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1. 针对学习目标设计试题:试题应与学习目标紧密相关,能够全面评估学生对知识和技能的掌握情况。制定试题之前,教师需要明确学生应该达到的目标。

2. 确保试题的可靠性和有效性:试题应具备良好的信度和效度。信度指试题在不同时间和场合下的稳定性,效度指试题能够正确反映学生的实际水平。教师可以通过试题分析和统计方法来评估试题的质量。

3. 多样化试题形式:试题形式应多样化,包括选择题、解答题、应用题等,以便充分考察学生的不同能力和思维方式。

4. 合理设置试题难度:试题的难度应适中,既不能过于简单以至于无法区分学生水平,也不能过于困难以至于让学生望而却步。


1. 帮助学生理解知识点:通过提供详细答案,学生可以了解到问题的解决思路和相关的知识点,有助于他们更全面地理解学习内容。

2. 增加学习动力和目标导向:学生可以通过比对自己的答案与标准答案来评估自己的学习成果,从而激发学习的兴趣和动力。

3. 提供思考和讨论的素材:详细答案可以作为学生之间讨论和互动的素材,有助于促进思考和解决问题的能力的发展。






Pedagogic examination questions and answer are having crucial effect in the school work level that evaluates a student and ability respect. A good examination questions should check the student control to knowledge not only degree, the analysis that inspects them even thinks and solve the ability of the problem. In the meantime, offer detailed answer to be able to help a student understand intellectual dot to reconcile better problem train of thought. The article will discuss the effectiveness that how enhances course examination questions to offer detailed solution.

Enhance the effectiveness of examination questions

1.In the light of study the target designs examination questions: Examination questions should as close together as study target relevant, can evaluate the student control to knowledge and skill in the round circumstance. Before making examination questions, the teacher needs to make clear the goal that the student should achieve.

2.Ensure the dependability of examination questions and effectiveness: Examination questions should have favorable letter to spend spend with effect. The letter spends the stability that points to examination questions to fall in different time and circumstance, effect spends the actual level that shows examination questions can mirror a student correctly. The teacher can pass examination questions analysis and statistical method to assess the quality of examination questions.

3.Form of diversification examination questions: Examination questions form should diversification, include to choose answering question of problem, solution, exercise to wait, so that research different ability of the student and thinking way adequately.

4.Difficulty of reasonable setting examination questions: The difficulty of examination questions should moderate, so that cannot distinguish,cannot learn unripe level too simply already, so that allow a student,also cannot flinch hard too tiredly.

Offer the value of detailed answer

1.Help student understands knowledge to nod: Through offerring detailed solution, the settlement that the student can understand a problem train of thought and relevant intellectual point, conduce to them understanding of more comprehensive ground learns content.

2.Increase study motivation and target to direct: The student can pass the study positive result that evaluates his than coming to his answer and standard answer, invoke the interest of study and power thereby.

3.Provide the material that think and discusses: Detailed answer can serve as the material that discuss between the student and interacts, conduce to the development that promotes the capability that think and solves a problem.


Pedagogic examination questions and answer are in evaluate the effect with rising main on student learning positive result and stimulative student development. Offer detailed solution through making significant examination questions, can help a student understand intellectual dot to reconcile better problem train of thought, enhance study motivation and target to direct. Of the design that the teacher should pay attention to examination questions and answer explain, in order to increase study result of the student and capacity.

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