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1. 潮流:指当前流行的服装、饰品、发型等设计风格。

2. 时尚:指长期以来被认为是高雅、优美的服装、饰品、发型等设计风格。

3. 经典:指具有长期影响力的服装、饰品、发型等设计风格。

4. 复古:指重新流行的过去某个时期的服装、饰品、发型等设计风格。

5. 街头时尚:指起源于街头文化的服装、饰品、发型等设计风格。

6. 高级定制:指为客户量身定制的高品质服装、饰品等设计作品。

7. 限量版:指生产数量有限的服装、饰品等设计作品。

8. 流行趋势:指未来一段时间内可能流行的服装、饰品、发型等设计风格。

9. 时尚设计师:指专门从事时尚设计工作的人。

10. 时尚杂志:指专门报道时尚新闻、推荐时尚产品的杂志。






  姓名 身份 地区

  王培沂 服装品牌ALEX WANG掌门人兼设计师 北京

  闫极晟 IDG资本消费品行业投资合伙人 北京

  邱光和 森马集团董事长 温州

  陈年 凡客诚品CEO 北京

  陈瑞麟 麒麟珠宝合伙创始人 香港

  张永力 同瑞服饰总裁 上海

  张奕龄王臻夫妇 鄂尔多斯服装有限公司董事长王林祥女婿、女儿 北京

  吴越 路威酩轩集团(LVMH)中国区总监 上海

  沈嘉伟 I.T服饰董事长 香港

  周永成 周生生集团总经理 香港

  郑志刚 周大福第三代继承人 香港

  姚君达 米兰站控股有限公司创始人 香港

  周绚文 菲利林合伙人 纽约

  夏华 依文企业集团董事长 北京

  高德康 (微博专栏) 波司登总裁 常熟

  盛百椒 百丽国际首席执行官 香港

  黄家强 Gucci大中华区总裁 香港

  黄晗跻 英皇钟表珠宝投资人 上海

  傅厚民 AFSO设计事务所创始人 香港

  萧婉仪 彩虹集团创始人 澳门

  曹颖慧 香港服饰业大亨曹其峰女儿 香港

  蒋志刚 九兴控股(行情,资讯,评论)创始人之一 香港

  蒋琼耳 爱马仕设计师 上海

  简雅汶 卡地亚中国区行政总裁 上海










费边查孔(Phoebe Philo)是英国一位非常著名的时尚设计师,她在时尚界的地位非常高。以下是她的一些主要成就和影响:1. 她曾于2008年至2018年担任法国品牌Céline的创意总监,期间将品牌的产值提高了数倍,并在时尚圈中赢得了无数赞誉和奖项。2. 她以极简主义的风格和强调功利性的设计著称,她的作品深受时尚人士和名流的喜爱。3. 她打破了传统的时尚模式,强调女性的实用与自由,提出了以“女性之眼”来设计的理念,使Céline成为女性们信赖的品牌。4. 她对于品牌VI设计的重视也让Céline的荣誉再也无人能及。她的每一次时装发布会都会有独具特色的展示,无论从印刷资料、造型到场景布置,都显示出她的高超设计能力。5. 她重新定义了“奢华”的概念,强调舒适与高质量的手工制作,并将这种理念传承至社交场合的衣着与搭配。总之,费边查孔在时尚界的地位无人能及,是一位备受敬仰的时尚设计师,她的理念和作品对于时尚界的发展和女性权益的提升都产生了深刻的影响。





奥斯卡,1999年8月17日生于民主刚果,身高182公分,体重80公斤,场上司职前锋,还可胜任中锋一职,是一名不可多得的前场多面攻击手,曾效力民主刚果新扎克足球俱乐部。 2018年7月11日,延边富德足球俱乐部官方宣布与奥斯卡(Taty Maritu Oscar)签订工作合同,这名即将年满19岁的民主刚果前锋正式加盟延边富德足球俱乐部,将身披25号战袍。


Can the Oscar of fashionable bound have many absolutely?

The Oscar of fashionable bound special absolutely, and it is very high praise with honor, the big Ga of fashionable bound and the award that amount to a person to be paid attention to very much, this indicative position in fashionable bound and fame.

Fashionable bound diction?

It is the diction with a few fashionable commonly used bounds below:

1.  Tide: The dress that points to current popularity, act the role of article, the design style such as hairstyle.

2.  Fashionable: Point to long-term since be considered as decorous, beautiful dress, adorn article, the design style such as hairstyle.

3.  Classical: Point to the dress that has long-term force, adorn article, the design style such as hairstyle.

4.  Restore ancient ways: The past that points to new popularity the dress of a certain period, act the role of article, the design style such as hairstyle.

5.  Street vogue: The dress that points to traceable street culture, act the role of article, the design style such as hairstyle.

6.  Advanced and custom-built: Point to measure a body for the client custom-built high quality dress, adorn article wait for design work.

7.  Edition of set limit to: The dress that shows manufacturing amount is limited, adorn article wait for design work.

8.  Popular trend: Point to future the may fashionable clothing inside period of time, adorn article, the design style such as hairstyle.

9.  Fashionable stylist: Point to the person that is engaged in fashionable design work technically.

10.  Fashionable magazine: Point to the news of special report vogue, magazine that recommends fashionable product.

These diction are the one part with fashionable commonly used bound only, fashionable bound still has a lot of other diction and term.

Position of Chinese fashionable group?

Inferior. Because be in international fashion group, of Chinese brand and stylist famous spend and influence is relatively minor, and the design train of thought of most China brand and style and international vogue market are put in bigger difference. Additional, the understanding of domestic most consumer to vogue and acknowledge still keep the level of outer watch and brand, lack real fashionable accomplishment and aesthetic capacity. But the ceaseless development as Chinese market, more and more international brands garrison China the market, and more and more China native land stylist also are in tide of vogue of active follow-up international, these elements all the promotion that hopeful drives.

Who does the person of Chinese fashionable bound have?

Global fashion group 25 Chinese " a list of names posted up is odd

Area of full name identity

Person of door of palm of ALEX WANG of brand of Wang Peiyi dress holds stylist Beijing concurrently

Industry of consumable of capital of Yan Jicheng IDG invests copartner Beijing

Qiu Guang and Wen Zhou of president of dark horse group

Age Fan Kecheng tastes CEO Beijing

Hong Kong of author of partnership of gem of Chen Ruilin kylin

Zhang Yongli is the same as Shanghai of lucky dress president

Er of another name for Hubei province of Wang Zhen of Zhang Yi age's couple is much this Beijing of son-in-law of Wang Linxiang of president of clothing limited company, daughter

Xuan Ji of Wu Yue Lu Weiming is round (Shanghai of chief inspector of LVMH) China area

Hong Kong of president of dress of Shen Jiawei I.T

Zhou Yongcheng week gives birth to Hong Kong of unripe group general manager

Great good fortune of Zheng records firm week Hong Kong of the 3rd acting heir

Yao Jun amounts to Milanese station to accuse a Hong Kong of limited company author

Week gorgeous article poors new York of benefit forest copartner

Xia Hua depends on Beijing of president of article industry group

Gao Dekang (small gain column) wave department ascends president Changshu

Cheng Baijiao 100 beautiful international are presiding apparitor Hong Kong

Hong Kong of president of division of big China of Huang Jiajiang Gucci

Huang Han ascends Ying Huangzhong expresses gem investor Shanghai

Fu Houmin AFSO designs office author Hong Kong

Macao of author of group of Xiao Wanyi rainbow

Hong Kong of Cao Jifeng of magnate of estate of dress of Cao bright Hong Kong's daughter

Jiang annals Gang Jiuxing accuses (prices, information, comment) one of author Hong Kong

Jiang fines jade ear loves Shanghai of stylist of equestrian be an official

Jian Yawen Kadeya Shanghai of Chinese CEO Ou

What does Jennie call in fashionable bound?

Sweet Nai close girl. Feline face belle.

Is the schoolgirl in the position of fashionable bound?

The woman is furniture no longer, review the popular way of 2015 annual, independent feminism just is real leading role, also be direction of influence vogue popularity most core spirit

Are there those professions in fashionable bound?

Editor, stylist, buy division of hand, modelling or cameraman. But this is the one fraction in whole industry only.

Individual modelling division, division of prospective individual modelling will not be confined to star, plute and tall canal, more and more people begin to have the demand of this respect.

Choose a net to buy as more and more people, job of professional opinion and individual formative also should appear in network market.

Does cost edge check position of aperture fashion group?

Aperture is checked by the side of cost (Phoebe Philo) it is England a very famous fashionable stylist, she is in the position of fashionable bound is very high. It is her a few main achievement and influence below: 1. She ever held the position of the originality chief inspector of Line of é of French brand C 2018 at coming 2008, increased the production value of the brand during multiple, won countless recognition and award in fashionable circle. 2. She with extremely the style of brief creed and stress manipulative design celebrated, her work gets of fashionable personage and distinguished personages love. 3. She broke traditional fashionable pattern, those who emphasize a woman is practical with freedom, put forward with " the female's eye " the concept that will design, make C é Line makes the brand that females trust. 4. The honor that the attention that she designs to brand VI also lets C é Line again unmanned also can reach. News briefing of her every time fashionable dress can have what have distinguishing feature alone reveal, no matter from presswork data, modelling is decorated to setting, show her excellent design ability. 5. Her redefine " costly " concept, emphasize comfortable make with the handiwork of high quality, reach inheritance of this kind of concept the dress of social situation and collocation. Anyhow, aperture is checked by the side of cost in the position of fashionable bound nobody can be reached, it is an equipment suffers revered fashionable stylist, her concept and work produced profound effect to the promotion of the development of fashionable bound and female rights and interests.

What meaning is fashionable bound Look?

Look is the tie-in meaning of a suit, namely the LOOK~ of a complete set of that the dress that you wear today comprised you

Is Oscar much taller?

Oscar 182 centimeters.

Oscar, was born at democratic Congo on August 17, 1999, height 182 centimeter, weight 80 kilograms, forward of field boss job, still can be competent center one duty, be a rare before field much surface atttacks a hand, ever effectiveness democracy Congo plunges into gram football club newly. On July 11, 2018, government of club of football of Yan Bianfu heart announces with Oscar (Taty Maritu Oscar) signs working contract, this be about to year full democratic Congo forward of 19 years old joins in formally club of football of Yan Bianfu heart, wrap around the body 25 battle gown.

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