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为躲避气旋 雪龙号科考船驶入南大洋浮冰区(英语双语阅读)


为躲避气旋 雪龙号科考船驶入南大洋浮冰区(英语双语阅读)

China's research icebreaker Xuelong has entered a floating ice area in the Southern Ocean to avoid a cyclone. 为躲避气旋,中国科考破冰船“雪龙”号进入了南大洋浮冰区。 The ice area is located at 61.55 degrees south latitude and 110.37 east longitude. 该浮冰区位于南纬61度55分、东经110度37分。 Xuelong traveled between sheets of floating ice, with crushing noise heard when the bottom of the ship hit the ice. “雪龙”号穿行在一片片浮冰之间,当船底撞到冰面上时,发出了破碎的声音。 The ship has lowered its speed from 15 knots to 9 knots to relieve tremors. 为减轻船体的震动,船速由每小时15海里降至每小时9海里。

The icebreaker is now sailing along the edge of the ice field in order to avoid a cyclone, said First Mate Zhu Li, adding that although the floating ice will reduce the ship speed, it will also be able to alleviate threats posed by a strong weather system to navigating safety. 大副朱利表示,该破冰船正沿着浮冰区的边缘行进,以躲避一个气旋。他还补充说,虽然浮冰会减慢船舶行进速度,但也能够减少强天气系统对航行安全带来的威胁。 Xuelong will sail out of the floating ice area and into the wide Southern Ocean under favorable weather conditions, and is scheduled to reach the Zhongshan Station in Antarctica on November 30. 在有利的天气条件下,“雪龙”号将驶出浮冰区,进入开阔的南大洋海域,并预计于11月30日左右抵达南极中山站。 The icebreaker carried a research team set sail from Shanghai on November 2, beginning the country's 35th Antarctic expedition which will last 162 days and cover 37,000 nautical miles. 这艘搭载一个研究小组的破冰船于11月2日从上海启航,开启了我国第35次南极科考。此次考察将持续162天,总航程约3.7万海里。

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