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那么小的兔子首先护理要加强,做好防寒保暖工作。 治疗方法可用青霉素20万~40万单位加复方氨基比林1~2毫升肌肉注射,每天2次,连用2~3天;也可口服扑热息痛片1粒,每天2次,连用3天。考虑到你家的兔子特别小,可以用婴儿用的感冒口服液,用三四天,按说明书上的服用,应该就差不多了。






一、鼠鼠感冒:1、一般表现:打喷嚏 、流鼻水 ,眼睛红肿 。

2、严重表现:会流眼泪,嗜睡 ,精神萎靡 ,四肢无力 ,体重减轻、拒绝进食和呼吸困难。

治疗: 吃几粒板蓝根泡水,一挖耳勺那么多水的量,泡差不多它一次能喝完的水。

熊类加量ps:鼠鼠自愈能力一般不错的,不会感冒很久二、鼠鼠过敏: 仓鼠也会过敏 ,而过敏的有些反应跟感冒很相似,例如打喷嚏、眼睛红肿等。


治疗:仓鼠的过敏很好治疗,只要找出过敏源 (例如垫料、粉尘、香味等)并去掉,仓鼠的过敏症状会在几日内很快缓解。






确定是感冒吗 还有什么症状?鹦鹉疾病不止感冒 注意保温 不要被冷风直接吹到 不要有大温差 晒晒太阳不能阳光直射 感冒 起因与症状: 主要因风寒造成, 近年研究亦发现可经由病毒引发。

病鸟出现精神萎靡不振, 呆立于栖木上, 呼吸急促, 羽毛逆立; 重病时鼻孔会被粘液阻塞而张嘴呼吸。防治的方法: 先将病鸟置于温暖的地方, 避免吹风。在病鸟的饲料内加入蛋黄粉, 在食水中加长效磺胺, 每10ml饮水中, 加1/10片, 一日换两次。如鼻孔塞了, 可用卫生纸搓成幼条, 通入鼻孔捻出粘液, 用纸条沾些植物油插入其鼻孔; 使其呼吸畅顺。肺炎 起因与症状: 患感冒后未注意保温和及时治疗, 或较长时间受风寒所侵袭, 都会使鸟儿患上肺炎。病鸟神情呆滞, 经常把头伸入翅膀下, 羽毛逆立; 其体型呈一圆球状。呼吸急促,身体随呼吸而起伏, 没有食欲; 死亡率高! 防治的方法: 尽量将病鸟移到温暖避光之处, 并注意替其病鸟保暖。滴喂25%葡萄糖水,每次0.5ml – 1ml 。在葡萄糖水中加入 2-4 mg 的土霉素, 一日两次, 连喂5天完成一个疗程。如及早发觉并作出治疗, 是可治愈的。这样可以么?













One, it what drug pet hare cold takes is good that what drug pet hare cold takes?

So small bunny nurses above all want to strengthen, had done defend work of cold heat preservation. Remedial method can use penicillin 400 thousand unit of 200 thousand ~ adds aminopyrine of medicine made of two or more ingredients 2 milliliter of 1 ~ intramuscular injection, everyday 2, use consecutively 2 ~ 3 days; Goluptious also take paracetamol piece 1, everyday 2, use consecutively 3 days. The bunny that considers your home is particularly small, the feeling rising head that can use with the baby serves juice, with 34 days, go up by the manual take, should about the same.

2, did pet dog catch a cold what to drug take?

Dog dog caught a cold, inchoate and OK dog giving a dog eats a few board La Gen, the attention does not eat adult patulin to dog dog. Have the dog of cough symptom, can add take licorice root of compound of profess to convinced piece, 3~4 piece, everyday 2. Cooperate 1~2 of aspirin of profess to convinced piece. Temperature exceeds 40 ℃ and usable solution heats up demulcent medicine, relatively commonly used have how painful calm, according to individual size hypodermic or milliliter of intramuscular injection 0.5~2, still can feed take medicine to be taken after being mixed with boiling water of the root of Chinese thorowax. Controlling infection also is very important, element of mildew of first selection penicillin, Lin Ke or Mo Xilin of A of profess to convinced. Counterpoise danger case of illness should infusion cure, can add penicillin, land with 10% dextrose fluid the vein drop such as C of Saimisong, vitamin is noted.

3, what drug does the cold take?

The cold is to have patulin thing of course later, because the type of the cold has a lot of, have cold, cold, wind heats up a cold, heat wet cold, still have a lot of complication, appear so after the cold, should look for doctor check to look up, treat the cold that is which kinds of type, it is virus still bacterial infection causes what infection causes, use corresponding medicaments to have treatment next.

4, what patulin does hamster cold eat?

One, rat rat catchs a cold: 1, average performance: Sneeze, shed snot, the eye is red.

2, serious expression: Can shed tear, be addicted to sleeps, spirit is dispirited, limply, it is lose weight, difficult to reject to take food and breathe.

Cure: Have water of a few bubble of bead board blue root, dig ear spoon so washy quantity, bubble is about the same the water that it can drink.

Rebuke kind of Ps: that increase an amount?  of vasting model of the Huaihe River of Cui of word of σ of bed cane miscellaneous  ancienting name for a water catltrop changes Yan of Gou Xin Ang hamster of? of  of Lian of  ⑹ bed also is met allergic, and allergic some reaction follow a cold very similar, for example sneeze, eye is red wait.

The account that allergic meeting produces is caused usually, the perfume flavour that still have even if fills up the fragrance of makings or person to go up causes the allergy of hamster possibly.

Remedial: ? ? of Lin of  of Yu of page of grey  of exhausted  of acute communicable diseases of cover of Xiong of Wei of  of qualitative Shan grave (fill up makings, dust, fragrance to wait for example) and take out, shape meets the allergy of hamster to alleviate inside a few days very quickly.

The cold of hamster is common particularly won't serious, medicine eats a few days can good. Take medicine commonly a week cannot of heal " cold " , be about to consider is allergic. Ps: ?  of cherry of crock of Piao of Di of Luo of buffalo gnat of dust  of act of Lu of  of Yan Jing of play of word astounded goody changes arrest?0 to look, 40 eye are OK, of my home is 60 eye, sieve cat is arenaceous. Sift next 9 won't have a problem.

There is some of so called big sign on the net, phoebe, general health, emerald green general this of what, do not make a demand, look at buy go, if wood chip makes mat material, hard to avoid has dust, little shop sign of big shop sign should sift health of rat wishing rat to put Prince of the Devils of hamster of a few pieces of oneself

5, what drug does hedgehog cold take?

Winter hedgehog needs winter sleep, if not hibernant, consequence appears full serious. In the home, temperature after all always reachs age impossibly many degrees 20 standard. If cough drivel, if you feel distressed,it sends vet the hospital immediately, oneself feed medicine, feed bad. The hedgehog that blesses you recovers at an early date!

6, what drug does parrot cold take?

Be a cold certainly what symptom to still have? More than cold notices parrot disease heat preservation is not blown directly by air cooling big difference in temperature does not bask cannot sunshine is point-blank cold origin and symptom: Basically cause because of chill, consider to also discover in recent years but by virus is caused.

Ill bird occurrence spirit is dejected, slow-witted stand to go up at perch, breath is hurried, feather goes against the nostril when establishing; to weigh disease to meet by mucous block ask for a favor breathes. The method of prevention and cure: First the place of warmth of park of will ill bird, avoid hair drier. Yoke white is joined inside the feed of ill bird, sulphamethoxypyridazine is added in feeding water, every 10ml waters in, add 1/10 piece, one day is changed twice. If nostril filled in, can become with bumf rub young, connect nostril to twist piece mucous, touch some of vegetable oil to insert its nostril; to make its breathe free to arrange with scrip. Pneumonic origin and symptom: Heat preservation and seasonable cure did not notice after head cold, or suffer chill place more for long to invade, can make bird suffers from on pneumonic. Ill bird expression is dull, often extend the head into wing to fall, feather is gone against establish; its bodily form to submit one pellet form. Breath is hurried, the body lets breath and rise and fall, tall without appetite; mortality! The method of prevention and cure: Move ill bird to avoid to warmth as far as possible smooth place, notice to replace heat preservation of its disease bird. Drop feed 25% grapes syrup, every time 1ml of 0.5ml –. The Terramycin of 2-4 Mg is joined in dextrose water, a day two, feed 5 days to complete a period of treatment repeatedly. If as soon as possible detects to make treatment, can cure. So OK?

7, what drug does cold n&v snuffle take?

Patient cold n&v snuffle, without special and effective treatment method, the physiotherapy moxibustion that can pass a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is tepid perhaps the method such as foot of bubble bath bubble alleviates, the method that also can adopt dietotherapy alleviates, to serious cold, and the patient with general poorer condition, the likelihood needs content of bane of disease-resistant of profess to convinced to alleviate symptom, the usage dosage of specific medicaments wants to issue application in the clinician's guidance.

8, what drug does cold expectoration take?

The word of cold expectoration, can diminish inflammation of profess to convinced relieves a cough expectorant medication, can capsule of amine of phenolic alkyl of ammonia of compound of profess to convinced, capsule of A Mo Xilin, licorice of medicine made of two or more ingredients piece cure, take medicine on time, average a week controls what can improve, can observe a few days, need not anxious, notice to drink water more these days, rest more, do not eat acrimony excitant food, had better be delicate food.

9, what drug does dog dog cold take?

1, take cold medicine to be taken after being mixed with boiling water, take half bags commonly enough, this property of a medicine is gentle, if excessive question is not big also.

2, the fluid of of all kinds profess to convinced that fights cold virus, one day takes 1, take 2 times everyday.

3, profess to convinced " Amoxilin " , the pet dog of 10 kilograms of weight eats 100 milligram left and right sides, press this scale, eat everyday 2 come 3 times, successive a week.

4, institute of American pet research is newest confirm, drink chicken broth to have surprise effect to treating a cold more.

10, what drug does chickling cold take?

You go seeking veterinary surgeon, good, obedient, if cannot find you to buy bit of penicillin needle to add,eat to chicken in feed, buy bit of cold clever grain again or board La Gen grain eats to chicken, roup should do not have a thing not badly,

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