of of the previous night.

Money aunt, the name of good land, actually this ability is the life, tea of fuel sauce vinegar, real talent is happy.

Is your aunt your aunt provenance forever?

The essay of Mr. Zhao Benshan " yesterday today tomorrow "
