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携宠物乘飞机,要出示宠物的检疫证明,并打好包装。按照有关规定,宠物不能与旅客同时登机进入客舱,也不能当作行李交运。   凡需要携带宠物的旅客,在办理乘机手续前,先要到机场货运部门为宠物办理货物托运手续,方可走货舱途径托运。  办理宠物托运手续要有县级(含县级)以上动物检疫部门出具的动物检疫证明书,并且托运时间在检疫证明的有效期内。此外,宠物的包装要符合标准要求,通常为铁制笼或木制笼。




新月宠物市场 地址:宽城区基隆北街1232号 营业时间:09:00-20:00 新月市场应该是长春最知名的狗市了,进门那一排店铺是卖宠物用品的,里面是卖宠物的,但是以宠物狗居多,主要是金毛斗牛柯基秋天和柴犬,好多大狗放在一个笼子里,据说早晨有狗市,人更多宠物也更多,想买狗的朋友可以早晨来看看。













One, which have Xiamen pet terminal market?

Xiamen Sm square

Xiamen pet market passes resource of dog of integrated Xiamen pet, offer dogginess personage a communication raise bestow favor on a result, study raises dog method, medical treatment of the collect pet knowledge that exchanges pet resource, pet, pet trades. Pet things, the party that bestow favor on friend is pet Eden of the center.

2, Xiamen pet market?

Pet market is in shop of pet of square of bright hair commerce a street, address: Before lotus of area of Xiamen city Siming road and road of fine standing grain are handed in on the west collect northeast side (station of BRT lotus slope gets off)

In bright hair commercial square has a lot of domestic pet shop to gather, more convenient, include Amite shop of pet of cat of pet supermarket, pig, still pet hospital gathers together together, if appear problem, can solve herein is very quickly, and be in this kind of place, can more convenient compare pair of prices and service.

3, which have Xiamen pet market?

Xiamen pet market is in shop of pet of square of bright hair commerce a street, address: Before lotus of area of Xiamen city Siming road and road of fine standing grain are handed in on the west collect northeast side (station of BRT lotus slope gets off)

In bright hair commercial square has a lot of domestic pet shop to gather, more convenient, include Amite shop of pet of cat of pet supermarket, pig, still pet hospital gathers together together, if appear problem, can solve herein is very quickly, and be in this kind of place, can more convenient compare pair of prices and service.

4, is Xiamen airport conduction pet consigned?

Carry pet by plane, want to produce the quarantine proof of pet, had hit pack. According to concerned regulation, pet cannot board the plane at the same time with the passenger enter cabin, also cannot regard as baggage makes use. Every needs to carry the passenger of pet, dealing with seize the opportunity before formalities, want to be pet to deal with goods to consign formalities to branch of airport freight transport first, just can walk along hold way to consign. Conduction pet consigns formalities to want to have prefectural class (the class that contain a county) branch of above animal quarantine issued animal quarantine certificate, inside the period of efficacy that and consign time proves in quarantine. In addition, of pet pack should accord with standard requirement, make for iron normally basket or ligneous basket.

5, Xiamen river head terminal market?

The biggest vegetable terminal market inside Xiamen island is terminal market of river head vegetable, the urban vegetable grower of basic periphery can unite dish carry here, the vegetable inside is low-cost, the very much store inside Xiamen island is to come here of replenish onr's stock, good and vegetable character is low-cost.

6, Changchun pet terminal market?

: of address of market of new moon pet? Crowded tall   " benzene?232 date business hours: 09:00-20:00 crescent market should be the dog city with the famousest Changchun, entering that one platoon store sell pet articles for use, pet sells inside, but be in the majority with pet dog, basically be Jin Maodou autumn of Niu Ke radical and bavin dog, good much big dog is put in a basket, have dog city in the morning allegedly, person more pet is more also, think the friend that buys a dog can look in the morning.

7, terminal market of eyebrow hill pet?

Market of pet of market of eyebrow hill careless city and too with terminal market of pet of new developed area it is normal pet terminal market.

Here OK and wholesale retail pet, and there is pet hospital inside the market can vaccination, it is convenient very.

8, Xi'an pet terminal market?

1. classics 2 (mouth of north of the road austral the park) pet market (now is the) of pet terminal market with the biggest Xi'an. Public transportation: ? Escape road of? of  ㄏ to fold, 37, 102, 227, 300, 313, 526, 708, 714, 717, below mouth of north of the road austral the park.


On the west road of Pisces of area of tower of the wild goose outside 3 annulus on the west market of Chao Cun pet (market of Yuan Qinmei pet / on the west) of market of Chao Xinqin beautiful flowers, every Tuesday and on Saturday. Can multiply 902, 908 arrive directly.

9, Nanchang pet terminal market?

Problem: Does Nanchang have pet terminal market? Have. 1. There are a lot of pet terminal markets in Nanchang city, be like: Terminal market waits fish of pet of market of market of water Youcheng pet, Li Jingchong content, Nanchang a moment, those who offer food of pet sale, pet and pet articles for use is wholesale and retail. 2. In the meantime, adopt as people of the consciousness of pet rise, the pet market of Nanchang also is in get developing, pet things sort also becomes richer and richer.

10, terminal market of Zhan Jiang pet?

Because Zhan Jiang is one is having,exist relatively the city of the pet market that develop, there are many pets market and pet hospital inside city. Among them the biggest pet terminal market is located in glow of Zhan Jiang city a mountainous area Kang Wenlu. In the meantime, the city near Zhan Jiang often also can arrive market of Zhan Jiang pet undertakes wholesale purchase, market scale is larger. Here, can buy include all sorts of pet such as dog, cat, rat, chelonian, bird to reach its relevant things and food. So, be existence.

上一篇:育儿嫂过年休几天? 中级育儿嫂和高级育儿嫂区别?英文双语对照