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中国宠物饲料产地? 宠物饲料销售要求?英文双语对照


中国宠物饲料产地? 宠物饲料销售要求?英文双语对照






1. 注册公司或个体工商户:如果你想以商业目的销售宠物饲料,你需要注册公司或个体工商户,并在相关部门进行登记备案。

2. 取得相关许可证件:根据国家法律法规,销售宠物饲料需要取得相应的营业执照、许可证等证件。你可以向当地工商行政管理局或其他相关部门咨询。

3. 选址:选择合适的销售地点,可以是商场、超市、宠物店等场所。

4. 了解市场需求:市场需求是决定宠物饲料销售的重要因素,需要了解宠物饲料市场的需求和趋势,以提供符合市场需求的产品。

5. 选择产品:选择优质的宠物饲料品牌,并选择与经销商合作,以获得更好的销售利润。

6. 定价:根据市场需求、产品品质、品牌知名度等多个因素定价,同时要考虑市场竞争。

7. 做好宣传:你需要做好广告和宣传,让顾客了解你的宠物饲料品牌、特色和优势,以提高品牌知名度和销量。





















1. 活体昆虫:青蛙喜欢吃活体昆虫,例如蚯蚓、蝌蚪、蚂蚱、蜗牛、蟋蟀等。可以在宠物商店购买或者自行捕捉一些适合的昆虫。

2. 冷冻饲料:如果没有合适的活体昆虫,也可以购买冷冻饲料。一些冷冻的昆虫或水生生物,比如冻干的蚯蚓、蜗牛、蟋蟀等,也是青蛙的合适饲料。

3. 鱼类和小虾:一些青蛙品种也食用小型的鱼类和虾类。可以选择提供一些适合大小的鱼片或者小对虾作为饲料。



















One, producing area of Chinese pet feed?

Crop of countrywide pet feed achieved eight hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred tons 2019, seven hundred and eighty-six thousand one hundred tons of photograph growth than 2018 10.8% . From the point of each district crop, crop of feed of countrywide implementation pet eight hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred tons, the whole nation has 10 to save crop of city pet feed to exceed 10000 tons, 3 save city crop to be in 100 thousand tons of above. Among them, 3 province crop be far ahead of Heibei, Shandong and Shanghai at other province city. Heibei province crop ranks the whole nation the first, produced pet feed in all 2019 four hundred and twenty-four thousand four hundred tons, hold proportion of countrywide feed crop 48.74% .

Crop of Shandong pet feed one hundred and nineteen thousand one hundred tons, occupy than 13.68% ; Shanghai crop one hundred and two thousand four hundred tons, occupy than 11.76% . 74.17% what rank crop of city of before 3 provinces to hold output of total pet feed.

2, does pet feed sell a demand?

If you want to sell pet feed, general need satisfies the following requirement:

1.Register a company or individual and industrial and commercial door: If you want to sell pet feed with commercial purpose, you need to register a company or individual and industrial and commercial door, undertake registering putting on record in relevant section.

2.Obtain relevant license certificate: According to state law code, sale pet feed needs to obtain the certificate such as corresponding business charter, licence. You can be versed in to place management board of commercial firm politics or other and relevant section seek advice.

3.Optional location: Select appropriate sale site, can be the place such as shop of bazaar, supermarket, pet.

4.Understand market demand: Market demand is the main factor that decides pet feed is sold, need knows the demand of pet feed market and climate, accord with the product of market demand in order to offer.

5.Select a product: Choose high grade pet feed brand, choose to cooperate with agency, in order to score better sale gain.

6.Fix a price: According to quality of market demand, product, brand famous degree wait for many elements price, want to consider market competition at the same time.

7.Make good conduct propaganda: You need to make good advertisement and conduct propaganda, let a client know your pet feed brand, characteristic and dominant position, in order to raise a brand famous spend and sales volume.

Those who need an attention is, pet feed market is intense compete, need knows market demand and climate ceaselessly, improve product quality and service standard continuously, can hold competitive dominant position in order to ensure in the market. In the meantime, you need to abide by a country relevant law laws and regulations, ensure oneself management behavior closes legally compasses.

3, how is pet feed entered row?

You want to produce the word of pet food, business charter opens office to manage, do certificate of a brand, begin to make a product.

Want to analyse market demand above all, see the market need what kind of product, locate again according to market demand oneself product direction. Also want to make good market survey at the same time, do what good cent sells channel to build, not be I had a product to just can have the market first, had the market to just can have a product first however.

4, does feed equipment produce manufacturer to rank?

2021 feed pop chart of 10 old brands

1, Kang Daer of city of Shenzhen of Kang Daer Kondarl (group) Inc. .

2, state ZHENGBANG nation group limited company.

3, intelligent Shandong Asia-Pacific is medium in Asia-Pacific intelligent group limited company.

4, big big (China) investment limited company.

5, new hope 6 with limited company of new hope group.

6, Inc. of big group of sea of Guangdong of sea big Haid.

7, greatly Beijing of boreal farming DBN is big Inc. of group of boreal farming science and technology.

8, limited company of group of new hope new hope.

9, Inc. of animal husbandry of abundant of standing grain of Liaoning of He Feng Wellhope.

10, rainbow Hunan rainbow science and technology develops Inc. .

5, how is box of ceremony of DNF pet feed gotten, does box of pet feed ceremony get methodological manual?

Open a box, the shop is bought also can be too expensive, some activities also send feed now

6, what feed does pet frog eat?

When raising frog, can choose a few more the following suitable feed:

1.Live body insect: Frog likes to eat live body insect, for example earthworm, tadpole, locust, snail, cricket. Can be bought in pet shop or catch a few suitable insects by oneself.

2.Refrigerant feed: If do not have appropriate live body insect, also can buy refrigerant feed. A few refrigerant insects or aquatic biology, for instance the earthworm of freeze-dry, snail, cricket, also be the appropriate feed of frog.

3.Fish and shrimp: Breed of a few frog also edible diminutive fish and shrimp kind. Can choose to offer a few slices of fish meat that fit bulk small perhaps prawn serves as feed.

Those who need an attention is, the frog of different breed differs somewhat to feed demand and digestible energy force, because this had better understand the dietary habit of the frog that you raise, provide the fodder that fits its sort and bulk. In addition, those who notice to maintain feed is fresh spend and wholesome, mix according to the appetite of frog reasonable control drops demand feed a volume, avoid excessive feed. Best method is advisory vet or the frog culturist that have experience, offer frog in order to ensure appropriate food.

7, pet feed clerk?

Pet feed sale is a clerk. Sell the grain ration of all sorts of pet. For instance feline food, dog food. Some are fragmentary sale is made in storefront, some need are away on official business run the market.

8, what does the feed of pet have?

The feed of pet can be divided for animal sex feed and plant sex beverage two kinds, general and both can mix feed had better. Because behavioral sex feed is digested daintily, easily, content of protein, vitamin is higher; Plant sex feed contains a lot ofcarbohydrate and vitamin, but fiber is qualitative more, avoid by all means slants eat slant hello. Common canine feed has fish, grandma, flesh, egg, dish, cereal and potted food to wait.

Milk products milk products also is goluptious food, what what lack is D of iron and vitamin, most dog has appetite very much to milk products, some still have resentment to this, cause have diarrhoea dysentery easily.

Flesh of animal meat animal is the most goluptious dog feed, join A of right amount calcium, phosphor, sulphur, vitamin, vitamin D, bone dust and hematic pink or birds kind splanchnic it is feed of spotless high grade dog.

Nutrient value of the fish is high, fishbone, cruelly oppress, fish bone almost all-round is digested to absorb by canine place, it is good canine food, get a dog greatly kind preference. But there is helminth more inside piscine body, should feed again after decoction.

Corn corn can regard a foundation as feed, amylaceous content is as high as 70% , 75% , can provide rich energy. Other camp nurturance separates on the low side, and use absorb also have difficulty quite, because this is made more,break feed cooked food to feed, when raise is fed, match with other feed more.

Egg chorion is very good calcic origin, feeder clam should feed chorion dolly mill to love dog again. The egg of purify chorion kind remain canine happy event to feed. But egg kind devoid vitamin C and carbohydrate.

Vegetable vegetable is unfavorable eat raw, but decoct is fried destroy precious B easily again a group of things with common features vitamin, should special hold good duration.

Potted food only meaning the potted food that makes for the dog basically uses fish, flesh and of all kinds product to make raw material is machined and become.

9, does pet feed develop prospect?

Pet feed develops or have prospect very much, because life of people material culture rose now, economic condition it may not be a bad idea, buy pet feed feed sanitation goes to the lavatory again.

10, the distinction of pet formula feed and pet premix?

Premix of pet of = of pet formula feed + albumen feed + energy feed.

Pet premix, also say core expects, basically be composition of additive of sex of small nutrition, function: Amino acid, vitamin, organic microelement, mineral additive, enzymatic preparation, beneficial gives birth to bacterium to wait. Core makings, lack protein, energy, so, need adds albumen feed (fish meal, beans dregses of rice etc) , energy feed (corn, bran, soya-bean oil) , became pet formula feed.

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