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1、将墙面凹洞,用腻子填补,用刮刀整平墙面。2、丈量墙壁的尺寸,再以墙壁面积为基准丈量壁纸,要注意壁纸的长度,要比实际贴面上下多5Cm。3、接着将粉状壁纸胶加水调和一般壁纸以1:3调和,发泡壁纸以1:2调和,或使用不需调制的壁纸专用胶粘贴,滚筒刷沾调和过的壁纸专用胶均匀的刷在壁纸背面。4、接着将壁纸靠在墙上,以木柄刷由上往下、由边角往内贴,使壁纸整平。5、遇到电源开关或插座时,先将壁纸盖上然后用木柄刷刷平,再利用美工刀在上面以对角线画十字,用刮刀抵住开关的边缘,用美工刀顺势割去多余的部分。6、若遇到由印花壁纸衔接时,在两壁纸衔接处找到花纹一致位置,重叠贴上约12cm宽,待整张壁纸全部对齐后,用刮刀抵住,再将重叠部分用刀片割下即可。7、贴壁纸时要注意由上往下贴,若发现浮贴不匀的地方,可以用毛巾沾湿后,再以刮刀重新整平。8、最后处理门窗四周壁纸,方法和电源开关处的壁纸处理方法相同。9、壁纸粘贴完毕后,装回原有的装置即完成。(一) 阳角处壁纸的张贴第一步:用刮板小心地把壁纸贴上并跨过凸墙角,但不要贴住另一面墙。第二步:用手在凸墙角自上面下捋成摺痕,离凸墙2 .5cm由天花板到楼板画垂直线。第三步:用美工刀沿上述垂直线将壁纸切开,要以直尺引导。第四步:小心拉开余下的壁纸,把它放好在工作台上留待后用。第五步:用接缝压轮把外伸部分整平壁纸,上再加胶水在盖贴的壁纸上。第六步:盖贴的壁纸裱上去,拼好图案,用刮板刮平壁纸,用压轮压平。(二) 阴角处壁纸的张贴1、房屋没有沉降的阴角的处理第一步:从最后一幅壁纸的中心向凹墙角测量,再加上2.5cm,按此宽度裁出一段壁纸。第二步:贴上上述的一段壁纸,让它对准并连接最后贴的壁纸并在凹墙角上弄平整。第三步:用刮板上下刮动使外伸部分粘住墙壁,并把刮板上的胶水擦干挣。第四步:自凹角向外量出此段的宽度并加上5mm,在墙壁上做标记。第五步:在铅笔标记上放水平仪,检查是否真正垂直,并在盖贴的壁纸上涂布胶水。第六步:将盖贴好的壁纸外侧与垂直线对准,以此垂直线为准,裱贴房间余下的壁纸。2、房屋发生沉降的阴角的处理方法第一步:从最后一幅壁纸的中心向凹墙角测量,再加上2.5cm,按此宽度裁出一段壁纸。第二步:贴上上述的一段壁纸,让它对准并连接最后贴的壁纸并在凹墙角上弄平整。第三步:用刮板上下刮动使外伸部分粘住墙壁,并把刮板上的胶水擦干挣。第四步:将另一幅壁纸与前一幅壁纸重叠粘贴,对花壁纸对齐,并转向另一面墙。第五步:在阴角处将刮板的背面将阴角弄平整。注意:先用手慢慢将壁纸紧贴阴角,再次将刮板背面慢慢将阴角修平,不要用力以免弄伤壁纸。第六步:在距离阴角2mm处沿沿才刮板修好的摺痕,用直尺配合美工刀,从上到下切开。第七步:拿掉多余的壁纸,并用白毛巾或海绵擦去多余的胶水。





1, metope sunken hole, with be bored with child fill, rectify smooth metope with drawknife. 2, the dimension of measure wall, it is standard measure wallpaper with wall area again, want to notice the length of wallpaper, want to issue much 5Cm than sticking a face actually to go up. 3, then glue of will farinaceous wallpaper adds water harmonic and general wallpaper with 1: 3 harmonic, epispastic wallpaper with 1: 2 harmonic, or use the wallpaper that does not need modulation special glue is stickup, platen is brushed touch has mediated wallpaper special glue is brushed equably in wallpaper the reverse side. 4, rely on wallpaper on the wall then, brush with Mu Bing by on downward, by the edge horn is gone to inside stick, make wallpaper whole smooth. 5, when encountering mains switch or electrical outlet, will brush with Mu Bing next on wallpaper lid first brush smooth, knife of recycle art design above cross with diagonal, reach the edge of switch with drawknife, cut with take advantage of an opportunity of art design knife go spare part. 6, when if encounter,joining by printing wallpaper, join in two wallpaper place find decorative pattern consistent position, jackknife is affixed about 12cm is wide, wait for pieces of whole wallpaper to be opposite entirely neat hind, touch with drawknife, cut jackknife share with bit again below can. 7, should notice when paper by go up to be stuck downward, if discover float is stuck not the place of divide evenly, after can using towel bedew, rectify afresh with drawknife again smooth. 8, window of final processing door all around wallpaper, method and the wallpaper processing technique that mains switch handles are same. 9, wallpaper is stickup after ending, install original plant to be finished namely. (One) the paste of wallpaper of positive part part the first pace: Affix wallpaper carefully with scraper and had crossed protruding corner, but do not stick another wall. The 2nd pace: Be in with the hand protruding corner from above next rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers become fold, 2.5cm of wall leaving protruding draws perpendicular to floor by the ceiling. The 3rd pace: With edge of art design knife afore-mentioned perpendicular dissection wallpaper, want to guide with straightedge. The 4th pace: Pull open carefully the rest of wallpaper, leave its put away on workbench after waiting for, use. The 5th pace: With juncture drum outside extend a part to rectify smooth wallpaper, on the wallpaper that glue adds to be stuck in the lid again on. The 6th pace: The wallpaper back up that the lid sticks goes up, spell good design, with scraper strickle wallpaper, with drum planish. (2) the paste of wallpaper of shade part part 1, the processing of the shade horn that the building did not sedimentation the first pace: Measure to sunken corner from the center of last wallpaper, plus 2.5cm, reduce an one Duan Bi paper by this width. The 2nd pace: Stick a paragraph of wallpaper that before last narrates, let it aim and the wallpaper that join sticks finally gets level on sunken corner. The 3rd pace: Get on next blowing to move with scraper the share is extended outside making clingy wall, the glue that gets on scraper is wiped earn. The 4th pace: Give this paragraph width to add 5mm from reentrant and outward quantity, number is made on wall. The 5th pace: Gradienter is put on pencil mark, the examination is perpendicular, the Tu Bu on the wallpaper that sticks in the lid is sizy. The 6th pace: Stick the lid the side outside good wallpaper and perpendicular alignment, it is with this perpendicular accurate, back up sticks a room the rest of wallpaper. 2, the processing technique of the shade horn that building happening sedimentations the first pace: Measure to sunken corner from the center of last wallpaper, plus 2.5cm, reduce an one Duan Bi paper by this width. The 2nd pace: Stick a paragraph of wallpaper that before last narrates, let it aim and the wallpaper that join sticks finally gets level on sunken corner. The 3rd pace: Get on next blowing to move with scraper the share is extended outside making clingy wall, the glue that gets on scraper is wiped earn. The 4th pace: Overlap another wallpaper and a wallpaper stickup, neat to spending wallpaper to be opposite, change other one side to the wall. The 5th pace: The reverse side scraper is in to play shade role level off in shade horn. Attention: Use a hand first slowly wallpaper clingy shade horn, build scraper the reverse side shade part slowly again smooth, lest do,do not hurt wallpaper forcibly. The 6th pace: In the distance shade horn 2mm is in the fold that the edge fosters cordial relations between states along ability scraper, cooperate art design knife with straightedge, from the top down dissections. The 7th pace: Take off redundant wallpaper, obliterate with white towel or sponge redundant glue.


(2 dimension code identifies automatically)

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