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单位名称 上汽通用汽车有限公司

组织机构代码 913100006073717485 组织机构代码证有效期 2027-05-15 人数规模 注册资金(万元)

所在区域省市 上海市 .市辖区 .浦东新区 资产总额(万元)

详细地址 邮编

单位性质 三资企业 单位行业 制造业 .汽车制造业

经济类型 【三资企业】中外合资 基层单位类型

单位网站 招聘主页

单位介绍 上汽通用汽车有限公司成立于1997年6月12日,由上海汽车集团股份有限公司、通用汽车公司共同出资组建而成。目前拥有浦东金桥、烟台东岳、沈阳北盛和武汉分公司四大生产基地,共9个整车生产厂、4个动力总成厂,是中国汽车工业的重要领军企业之一。坚持“以客户为中心、以市场为导向”的经营理念,上汽通用汽车不断打造优质的产品和服务,目前已拥有别克、雪佛兰、凯迪拉克三大品牌,覆盖了从高端豪华车到经济型轿车各梯度市场,以及MPV、SUV、混合动力和电动车等细分市场。 泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司(以下简称泛亚),泛亚汽车技术中心是上汽通用汽车的研发中心,承担中国区的整车平台研发以及Global项目的本地化。公司正全力向着“电动化,网联化,智能化,共享化”的方向迈进。车联网是汽车未来发展方向的重要一部分,Android系统越来越多的被应用于车联系统,它已经成为软件定义汽车的重要环节,泛亚经过20多年的发展,在产品研发、产品测试、质量掌控等方面积累了丰富的经验,建立了完善的业务体系;上汽通用在市场营销、精益制造、品牌打造等方面同样存在巨大的竞争优势,年产销超过2000万辆是全业务链体系的证明,是传统车企的壁垒,是我们的底蕴! 上汽通用汽车有限公司武汉分公司成立于2012年4月18日,位于湖北省武汉市江夏区,总占地面积约2.38平方公里,规划建设整车及小型发动机项目,于同年6月6日正式奠基。 整车一期项目总投资70亿人民币,规划产能为两班24万辆,可生产中小型车及SUV等产品,建设内容主要包括冲压、车身、油漆、总装四大车间及车体分配中心、公用动力中心、售后配件配送中心、高速试车跑道、整车发运中心、行政楼等配套设施。项目于2012年9月28日开工建设,2015年1月28日正式投产。2014年8月7日,总投资75亿人民币的整车二期项目签约,规划年产能为两班24万辆,可生产中小型传统和新能源轿车及SUV等产品,建设内容包含新建车身、油漆、总装车间,并扩建冲压车间和整车发运中心及其他辅助配套设施。项目计划于2017年上半年正式投产。 武汉分公司整车生产基地将采用当今世界先进工艺设备及国际高标准环保设施,移植和延伸上汽通用汽车世界一流的质量生产和质量管理体系,成为集精益化、敏捷化、柔性化、模块化于一体的绿色环保工厂,并可实现包括中小型车、SUV、新能源轿车等在内的多平台共线生产。此外,占地约2.8平方公里的零部件供应商和物流配套园区也与上汽通用汽车武汉分公司统一规划、同步设计、同步建设,同步投产, 将使上汽通用汽车武汉分公司拥有高效完善的产业链支持。建成后的上汽通用汽车武汉分公司在当地产业集群中将凸显龙头地位,并为区域经济增长带来更大的拉动与辐射作用。



Unit nominally steam general motors limited company

Scope of number of 2027-05-15 of period of efficacy of card of code of 913100006073717485 origanization construction registers origanization construction code capital (10 thousand yuan)

Place area saves city Shanghai. City area under administration. Total of capital of Pudong new developed area (10 thousand yuan)

Detailed address postcode

Unit property 3 endowment manufacturing industry of company unit industry. Automobile manufacturing industry

Economic kind [3 endowment enterprise] China and foreign countries is joint-stock basic unit type

Homepage of unit website invite applications for a job

General motors limited company established the steam on unit introduction on June 12, 1997, by company of Inc. of Shanghai automobile group, general motors collective and contributive establish and become. Have Pudong gold bridge, Yantai at present north of Dong Yue, Shenyang is filled and Wuhan branch base of 4 big production, in all 9 truckload plant of assembly of 4 manufacturer, motivation, be Chinese auto industry is heavy one of essentials army enterprises. Hold to " it is a center with the client, it is with the market oriented " management concept, general motors makes steam ceaselessly on high grade product and service, already had at present fasten gram, Xue Folan, Kaidilake 3 old brands, enclothed from high end luxurious car arrives economy car each gradient market, and the fractionize market such as MPV, SUV, mixture motivation and electric motor-car. Extensive inferior limited company of car technology center (the following abbreviation floats inferior) , extensive inferior car technology center is to go up steam the center of research and development of general motors, those who assume Chinese area is truckload this locality of platform research and development and Global project is changed. The company is being sided with with all one's strength " dynamoelectric change, net couplet is changed, intelligence is changed, share change " directional stride. Car couplet net is direction of car future development is important one part, android system more and more be applied at car couplet system, it has become software to define the important segment of the car, extensive inferior through 20 old development, in product research and development, product control of test, quality accuses to waited for a respect to accumulate rich experience, built perfect business system; On steam is general make in profit of market sale, seed, the brand is made wait for a respect to exist likewise huge competitive advantage, produce per year the proof that selling more than 20 million is system of whole business chain, it is the camp of traditional car look forward to, it is our details! Branch of Wuhan of general motors limited company established steam on April 18, 2012 on, be located in Hubei to visit area of summer of Wuhan city river, always cover an area of an area to make an appointment with 2.38 square kilometer, the plan and construction is truckload reach small-sized engine project, lay a foundation formally on June 6 at of the same age. Truckload first phase project always invests 7 billion RMB, the program is produced can be two 240 thousand, producible medium or small the product such as car and SUV, construction content basically includes the fittings after punch, automobile body, paint, general assembly reachs bodywork allocation center, public power center, carry out between 4 cart to deserve to send center, high speed test-drive track, truckload the establishment of form a complete set such as building of shipment center, administration. Project on September 28, 2012 start working is built, formal on January 28, 2015 put into production. On August 7, 2014, what always invest 7.5 billion RMB is truckload 2 period project autograph is made an appointment with, the program is produced per year can be two 240 thousand, producible medium or small the product such as tradition and car of new energy resources and SUV, construction content is included build workshop of automobile body, paint, general assembly, and extend punch workshop and truckload shipment center etc assists establishment of form a complete set. The project plans at formal first half of the year 2017 put into production. Wuhan branch is truckload manufacturing base will use installation of environmental protection of high level of current world advanced technological equipment and international, transplant and outspread on general motors world's top-ranking quality produces steam to run a system with quality, become market spirit profit to change, change adroitly, flexible change, modular the factory of green environmental protection at an organic whole, can come true include medium or small car of car, SUV, new energy resources the much platform that waits inside in all line production. In addition, the component supplier that covers an area of kilometer of about 2.8 square and content shed division of garden of form a complete set also with on branch of general motors Wuhan unites steam program, synchronous design, synchronous construction, synchronous put into production, will make go up branch of general motors Wuhan has steam efficient and perfect industrial catenary support. After building on branch of general motors Wuhan is in steam to highlight bibcock position when lieutenant general of landed trade group, bring for region economy growth bigger pull move with radiation action.


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